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Status Replies posted by Tempust85

  1. On a positive note the girl that was so difficult for me to read does like me! I'm getting lots o' kisses!

  2. Putting pancakes in my meatloaf tonight. Dont judge me.

  3. Hi. Still grinding away =)

  4. Dude.. Hoping to get my ARF trooper head weighed soon. It'll be my first time.

  5. Dude.. Hoping to get my ARF trooper head weighed soon. It'll be my first time.

  6. Dude.. Hoping to get my ARF trooper head weighed soon. It'll be my first time.

  7. Dude.. Hoping to get my ARF trooper head weighed soon. It'll be my first time.

  8. If anyone would like to help out in bringing Rend2 to SP, let me know. https://github.com/DT85/OpenDF2/tree/Rend2-SP-Full-Port

  9. I wonder how far I'll get trying to port Rend2 to SP *prepares to hide from a LOL amount of errors*

  10. I'm in love with Id Tech 5

  11. I'm glad everyone seems to love my Savage model so much :D

  12. Stole some code from "func_train" to make "misc_model_ghoul" do animation

  13. Stole some code from "func_train" to make "misc_model_ghoul" do animation

  14. Gais Gais! Is there a way to solve the motionsickness you get when your fov is 120, and a map has a skyportal area? :o

  15. Talking to love interests is....(insert your answer here)

  16. Who wants to know what my secret project is?

  17. Who wants to know what my secret project is?

  18. Who wants to know what my secret project is?

  19. Who wants to know what my secret project is?

  20. My PC hd died. Should I get a SSD over the conventional one?

  21. My PC hd died. Should I get a SSD over the conventional one?

  22. A few more days before I won't be on here as much for a while :D

  23. Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

  24. Ordered my GTX970 :D

  25. Hey the jkhub logo changed. Halloween?

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