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Status Updates posted by DarthValeria

  1. It is extremely hard to write lines of "Spark of Hope" even if script and summary are ready

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RJA


      I understand !

      I would like to develop a mod with a real story, one day.


      But my limit is my english level, too... casual to let me write something really deep.


      In my native langage I have written 12 novels, but in English, it's difficult to write even a script for a mod... 


      Good luck !

    3. DarthValeria


      I hope one day you can develop your own mod

      My suggestion about english is

      Watch series with english subtitles a lot

      And when playing a game , translate every word from your phone ^_^

      English isnt my mother language as well

      But in high school it really helped me a lot at learning english by watching english subtitle series ^_^

    4. RJA


      I've already made 4 mods, maybe the longest of Jedi Academy Single Player ! (Epic Challenge Mod II is 55 maps long !), but I'm trying to do my first english scripted mod...

  2. Order 66 / Jedi Academy Machinima Movie

  3. Fall of Lotus: Preview #4

  4. Heir to the Empire machinima

    1. TheWhitePhoenix
    2. Ramikad


      "At times and places where you expect them least." - Ben Kenobi, Heir to the Empire. :P

    3. DarthValeria
  5. Preparing "Fall of Lotus" A Star Wars Story

  6. Star Wars: Operation: Knightfall - Jedi Academy Machinima - Full Movie

  7. Making maps and Movies from Jedi Academy

    1. TheWhitePhoenix


      Always a great thing making movies (machinima) from this game. :D

    2. DarthValeria
  8. Still working on Spark of Hope series, progress is so slowly

    1. LukeJM28


      Keep on it bud you'll get there.
      ☺️ ☺️

  9. Working on Jedi Academy Machinima Series Spark of Hope

    Episode 10

    After episode 13 , it's time for season break time ^_^

    1. LukeJM28


      A little break always helps
      Keep up buddy.

  10. Preparing Jedi Academy Machinima Movie

  11. Operation: Knightfall scenes are finished. Now i can focus on Changing of the Guard scenes ^_^

    1. Nuhallis


      how exciting.


  12. Working on Operation: Knightfall and Changing of the Guard Machinimas ^_^

  13. Fall of Lotus: A Star Wars Story - Jedi Academy Machinima - Full Movie

  14. Darth Maul & Savage Oppress VS Darth Sidious | HD | Kotf 2.1 Machinima

  15. Working on Spark of Hope JA series

  16. Fall of Lotus: A Star Wars Story Teaser

  17. I already started shooting scenes for Spark of Hope Episode 1-5 as maps and script are ready

    Spark of Hope second trailer


  18. Spark of Hope - Preview #1


  19. Spark of Hope Season 1 Episode 1


  20. Spark of Hope: Season 1 Episode 2



  21. Spark of Hope: Season 1 Episode 3



  22. Spark of Hope: Season 1 Episode 4



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