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Everything posted by Droidy365

  1. Is it possible to add the shader from the original model to it? I think that would look great.
  2. Hey guys, we're currently recruiting modellers and mappers. It would be great if someone could make a playermodel for Kirito, too.
  3. Not sure if it's just me, but the video doesn't work :/
  4. Right now, I'm using an iPad to type this reply. However, I'm not using the mobile version.
  5. Although I have another issue: it seems to be changing me into a stormtrooper for some reason :/
  6. Ok, I solved the problem: Apparently I just had to add the line playermodel player To update it
  7. Hello there! I was working on an ingame saber selection menu inspired by the one in KotF, but the Apply button doesn't work in the way I'd like it to. I want it to work like it does in KotF - where the apply button instantly changes your lightsaber/s. Do any of the KotF devs know how I can fix this? Thanks
  8. I'm not sure what the issue is... In the video, I was moving my saber so that it would get in the way of his attack to block it. What NPC are you using? That could be another problem, as this mod is currently designed to be used against the reborn_duelist NPC.
  9. Wow, thank you so much mate! I may end up posting a version with bot support here later. I decided to make some spider gloves for his Rodian hands too.
  10. Without textures being messed up? Nope, sorry. There's nothing like that as far as I know. Of course, I could be wrong. If there is a way, I'd love to learn it.
  11. Anyone willing do do this? Even just the one Rodian head would do.
  12. A good start would probably be downloading this, if you haven't already. Put the .zip in your plugins folder. You aren't allowed to upload ports to the files section, but you can put links to a download in these forums. Be warned though, some people do frown upon ports.
  13. Reference pictures are always appreciated in Mod Requests
  14. It's hardcoded to spawn anything in the jedi_random.npc I think. I don't think you can do something like this without either replacing jedi_random or without coding. I do wish you could just add _random to an npc name to get that to work, though.
  15. IMO he looks good with a Green Saber.
  16. https://www.mediafire.com/file/gvb152kwv6b062v/DroidyMando.pk3/file Feel free to do whatever you want to it, add anything to the model. Have fun modellers!
  17. Behold: My crappy reskin! It's based on the Base JKA Boba Fett model.
  18. Very interesting how they based him on the Boba Fett seen in the Holiday Special. I can't make a custom model, but I'll see what else I can do.
  19. There was one made a while ago, but I wouldn't mind seeing a new model, or at least a reskin. For reference, this is what it looks like underneath the robe: I think there's also a model in Peneke Pack for MBII.
  20. prop_barrel { name prop_barrel type VH_ANIMAL numHands 2 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 136 width 24 height 40 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 waterProof 1 speedMax 500 speedMin -100 turboSpeed 800 turboDuration 3000 turboRecharge 8000 acceleration 10 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 0 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.006 turningSpeed 100 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.55 mass 200 armor 100.0 toughness 30.0 model toss_barrel riderAnim BOTH_VS_IDLE flammable 1 explodeFX "ships/swoop_explosion" cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 125 cameraVertOffset 0 cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 80 cameraAlpha 0 } All the others are the same, but with different models.
  21. By the way, it's probably worth mentioning that this is an addon for MBII, where you spawn as a vehicle. So it's fine if it's impossible to actually jump inside it too. At the moment, if you attempt to jump out, the vehicle will freeze in place and the player will be unable to move - certainly not something I want to happen.
  22. Thanks, but I don't think this will be very useful for what I'm trying to do. Prop Hunt is a multiplayer game-type, and I don't think the control command works in MP.
  23. Hello there! I was wondering how I could make it so that pressing jump while in a particular vehicle doesn't make the player jump out of it. This is for my Prop Hunt mod.
  24. I'm pretty sure .com is for sites looking to make a profit of some kind, anyway. I think .org works better for this site, as it's a non-profit organisation of sorts.
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