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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Oooh. Why isn't this a tutorial?
  2. Futuza

    Stats & More

    Lol @ the "Gamefront doesn't work". Also USA you let me down, y u try to maliciously attack jkhub? Leave that to China please.
  3. Proof that nazi's had some things right I guess...
  4. A college campus. Pick any notable one in the US. Would likely turn out awesome.
  5. I thought this was a matter of Szico actually liking the murderous doors, not how to fix it.
  6. Is your jaspconfig.cfg read only?
  7. ^^A good example of a quality model we'd use is Hapslash's stormtrooper model.
  8. Well just in case you don't know about it. There's this for JKA: http://jkhub.org/files/file/242-jedi-academy-bonus-maps/ But you want JK2....
  9. So I guess this is solved then?
  10. Goodluck. Hope it succeeds, just fair warning, don't be surprised if this mod never gets off the ground. A Savage Opress model with npc files and sounds would be a reasonable starting ground before going elsewhere.
  11. More info from JKGalaxies! We are in desperate need of a new webmaster!
  12. Lol. Maybe y'all should just play a match of JKG against each other and whoever wins, gets to be right. That'll solve the argument, right? But yeah...I think this discussion would probably be better postponed until we can actually buy the things and compare them.
  13. @@eezstreet Should put up instructions of how to use github here?
  14. You know you have somewhat of a point though CryEngine3 is starting to get a little old, I know they are working on new stuff and wouldn't be surprised if they start hinting at CryEngine4 next year.
  15. check your jaspconfig.cfg, if its turned off there it'll reset everytime
  16. Looks like they are finally catching up to Crysis.
  17. What is it...? A wall? But holy ridiculous cow! I do not have the patience for trying to do something like that in Radiant. Also scratch what I said about the color it's fine, it just needs to explode MUCH bigger. It was being overwhelmed by base jka fire effect I think.
  18. Do you have anything for us to look at for YOUR map? eg: Shader files, screenshots, something? Hard to kind of just guess what you did wrong.
  19. Go back to this: And those eyes, change those eyes! Actually the model doesn't look too bad, for an original different character, but if you're trying to make StarKiller you need to backup a few steps and redo the texturing/eyes.
  20. If that still doesn't work you can always try making a bat file that says: jasp.exe + g_saberMoreRealistic 1
  21. ...Just play JKG?
  22. Also note: This can be really bad for people trying to look at the forums with small bandwidth/slow internet as they have to scroll pass giant sized pictures and wait for them all to load.
  23. You tried making a bat file that will turn it on every time you launch the game?
  24. Still prefers a PC, because both the PS4 and X-BoxOne will be outdated in about 3 months. Plus on top of that, as far as I know I can't run visual studios, photoshop, or JKG on an x-box, or PS4.
  25. That about sums up my thoughts, Ping.
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