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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Broken saber blocks? Do tell, because that code has not been modified and you can check the source code history to verify that. It is not any more broken than any other mod. I'm welcome to being proven wrong, though.
  2. I have to agree, JA++ isn't quite suitable for competitive play. Ideally I'd put more work into the CompJA project but as usual time/resource limitations. I'd recommend sticking to base_enhanced, jaPRO and OpenJK.
  3. Note: This is all from memory, but I believe the commands are correct. Download a merge program called Meld. Assuming you have a remote called upstream which points to OpenJK (forking on Github should do this, but I can't remember) Open a git prompt and type: git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/masterAssuming there are merge conflicts (i.e. you've modified the same line of code as someone else working on OpenJK) you will have to do a 2-way merge.Meld will open with 3 views. I can't quite remember which view is what, but it should be fairly obvious. Remember each merge will have rewound history to the point in time each commit happened. You want to merge your final changes into the middle file, and hit save. It may take you a few tries to get this working, but don't worry if you screw up a merge, you can do a hard-reset of history via: git reflog # to see which "ref" or "state" to revert to git reset --hard HEAD@{1}
  4. Sure, just let me set up my RPI again and I'll take note of the steps.
  5. I already got OpenJK's dedicated server compiling + running on RPi. Try compiling that. FWIW, (linux)jamp(ded) is the same codebase as the rest of the engine.
  6. Look for where GT_TEAM is defined, and add your gametype after that. I think it's bg_public.h You may also have to change some things where it converts that number into the string you see in the menus etc. Just search for e.g. "TFFA" or "Team ". This might be in bg_misc.c, but most of it will be in cgame/ui - a good exercise to learn how to search through code =p As for bases that you can capture, create a new entity type (look at g_spawn.c) with a "think" function that checks how many players are nearby. You could also make it a box trigger: touching it would add you to the list of "people trying to capture me" and your think function could check if they've left the trigger (triggers don't have a "left the trigger" event) Your think function will also have to check if the base has been fully captured, and add it to a global list of bases owned by team X. Then in g_main.c where it checks the exit/end-game rules, see if one team owns all the bases (or the enemy's reinforcements are depleted) ...I know this, because I once started a Battlefront II mod with @Didz ='D
  7. Also, make sure you're distributing "final" or "release" builds, not "debug"
  8. I would delete your build folder, then re-run CMake.
  9. GoDaddy is a notoriously bad company and has had several boycotts resulting in over 100,000 domains being transferred to other providers. I wouldn't use them, ever. They also have several sibling companies, identifiable by a gold star on their logo (tip from an ex-employee)
  10. Fuck. I wish I had more time to investigate. Try downloading the absolute latest "Visual C++ Runtime/Redistributable" from Microsoft.
  11. If you request it, they are legally required to post the source code thanks to the virus that is GPL.
  12. I recommend using this by @@ent for the reward icons. As for votes, I think I remember that issue being reported. I'm not sure why it happens, but I'll make sure it's on the issue list for future updates.
  13. JKE, the continuation of OJP which was disbanded, then OJP went on to make an "anniversary edition".
  14. japp_flipKick is a boolean value, so 0 or 1 I wish I could add command aliases like +grapple but I had to remove that when I added OpenJK support. At the moment, grapple is "+button12", jetpack is simply "jetpack"
  15. For the menu, you'd have to edit this file in cl_assets.pk3
  16. That menu is waaaaay too old for me to even look at =[
  17. By client code, do you mean the engine? If so, no, I did not have to modify that.
  18. japp_ammapAnyGametype allows admins to use ammap command on any map even if it's not supported by the current gametype. japp_allowLedgeGrab allows grabbing on to ledges you can't normally reach by jumping. It's activated by holding space and facing the ledge you want to grab - like a regular wall grab, but near the top of the wall.
  19. I think there were issues with non-square bounding boxes regarding prediction? or something, there are a few hacks around regarding bbox sizes
  20. It could indeed be XP support. I do plan on getting around to that at some point, but I think it's not going to be easy. I can't just use an older compiler, because I'm using features only supported by modern compilers. These modern compilers don't run on XP, so I have to tweak which windows features are available so it matches the XP feature set.
  21. That means the code for JA++ is not running, e.g. [sv/cl]_bins_win32.pk3
  22. Check the JA++ version on the server. As a client connected to the server, type "/aminfo all" in the console. As the server, in the dedicated server console, type "japp_version"
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