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JC Denton of UNATCO

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Everything posted by JC Denton of UNATCO

  1. I do not see the option at all in settings
  2. The problem here is that it's AI upscaled, so allot of detail is lost because it's being done by what the AI sees and not what SOMEONE sees, therefore some grit and dirt on female Jaden's boots and the poors on Rosh's face are less detailed/less apparent now. It's okay to use AI, but next time try modifying the textures to keep that original look. So much is lost with only using AI, and that can be seen with the Scarface AI upscale mod and the HL2 AI upscale mod.
  3. I think it's mostly good but the rock textures, I feel, don't fit the original feel and look of the original ones.
  4. I really hate to ask, but because I am so impressed by this, will there ever be a version for Jedi Academy?
  5. That seems to be tied with the game code, or specifically, how Ghoul2 works. I don't think there's a way to change that currently.
    this is extremely helpful thank you
  6. Not really sure, but I know Movie Battles does something like that. Example: For there's a "projectile rifle" that causes bloody bullet hole wounds and I think maybe bloody caps too because it also severs limbs. I would probably ask the Movie Battles team about that.
  7. 1,217 downloads

    This mod comes with 3 cap variants that are supposed to look more violent than the default caps. Comes with three variants. V1 just my original cap with a new glow effect. V2 is supposed to look more like a real cauterized severed limb. V3 doesn't have the redish look of the lower layer (the flesh if you will), and instead has a dark, blackish sort of lower layer. It's intended for people who aren't a fan of the more violent look of V2. V1 is intended for those who like my original mod, and V2 is intended for those who really want that brutal look to the severed limbs. Installation Simply extract which PK3 you desire into Jedi Academy's base folder, located in the GameData directory. Original Version
  8. First and for most, sorry the late response. And secondly, I understand. Do forgive my ignorance.
  9. 867 downloads

    This mod is support to make the lightsaber caps a bit more violent/realistic. Installation Simply extract archive into JA's base folder. Also works with JK2
  10. If so, can someone please assist me in replacing them, or maybe someone can do it themselves?
  11. My mod, "Denton's Lightsaber Sound Mod" has been waiting for approval for 8 hours now. Is this normal? Is there something included in the file that shouldn't be there? If so, then what? It's just a sound mod. I'm very new to uploading mods here, so please forgive my ignorance.
  12. 539 downloads

    This mod is supposed to make lightsabers sound more impactful, and that's about it. I'm fairly certain it also works for JK2. DSOAL EAX IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR THIS MOD Guide on getting EAX working Installation Simply extract into Jedi Academy's base folder IF YOU LIKED THE MOD, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! FEEDBACK IN THE COMMENT SECTION WOULD ASLO HELP
  13. I would have to say "no". This would be just the right difficulty for tier 3, at least fighting the Sith enemies. Every other part of the level would be easy on any difficulty on any tier. You just have to use the speeder boost and you're basically fine until you have to fight the reborn.
  14. I did not change anything in the npc files. I changed weapons.dat. I doubled all the weapon damage that I could. Excluded weapons are the lightsaber and some npc exclusive weapons here and there like the Tusken rifle and staff, and some Jawa weapon that is 100% unused. It doesn't even have a model.
  15. 279 downloads

    Specials thanks to Dusty for the "Expanded Weapons.dat mod". Link here NOTE: You need OpenJK to play with this mod. Mod Features Most of all weapons have their damage doubled. Exclusions listed later. Centered weapons (bowcaster is a bit off-center, can't fix that) Annoying Hazard Troopers Worse Boba Fett fight Literal pain and suffering if you're playing on Jedi Master Installation Simply extract the file contents into Jedi Academy's base folder found in GameData Excluded Weapons WP_SABER (Lightsaber) WP_MELEE (Fists) WP_TUSKEN_STAFF (Tusken Staff) WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE (Tusken Rifle) WP_SCEPTER (The Scepter used by Tavion) WP_NOGHRI_STICK (The poison stick/rifle used by the Noghri)
  16. The Tatooine level is WAY too difficult for a Tier 2 level. It should be added to T3. Also, I'd gladly voice the Rebel who does the intros for these levels. I am experienced in voice acting. Add me on Discord, JoJo#2142, or message me here on JKHub.
  17. I'm not sure if this project is still active or not, but I'll glady be a random goon if there are still open slots for voice actors. I'm a guy, by the way.
  18. Oh... I feel stupid. No, I did not. I made a folder for OpenJK and I put the OpenJK files in that folder. I did that because I did not want any files to conflict with base JA. I fixed this issue by simply copying my Base folder to where I have OpenJK.
  19. ERROR MESSAGE: "Couldn't load default.cfg The crash log has been written to C:\users\mypc\Documents\My Games\OpenJK\crashlog-2020-09-12_22-43-20.txt" The message within that txt file is: OpenJK: v1.0.1.1 win_msvc-x86 Sep 7 2020 Initialising zone memory ..... ----- FS_Startup ----- Current search path: C:\Users\mypc\Documents\My Games\OpenJK\base F:\OpenJK\base ---------------------- 0 files in pk3 files Couldn't load default.cfg I don't know what's wrong, I have downloaded the latest version (Uploaded September 7th, 2020). I had OpenJK before. It did not function like this. It worked. I'm not sure what is wrong now. I hope the information I have listed was enough.
  20. Mine didn't come with rdsp-rendsaurus_x86.dll. What do I do?
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