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Everything posted by Kualan

  1. Blue says someone takes up the request?
  2. Took a break from Cad Bane and put on some finishing touches for this potential update to my current Shaak Ti release:
  3. Heh, by coincidence both HoloNews One and other galactic media are going to feature in the next issue of Volume Five.
  4. Thanks Artemis, I'll give that a try later today.
  5. Just checked - they're in MBAssets3.pk3
  6. If I recall correctly, the full contents of the 'models/players/' folder in MB2 are spread over several .pk3s. So you need to go through FAMBModels.pk3, MB2Models.pk3 and probably several more to find everything.
  7. Off the top of my head, I don't believe so. I remember when that Sev'rance Tann panel needed to be made I contemplated putting together an Echuu Shen-Jon model but in the ended chickened out with a standard hooded Jedi seen from behind. NB: The Sev'rance Tann skin wasn't done by me, but alas I can not recall where I got it from. It might be on @@mrwonko 's backup of the old JK3Files site. The modding community is still going for SWGB? Dayum, I may have to fire up the old disc again. Heh, I remember re-doing Darth Vader's mission on Yavin IV over and over to try and ensure I finished with as large a curbstomp Imperial army as possible. If you're gonna crush rebels, you got to do it right.
  8. Woah, that sounds like a game-changing timesaver rather than the constant backup-export-Modview-import-retry cycle I'm in at the moment. Is there a way to automatically pose the bones based on a JKA animation .gla or do you pose them manually?
  9. If you separate them (as in cut them into separate meshes) and then weigh each part 100% to a different bone, they won't animate in sync with each other - they will tear like it has in your picture. The weights need to be joined so that the mesh deforms in the correct way. Your options are one of the following: 1. Rejoin the neck, and then use Face Select (or manual Weight Paint) to weigh part of it to cervical and part of it to cranium (Easiest Option) or 2. Leave the two meshes separate, but weigh a thin percentage (like 0.25) of vertices along the top of the neck to the cranium bone, and a thin percentage of vertices along the bottom of the head mesh to the cervical bone (creating a 'border' that passes into both meshes).
  10. Yeah I'm doing a lot of trial-and-error myself. There's definitely an art to it - and weighing someone like Bane with all his coat-tails and satchels and extra stuff is a farcry from weighing a skeleton-like frame like C-21 Highsinger's.
  11. Galactic Battlegrounds was the first Star Wars game I was ever truly obsessed with.
  12. I know @@Seven made a Cad Bane release, but today I tried my hand at putting together one of my own. Main difference is that I believe his comes from Clone Wars Adventures, whereas I've used the model from Republic Heroes due to its (slightly) more high-res textures hopefully giving the bounty hunter a better appearance in-game. This guy won't be released as quickly as Ventress or Bossk though as there is a LOT more fine-tuning on the weights to do.
  13. The BARC speeder was backed up, I believe (can't check at the moment, using my laptop not my PC) but I never did get around to remodelling it slightly so it synced better with the driver animations. Also, if I remember correctly, there were also some issues with getting it to run in-game without crases that I'll need to iron out. The Imperial Knight model was one that was made for the old Legacy RP server several years ago, and I know at the time the creator (Kel I believe his name was) was absolutely adamant that the model not be shared outside that community. I would like to respect that person's wishes but on the other hand the server is long-dead. If anyone knows of a way/can contact him to find out if he's cool with it, I'd be happy to share what I have.
  14. I forgot how many great creations were in this thread - can't wait for that pack release @@Jrue
  15. It will probably still deform a little - I don't know you could try. In my experience only the lower half of the neck should be weighed to cervical, not the whole neck.
  16. It will take longer, but it isn't too late - and it's also the only way to fix the bug. You'll just have to go through each piece and delete the 'cervical' bone in Vertex Groups - apart from pieces with form the lower half of the neck, in which case you remove the 'cranium' bone from Vertex Groups instead. Since you rigged it all to both cervical and cranium at 1.00, deleting the wrong one will automatically weigh it all to the correct one.
  17. Alas, the original .psd Photoshop work files for everything pre-Volume Five were lost in October when my old PC died a nasty death >_< Aye, maybe I'll move them to an 'Archive' page or something. Modview's facial expressions are a little limited, and the majority of player-made models aren't rigged for expressions anyway unfortunately. It's okay though, as of Volume Three I figured out some Photoshop techniques to introduce facial expression so it's only Volumes One and Two that have this issue (another reason I'm considering removing them from the main 'series').
  18. I'm actually considering removing Volumes One and Two from the site and starting the Tales From The Clone Wars series from Volume Three. I was looking back at those older issues today and they just look so dated and rusty compared to the more modern volumes. It would be a tough call since collectively the two volumes represent a huge amount of work hours, but I think it might be needed to give new visitors to the comic the best first impression.
  19. Thanks @@DTIII ! Hope you stick with it, the series definitely improves with each volume as the editing, writing and Photoshopping all get better the more practice I had at them.
  20. That's why it's bugging out - as I said in my previous post you must assign only the verts/faces along the lower-half of the neck to 'cervical' and the rest of the head to cranium.
  21. And what about the head itself?
  22. The eyes, mouth and head need to be weighed solely to the cranium bone (unless you wish to rig the face for expressions) and the lower half of the neck gets rigged to the cervical bone. From the pictures it looks like you've got one of them rigged to the wrong bone.
  23. Thoughts after Episode 1: + It's clear that lots of effort went into making this. + Nice to see Jaden/Zora's backstory developed a bit further back beyond what we heard about in the game. + Creative use of camera angles in the earlier scenes. + Ties well into other parts of the story already established in the game (e.g. Tavion securing the scepter on Commenor). - Voice acting. Probably won't be as big a deal later in the series when you can use the vanilla game's audio, but that Zabrak language and the auto-type dialogue was pretty harsh on the ears. Given the effort that went into other parts of producing the video, trying to get a VA or two might not have been a bad idea? I know the community is a little scarce on those though... - Plot question. Just minor things that jumped out at me on the first viewing (maybe I missed something though) - who is the guy who collects Zora? At first I thought he was associated with the Jedi Praxeum and that is why he was taking Zora away, but then later on it seems like the idea to take her to Luke (after she shows him the lightsaber) is occurring to him for the first time. And then he randomly shows up with the Scepter, so I assume he is the collector that Kyle mentions in the main game. But if so, why did he care about taking Zora in the first place? Maybe I'm missing the point and these questions are answered in a later episode? Overall it's a decent machinima that is well put-together given Jedi Academy's limited tools for the task, and I will check out the next episode to see where you take things.
  24. I'm downloading Episode 1 now and will leave some feedback for you afterwards - shame YouTube is such a dick and has gone trigger happy on some of the clips.
  25. Oh, if the starting figure was 1700 then yes that sounds about right. Didn't realise you were starting from such a high-poly model. Long story short - the model isn't designed to work on JKA engines so you're going to have to cut it down into little pieces.
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