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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Working on a fix, hold tight. It's related to our new temporary file DLL extraction method, and Windows not behaving as expected.
  2. Raz0r

    JA++ Updates

    You could take a peek through the commit log, there's no summary yet.
  3. Raz0r

    JA++ Updates

    JA++ hasn't had a minimise command since 2013, you must have had an extremely old build, missing out on a lot of stuff ;o
  4. Raz0r

    JA++ Updates

    Are you using OpenJK?
  5. Raz0r

    JA++ Updates

    It's been a while since a Windows build was available on the site, so I made one just then. I can't guarantee XP support. Let me know if you have any issues, with exact error messages and your OS + version Download here
  6. Raz0r

    Lack of coders

    I've been very busy for a while and not in the best health. Ensi is much the same. Perhaps we need to break down the idea that only certain magical people have the ability to code. Literally anyone can learn.
  7. There is no auto-aim or recoil. cg_dynamicCrosshair is purely visual, and gives you a better idea of where your projectiles will land by ray casting from your eye position in your view direction (the same vector used for spawning projectiles) and mapping the resulting 3d coord to screen space. Without the dynamic crosshair, the crosshair is just painted in the middle of the screen. If you want to improve accuracy, your first three suggestions are spot on. Also look into the missile "pre-step", which fudges the starting position of the missile. Running the server at a higher framerate (sv_fps 40) will lead to better visuals, but affects other game behaviour to a small degree.
  8. No you can't, unless you're using redsaurus' mod. There's no such cvar in base or OpenJK. The movement in JOSP is the same as in JASP, except JASP halves your velocity each landing. Compared to MP in general, there is higher air acceleration so you can curve your movement a bit easier. Also a bunch of smaller changes like crouching behaviour. It's actually a lot of fun to play with, though it sometimes doesn't feel as tight/strict as I'd like.
  9. Yep, which steers people away because it's no longer SDA legitimate, even as another category. OpenJK-Speed exists for that, but there are still issues that prevent the active JA speedrunners from using it - I tried to make it automatically skip cutscenes, but I learnt there are some tricks that involve abusing cutscenes. I also need to set up a proper timer that works well across force speed/timescale and ignores time spent in cutscenes. Managing savegames better would be nice too, considering force point progression plays a major part in which route you take. I'm also the only programmer who's stepped up to work on any of that, and my time is extremely limited. I could be wrong, but either myself or ElementalGuard unofficially hold the current records for the OpenJK-Speed categories (any% segmented jedi master and any% single segment jedi master). I just haven't recorded it, but it's looking okay, my current route should be sub 30m
  10. Dynamic glow was added to bring it to feature parity with rd-vanilla, not to showcase the art. A better painted glow map would indeed improve it.
  11. If you're after better lighting quality, you should probably be fine-tuning q3map2 switches yourself. I've made some pretty good improvements to base maps by testing out various switches rather than Radiant's pre-defined ones. Lighting is always pretty expensive, but the more expensive operations are also documented as such.
  12. Yes, if you modify the CGame portion, you can totally customise it. I'm just explaining that unless you're using the CGame provided by OpenJK, pretty much no one will have this new underwater feature.
  13. There's no texture, it just fills the screen with blue at some level of transparency. It's entirely CGame code, nothing in the engine. There's also no way for the engine to selectively discard the colour fill. The main issue is, there are barely any mods based off OpenJK, and less that are kept up to date. I would expect 0-1 mods to adopt it. Things get worse if it relies on features only present in Rend2
  14. This changes with things like the Steam controller. Think of it as a well-engineered laptop trackpad. It won't beat a mouse for some crazier moves, but is multiple steps above an analog stick.
  15. No. I mean, the code would be available, but it would not automatically apply to all mods just from running the OpenJK engine.
  16. Specifically, it requires certain OpenGL extensions which were not supported by earlier cards. Another issue on top of this is that the list of supported extensions grew too large for JA (causing it to crash) so driver vendors added in a hack to only report certain extensions (potentially removing the extension that dynamic glow relies on) OpenJK fixes the crash, and the driver will report the full set of extensions. If it doesn't work on OpenJK, the only answer is: your card is too old to support this OpenGL extension. In some cases, though not generally advisable at all, it could be worth checking out an OpenGL wrapper (such as GLDirect) that implements the OpenGL extensions whilst using a Direct3D driver. This is usually implemented as an OpenGL DLL that sits next to JA's executable, so it will load this driver instead of the system driver.
  17. JAPhys would not have any code related to Rend2, totally doable =p
  18. I don't think there is any concept of buoyancy in JA, but Xycaleth has previously added it using ODE physics engine as part of JAPhys
  19. I think reviews are the best indicator of mod quality, regardless of how many mods that author has made. It works for everyone.
  20. Reducing gravity is not enough. You just need a CGame mod to remove/change that blue tint. Fortunately, I think CGame also has control over fog properties =]
  21. Do you mean an area light surface?
  22. You're asking for a mod, without being a mod. I don't get it. What do you want specifically?
  23. r_overbrightBits and r_mapOverbrightBits are different between Q3/JA, r_intensity can compensate sometimes. I think ioq3 rend2 has a gamma correction option too, somewhere. Perhaps if it's using sun shadows etc?
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