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Everything posted by Kualan

  1. I don't know, it struck me as a little excessive even by those standards. But each to their own - might pop my head back in whenever they next put out an open invite to it.
  2. I ended up kicking myself out of the Discord a few weeks ago because about three-quarters of all the discussions taking place there were just baiting/trolling people. Has it improved at all now it's more established?
  3. I just tried to come up with a workable Donnie Yen head model in iClone but it's the first time I've used that software and the results were...less than good. @@dark_apprentice seems to know the software though, he might be able to come up with something.
  4. You're unlikely to get any better in the JKA engine since @@RevanKnight has used actual SWTOR textures/screenshots to make his. That's just what they look like in the JKA engine without all the bells-and-whistles that modern games like SWTOR have (when it comes to lighting, shaders, etc).
  5. I downloaded it and scaled it down to 0.75 and it seems about right. Other than the size this is a very faithful recreation. Great job.
  6. This pack has it: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2224-swtor-revan/
  7. Yet another Clone Wars character - the Jedi Temple's resident healer, Doctor Rig Nema. As with my Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee WIPs I've tried to adapt the character's show appearance into a slightly more 'realistic' style: That's probably it from me for the weekend now - going to burn out otherwise I think! Lots of stuff in the works, at any rate.
  8. It varies depending on mods being used, etc, but as I understand it on most servers only the admin can actually change the playermodel scale - you would need to contact them.
  9. Another offering from today - not wholly happy with this one as the textures are pretty low-res but I'll see what I can do to spruce them up once the model is finished: Once again, it's from the Clone Wars TV show:
  10. In-game cinematics would definitely be the most preferable way to go but, as I understand it, it takes a fair while to learn how to write the scripts for them. That said, I've seen an increasing number of people discussing making cinematics recently so maybe someone would be willing to write up a beginner's guider? Ha, I forgot about this guy. Might have to put him on the list... Various games and sources - most I modify further in Blender and they end up largely unrecognisable from their original source. Since the change in EULA allowing the free use of assets from pre-Disney Star Wars games, it's given me a lot more freedom to pick and choose parts too.
  11. Kualan


    Gosh darn it...thank you for pointing that out!
  12. That's really good Jeff!
  13. You're right on the source, but I didn't port the CS stuff - it's been floating around the 'net for awhile. And thanks for the comment on the comic! Pleased to hear you like it, the next issue has a TON of new kitbashes being made for it. A couple I did tonight are for the clones Corliss and Asher: Got a lot more custom models to do in the meantime - I don't usually make ones I do specifically for the comic available for download, but I would imagine some folks might interested in some of them as general purpose models so who knows?
  14. Fear not, the next issue shouldn't be far behind. It's a fairly action-heavy issue too, so I tend to get stuck in to making them a lot faster.
  15. Funny you should mention that, I did some more work on the Underworld Police today and the result looks even more like that picture: There's also a Balmorran Arms security officer as featured in the latest issue of Tales From The Clone Wars (though they're non-descript enough to serve as generic mercenaries): And the last of today's offerings is a concept model for a Republic 'special forces' style non-clone trooper:
  16. Appreciate it, but I won't be including the gun with any update to Dengar since it's from JKG and I've not made any edits to it.
  17. Kualan


    D'oh! Forgot to include some shaders - I have updated the file to correct this.
  18. Kualan


    @Circa - did it crash with OpenJK too?
  19. Actually scratch the previous post, forgot I'd already done all the work apart from the sounds that @@Seven provided. He has now been uploaded for approval.
  20. Kualan


    Version 1.1


    Torso Mesh - DT85 / Vade Parvis Head Mesh - DICE All meshes retextured and modified for JKA by Kualan Sound files by Seven (via Battlefront) This is a player model (with NPC support) of the bounty hunter Dengar. To install the model, simply extract the zzzzzDengar PK3 to the gamedata/base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. In-game, an allied NPC can be spawned with the console command 'npc spawn Dengar'. An enemy NPC can be spawned with the console command 'npc spawn DengarEnemy'. IMPORTANT NOTE: This model has been configured so that it should be possible to use without OpenJK being installed however if you run into errors using Dengar please consider trying it with OpenJK installed before reporting the issue.
  21. He's on his way - expect to see him submitted some time in the next day or two.
  22. Holy thread necromancy, Batman!
  23. New issue of Tales From The Clone Wars has been uploaded! : http://www.talesfromtheclonewars.net/

    1. Bek


      Woah that security force at the end would make a great replacement for the mercs in the vanilla game.

    2. Kualan


      I was thinking the same shortly after I made them!

  24. Issue Four of Volume Three is now uploaded in its entirety: Available HERE.
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