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Everything posted by Kualan

  1. If that's the young Boba skin I'm thinking of, then Tim probably did create it himself because the thing looks like a mis-shapen potato monkey. I have a young Boba WIP somewhere. There's a screenshot in my WIP thread. Don't know when I'll get back to it.
  2. Lookin' good @@Jeff . Can't put my finger on who the lady on the left is though - help me out?
  3. @@Seven dealing with all these requests for updates...
  4. Wow, that's really impressive. Continuing to follow this thread with great interest.
  5. This is why YouTube tutorials (for whichever software you want to learn) are often the best. They show exactly what you need to click/do for every step. I know Blender also has a feature that displays every button press and key shortcut used which a lot of YouTube tutorials use - so even if the person commentating forgets to say "Then click CTRL + L" it stills shows up on the video. I don't know if SoftImage or any of the others have that feature, but I would imagine so.
  6. It's a practice that's discouraged, to put it lightly.
  7. Try taking it back to basics. Master the normal stuff like head-swapping two humanoid models, etc, then branch out to the different things like vehicles/importing non.glms etc. Once you have the basics mastered it becomes a lot easier to learn the rest because terms, references, directions make perfect sense to you by then. That's how I learned. When people skip ahead or brush past certain areas, I've noticed (and I include myself in this) you end up with a result that is never particularly good quality.
  8. Ah, yes. When importing a vehicle (or anything that doesn't use the default skeleton in the _humanoid folder) you need to set the custom .gla in the left hand side option panel on the import screen. Think you have to do the same when exporting too.
  9. When you want to weight something 100% to one bone it is literally a case of a few clicks. I'm not on my PC atm so can't see what a vehicle .glm's main bone is, but let's say it is called "body". 1. Import template vehicle .glm. 2. Delete any surfaces you don't need (you may want to do this at the end instead if there are tags - surfaces that begins with * - that are parented to the surfaces you want to delete, so you can reparent the tags to your new model surfaces instead before deleting the unneeded surfaces) 3. Import new vehicle .obj 4. Parent it into the .glm hierarchy (typically under stupidtriangle, but can vary) in the Object tab. 5. In the Object Data tab (separate to the Object tab), scroll down to the Vertex Groups. 6. Click the + sign to add a new bone to the vertex groups. 7. Double-click the new bone that appears and rename it to the main bone you want to weigh the mesh to (e.g. body or whatever it is) 8. Enter Edit Mode. Select all the mesh. 9. Under Vertex Groups, make sure the bar at the bottom is set to 1.0 (which means you're going to give it 100% weight) and then click Assign. 10. This adds 100% weight to the entire selected mesh. 11. Go to Modifiers. Add an 'Armature'. Make sure this armature is set to the skeleton_root of the .glm but do not click Apply. 12. If your new mesh is over 1000 verts (or, tbh, anywhere over 700) you should separate it into separate meshes. You won't need to reweigh them as they will retain their weights. That's just me running off the top of my head, may have forgotten some steps but I think that covers it. You can find tutorials or posts I've made before in the Modding Assistance subforum that cover import/export/kitbashing in Blender for more details.
  10. Well, probably fairly straightforward if you're not interested in the wings folding out. Just open an existing vehicle in Blender (e.g Z-95 Headhunter), delete the surfaces you don't need (be mindful that you don't throw out or delete any tags that are parented to them) then import the .obj and weigh the whole thing to whatever the main bone is in the vehicle skeleton (I think they only have one bone unless they have foldable wings or some other animated part, since the whole things moves together). You could fine-tune the process somewhat, but that would give you the 'cheap and quick' result.
  11. Tried several times, just not feasible without a custom-built model such as what the guys in the DF2 submod are doing for Gorc. I'm not really a fan of Rebels-era Maul, tbh. He seems like he'd be relatively easy for a new or first-time skinner to make from the models we have anyway. See above.
  12. Already got a WIP of these guys - https://jkhub.org/topic/4930-kualans-kitbash-workshop/?p=118333
  13. I think Maul's Mando's have been done somewhere on the Hub, and I think I released a Kenobi-in-Mando-armor in the Mega Pack in the first post. Should be straightforward enough for someone to change the .skin file on that kitbash and use the Mauldalore skin.
  14. A Skyrim/MMO-style open world flight simulator in the JKA engine? Do you want the short answer or the long answer? Short answer: No. Long answer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s
  15. Good faithful recreation. Nice work.
  16. Yeah, some characters (like Obi-Wan, Anakin, Dooku and even Ki-Adi-Mundi) already have such perfect renditions tailor-made to suit JKA's engine that I don't see much point in making ported versions of them. The ports always look too bland unless the diffuse/normal textures are appropriately blended anyway.
  17. The unweighted vertex error comes up during export because every vertex needs to be weighed to something. So for example, in that second Blender pic where the torso is only partially weighed to the thoracic bone, if you click on other bones in Vertex Group you'll see the rest of the vertices in that mesh are weighed to at least one of them. Use vanilla models as a guide for how best to distribute the weights across the different bones. As for removing weights, you can just select the relevant vertex in Edit Mode then click 'Remove' under Vertex Groups to remove any weights attached to it.
  18. That would be pretty sweet - damned if I can figure out where to start with such a unique-looking alien though.
  19. Have a look through this thread, I have WIPs of them that I think I released in a WIP Mega Pack.
  20. Unlikely. Jedi Academy is pretty limited in what it can do with hair/fur, etc. Would be a lot of work for a result that wouldn't be that much different to the vanilla Chewbacca.
  21. What I ended up doing this morning: First up is an updated Admiral Ackbar. I used the original JK2 model by Moooa as a base, but gave him an updated head from TFU and did some remodelling in Blender to give the admiral a more screen-accurate "humped" back. The original head model had a gaping-wide open mouth so I also make some adjustments to that: Second on today's projects is a cheap and easy kitbash. Another addition to the roster of galactic senators, Representative Binks: And lastly, the former Supreme Chancellor himself:
  22. I suppose you could give him something like CLASS_SABER_DROID as a template for the NPC file? They're immune to knockdown and, IIRC, don't use any acrobatics. That's presuming classes only dictate behaviour within any animation set and don't need to be tied to a particular animation list.
  23. I did start Satine's guards a long while ago but gave up pretty quickly. The police might be a bit easier...
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