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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Pretty much, http://jkhub.org/topic/1669-how-to-boost-the-fps-in-jedi-academy/?p=19939 I'm sure I've explained it in detail in other places, but I can't seem to find these places
  2. Yes, and when I added OpenJK support I had to remove the bloom feature until it's added in a new renderer for OpenJK. I just haven't updated to menus to reflect that change.
  3. JA++ hasn't had bloom since I added OpenJK compatibility, because it relied on engine modifications. The menus are years out of date. Bloom would be best added in a new renderer for OpenJK
  4. There is no cvar to control it. It's hardcoded in cgame.
  5. r_znear 1 cg_drawScreenTints 1 cg_renderToTextureFX 1 cg_shadows 2 r_flares 1r_subdivisions is not related to r_simpleMipmapsr_subdivisions 1 will produce the highest quality curves. r_simpleMipmaps 0 doesn't have much of an effect, but it sounds logical to not use a "simple" approach to mipmapping if you're aiming for high quality. It will likely aid the effect of trilinear and anisotropic filtering. Even after looking at the code for r_lodCurveError, I'm not entirely sure what it does, or if a higher or lower value is better. I don't imagine it will look that different. Best way to check is comparing screenshots.
  6. Are you using OpenJK? It has more sane defaults for modern hardware, which improves visual quality. If so, try /cvar_restart; vid_restart If it goes to windowed mode: /r_fullscreen 1; r_mode -2
  7. Do you happen to have JA+ assets or code in the japlus folder too? Did anything automatically download when you tried connecting to a server?
  8. Yes, patching your hosts file to point to JKHub's master. Not sure why you wouldn't use OpenJK though.
  9. +5 to insight. There is something we can do. Does that feel better now? It goes down once or twice every year. This is not unusual or unjustified. Usually James Monroe, and we already have contacted him. More specifically, you can't deal with being unaware of any action being taken. That could be resolved by reading.
  10. Ohai. Yay for translations.
  11. I believe I tried this, but there was an issue because the text is centered, and it won't bump down the other text. You need a client-side mod to correct it visually. You can probably already hack up the BSP to insert a line-feed, then you won't need a server-side code mod.
  12. The guys responsible for it have already been contacted. Probably sorting things out on their end. It's run by Activision in conjunction with Ravensoft
  13. In JA++, I had to edit the UI code for that, not just the .menu file. It's probably not exactly the same as Slider's code, but it seems to work. JA+ is not related to JA++, and all of my (JA++) code is freely available (with revision history)
  14. Check ledge grab code in OJP/JA++ for end-climbing animations. Start climbing shouldn't need brush dimension info, just track the switch from normal movetype to ladder climbing.
  15. Try different values of japp_fixRoll. I believe 1 should work.
  16. Yep. That's essentially what I was going to do.
  17. I'll investigate tonight, the code looks like it should work, and it works fine on Linux.
  18. "Requested feature was omitted at compile time" almost always means you've saved a JPG as "progressive", which non-OpenJK clients don't support.
  19. Maybe upload your PK3 for people to inspect.
  20. C is much simpler than C++, C++ is essentially a superset of C.
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