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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. @@Kualan

    I have lots of materials (mostly pictures) made for our mod, and also a lot of texts, script and other material related to the project. Besides that I have a folder with my sketches on Star Wars, as well as an album with my comics and kind of encyclopedia with articles on characters, planets and other things. Some of these made it into DP and into Tales from the Clone Wars. =)


    Btw do you have sketches for the issues? Surely you could have made some notes much later with more experience instead of drawings, but I would like to see them, if there are any.


    Apart from the scripts where I write the dialogue for each issue, I don't have any notes or sketches to share I'm afraid. I do most of my concept work in the model viewers for JKA and EaW respectively. 


    EDIT: Preview removed as full issue now available.

    Sithani likes this
  2. I would really like to read a "Behind the scene" story. I mean, that you can tell us, how you came with the idea of making your own CW plot, what drove you into adding new planets, characters and yet in general follow the canon stories as well (though not always). What was difficult to make and what was the most favourite part in the process. For instance, what did you use for space battles, etc.


    You know, it's been so long I really can't remember how I first arrived at the idea to make the comic - or why I initially chose JKA as the means to do it. I've always loved writing, and always loved Star Wars, so putting the two together wasn't hard. If it wasn't this comic then I would probably be peppering some other forum elsewhere on the 'Net with written fanfiction! 


    In regards to new plots and characters I like to fill the gaps in the films with things I imagine might have happened, whilst still staying true to canon (or at least, the old canon - who knows what other changes will take place in the Disney era!). Sometimes this stretches plausibility slightly (a giant superweapon appearing above Coruscant in Volume Two is something that probably would have been mentioned!) but for each volume I ask myself a question and try to create a plot that answers it.


    So for Volume One, the question was 'Are all Jedi loyal to the Council?' - which led to the plot surrounding the Jedi Covenant trying to lure away the Chosen One.

    In Volume Two, the question was 'What if Obi-Wan was asked to take on a second Padawan?' - which led to the character of Zell becoming the lead.

    For Volume Three it was 'What role do other factions play in the Clone Wars?' - which led to a volume centered around Jedi spies, Mandalorians, Hutts and bounty hunters.

    The question that kickstarted Volume Four was 'How much do we really know about Mace Windu's backstory?'.


    The difficult part in earlier volumes was trying to show emotion in the characters. Since Volume Three, however, I've learned a few Photoshop tricks to help improve this and now it's (hopefully) far easier for readers to understand how a character is feeling. My favourite parts to make are always the battle scenes - they take forever, but are always worth it. Space battles are a particular favourite - I use ship models from Empire at War to create them.


    Hope that helps enlighten some of the history behind the comic for you @@NumberWan !

  3. Volume Four, Issue Five - Descent, Part One - is now uploaded to the site!





    I would rather take the period of 10 BBY - 10 ABY. KOTOR would require a lot of new models - species, new clothes, new droids, weapons, machines (landspeeders), new locations (a very different design for lamps, metallic panels, materials - quite often ignored by most users, showing Darth Malak in Imperial Star Destroyer - wrong! wrong! wrong! )))))


    Btw seeing the events of 19 BBY - 15 BBY is also a good point - still possible to use models from CW era.


    Yeah, that's why if I did do a TOR-era series it would be a single-volume miniseries, due to the limits on available assets. But a 'Dark Times' or 'Rebel Alliance' era series is the most likely :)

    Bek likes this
  4. how on earth do you find time for this? I only viewed a couple images/pages so I don't know if the dialogue is any good

    but without a doubt you have spend many painstaking hours photoshopping for this project.  Most impresive.


    I can't understate the power of motivation when it comes to a hobby like this. In the past I've knocked out three issues in a fortnight when I came to a part of the story I was really looking forward to seeing put on the page, and on other occasions there have been months between the last issue and the next (particularly in Volume Two, when I inadvertently wrote myself into a plothole and struggled to find a logical way to dig myself out of it).




    It's an often question, when you see a massive project made by a team, and moreover, when it was made by a single person. It applies to many things, which became iconic or survived long enough to be loved by its fans.


    I guess, it's imagination of @@Kualan and practice, as well as support of friends and fellow SW fans, which make him feel - "I can create another story".


    Now, that the Clone Wars are over, the Tales must be taking a move to its logical completion as well (anyways you can create new plot endlessly). I wonder, if Kualan plans to create new stories later - for instance set at the time of Galactic Civil War, and something like 40 BBY, or 70 BBY (the problem is in the models only, new droids will be needed, troops, etc).


    Yes, Volume Four is likely to be the last Tales From The Clone Wars for awhile (though never say never!). I was originally not going to make Volume Four at all, but instead launch a new series called Tales From The New Republic. However I opted away from that idea as, with Episode VII around the corner, we have no idea what the new canon galaxy is going to be like for the post-ROTJ era. I may make a Tales From The Rebel Alliance series, or perhaps a KOTOR-era miniseries or something between Volume Four and Episode VII however.

  5. I read the issue as well. I can't wait for the next part. I really like some scenes, and it's cool to see other planets revealed.

    Is there any article, which explains, when events of the comics take place (like 21 BBY or 20 BBY, etc)?


    No 'official' timeline, but I've aimed approximately to be based between Seasons 4 and 5 of The Clone Wars TV series.


    Preview cover for Issue Five:



    Bek, NumberWan and the_raven like this
  6. Well, i think a little list of character turns in my mind this night.

    maybe someone can be found interessing by community:

    1 Bail Organa

    2 Greedo?

    3 Dengar the bounty Hunter

    4 Zam Wessell

    5 Lobot

    6 Yuuzhan Vong

    7 Nil Spaar, EU lord of the Yevetha race of Koornatch ammass

    8 the Doctor Evazan, aka Doctor Death.

    9 Ponda Baba

    10 Max Rebo Band! :D

    11 Jabba

    12 Ackbar and the Moncal

    13 Porkins 

    14 Biggs Darklighter

    15 the great Wedge Antilles

    16 Otto von Bismark... ehmmm, rotfl... i want to tell: Admidar Ozzel :P

    17 Admiral Piett

    18 Admiral Needa

    19 Crix Madine

    20 Rieekar

    21 all cutie ewoks <3

    22 Gand bounty hunter

    23 a Quarren

    24 the Vraatix, the insectoid race that make the bacta fluid, of Thyferra.

    For now i not have other ideas of NEW models. :D


    The following already exist:


    1. Greedo (he's in the vanilla game...)

    2. Zam Wessel

    3. Lobot

    4. The Vong.

    5. Ponda Baba.

    6. Max Rebo.

    7. Jabba.

    8. Ackbar and the Mon Calamari.

    9. Porkins

    10. Biggs

    11. Wedge

    12. Madine

    13. Ewoks

    14. Gand (Zuckuss)


    In fact, as you can see, MOST of that list is already available.

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