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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. What is the JA++ version on the server? (check with japp_version)
  2. Conflicts are only natural if you've both modified similar areas in the same files. The best way to resolve them is with a merge tool, e.g. Meld
  3. DEAR FUTURE READERS: main site is up with latest links as of writing (10/11/15) Latest Windows builds for server and client Latest Mac 64bit build for server and client Drop these .zip files into /Users/username/Library/Application Support/OpenJK/japlus then unzip it. Should work fine assuming you're using OpenJK. I can't help for Steam or Aspyr copies, I don't know the directories and such. I also don't want to experiment with PK3s, bundles or installers for Mac because I'm not familiar with them. Compiled on Yosemite, no guarantee it will work for older versions. Latest Linux 32bit builds for server and client Latest Linux 64bit builds for server and client
  4. Disrepute cast(s/ed) a lot of TDM with Vor, specifically the European tournaments like ClanBase EuroCup.
  5. Either compile it yourself, or wait for my hectic schedule to cool down, which could take a month or so. I'm in-between houses, jobs and study at the moment.
  6. You shouldn't have to put it there. Where is it saying your "plugin" is undefined? On a JA+ server, I assume? For me, it just works. I place the PK3s in GameData/japlus and run openjk.x86.exe with +set fs_game "japlus" Depending on the error message given, it could be failing to load for a number of reasons (file not found, unable to extract, missing runtime library, OS not supported by the settings for that compile, etc)
  7. What you may be able to do is look into something like DynDNS, where you run a client on your computer (some routers also support it) which pings the DNS provider's site with your current IP details and updates the DNS records to point to your IP. There used to be a few good free services for this, but most have become paid services.
  8. If the game can read it, how can you tell that the malicious person trying to open it isn't "the game"? Encryption and security is very difficult, there are fundamental concepts that people overlook. The only thing you can do is make it difficult.
  9. Carmack ended up rewriting "Carmack's Reverse" to avoid those patent issues, so D3 source was released much earlier. Lawyer's don't care too much about it (i.e. they won't chase a non-profit when the technique is widely known) and we can just add a better shadowing method (i.e. actual shadow mapping, not shadow volumes)
  10. Yes, I've used levels + downscaling (to blur) and some contrast adjustments to create a crappy specular map.
  11. Figure out what mod causes the crash? =p
  12. If it crashes, then it's unrelated. It's an issue with a mod you have.
  13. openjk.x86.exe +set fs_homepath "." "." means "current directory" i.e. GameData. Assets are loaded from [fs_homepath|fs_basepath]/fs_game i.e. "GameData/base" then "C:/Users/name/Documents/My Games/OpenJK/base"
  14. It will load it from both directories, with priority given to the "homepath" aka fs_homepath cvar This means you can set the homepath to GameData (i.e. run with +set fs_homepath ".") to preserve the original behaviour of JA. Why can't you put a config in the mod folder? Are you talking about releasing a mod with a config that is automatically executed? It's not really a safe/suggested way to name it the same as the default config - I would recommend naming it something else, putting it in a PK3, and having your shortcut execute that config on startup. I think you're just misunderstanding the point of a "base" directory and a "homepath" directory, i.e. full multi-user support as it was on Linux/Mac before OpenJK. The base path should not be user-writeable, it should only contain the base assets/PK3s, it should be read-only. The homepath should be a user-writeable directory where configs and related data (demos, screenshots, etc) are stored. You can also put mods there if you wish.
  15. I'm scared, somebody hold me. Probs going to move JA++ to my VPS, or github.io and serve files from my VPS.
  16. ...I'm currently sporting 6 screens on my desk. Wat do?
  17. Gonna need more info. Do they work in retail JA? What shaders/textures are you using? Are you getting errors? Is nothing showing up? Is it crashing?
  18. 1. Don't need it 2. It belongs in a mod 3. It's not compatible with our (GPLv2) licence 4. PhysX isn't the only physics library around, it's not like we've been waiting for a physics library to be available, so it's weird to request it just because the source was released 5. It's not drag and drop, it requires a lot of coding to get it working Same goes for most requests like this (physics, cloth physics, photo-realistic rendering, DDoS protection, etc) - it's nice to have an idea, but there are plenty of things that make it impractical or impossible.
  19. You could set up a VPS for extremely cheap webhosting. Like $1/month from RamNode
  20. It's not a matter of the OS or system specs, he needs it compiled specifically for the ARM architecture. I've done some preliminary work on porting OpenJK to ARM (for Raspberry Pi) but only the dedicated servers works so far. It would need a slight renderer rewrite for the limited OpenGL ES feature set.
  21. Lack of coders, lack of animators, licence issues. Animations will be the hardest to recreate. Even CompJA was just using base animations to start with.
  22. I recommend a Linux tool called chntpasswd
  23. Store the last-message-recieved-time in a global variable. Every frame (i.e. JPLUA_EVENT_FRAME or whatever it is) check if the current time is ~2s after the last received time (and the last received time is not 0), and if so, send the message then set the last received time to 0 so it won't keep trying to resend.
  24. It's a battle of time / effort =[
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