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Everything posted by DarthValeria

  1. Started to practice after a month break time I think i'm getting better right?
  2. Working on Spark of Hope JA series

  3. Looks good , 5 stars
  4. Are they canon? from a book or a comic? I wonder
  5. Dont worry , they are small problem
  6. I didnt mean bad thing , i thought only admins can put answered here
  7. Problem has already been solved A guy from Movie Battles named Sweg helped me to solve those problems , it was because of my npc file , it was making my model buggy with those 3 problems i mentioned Now we fixed them together, I only need to study at weight paintings more to make it perfect
  8. Problem has been solved , you can put answered here
  9. Problem has been solved , you can put answered here
  10. Problem has been solved , you can put answered here
  11. Hey guys I have a few problem at my exported swtor models At saber stance or normal standing , it looks normal but It has problems at running , camera moving and weapon stancing 1- She runs faster than usual 2- It has problems at aiming 3- It has this problem, when i play a default character , camera and mouse moving are normal but when i ever play this model , it does inverted in SP and MP so weirdly Please help me to solve those problems Here's link of NPC and Blender files so you can take a look if you want http://www.mediafire.com/file/bplan19ap003hhw/NPC+Selyneth.pk3
  12. Can i use it on blender?
  13. Fixed it with your jelp Thanks man
  14. Greetings friends, i have been working on exporting swtor models and converting them into glm format I was studying to master it on models step by step, and then i finally managed to export it, very perfect But when i ever enter the game , i got this black things between the face and the head Please help me how to solve this problem
  15. Process for Spark of Hope Jedi Academy series
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS5R9mTrl2U
  17. This isnt my work
  18. Try to guess who this Inquisitor is? Someone from fall of lotus
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