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Posts posted by Futuza

  1. Thanks to everyone for helping us play test this new version.  The play tests have concluded, we found a few bugs and appreciate all the feedback everyone has sent us. If you have additional feedback feel free to post it in the Discord or here in this thread. A hotfix for v1.3.22 has been released to deal with the more serious issues encountered, but most of the changes based on your feedback will be implemented in later updates. Thanks again!

    Smoo likes this
  2. xCRuq0dl.png

    Hello!  The beta for v1.3.22 was just released and we need your help testing it. We have three planned test scrimmage matches this coming weekend (times are UTC):


    To get the latest preview build, go here (you'll want both map packs as well)More news about the scrimmage will be upcoming, to stay up to date watch the Discord #announcement channel.  You'll most likely want the map packs as well!

    Smoo and Mandalore like this
  3. JKGalaxies 1.3.22a Released!

    Hey everyone, the next major release of Jedi Knight Galaxies is here!  This is a full release so you will need to replace existing installs, and will need to download the new assets and binaries.  A patch for v1.3.23 will likely be released in the coming in a few months depending on feedback from our next scrimmage match and any new features/bug fixes we manage to cram in by then.  Read the change log below to see a summarized list of changes, there's a lot since our last major release!  We will be also putting the release on ModDB (and other mirrors) in due time if you're interested in that.  The easiest way to download the game is through our new website.  Also for your information, we release test/preview releases much more often than we do with our major stable releases which is available at the bottom of the downloads page on the site.  These are announced on the Discord, which you should totally join if haven't already =p.  Thanks to everyone who helped test and create this version!  Links are also provided below:

    >Windows: Assets | Binaries
    >Linux: Assets | Binaries
    >OSX: (not available)

    If you need help installing JKG, please visit this page for a helpful walk through tutorial of installing JKG.  To build from the source code yourself, please refer the Github page. If you're on Linux, Flate's Guide will take you through the process step-by-step


    Change Log

    We've been through a lot of bug fixes and new developments to get the game to the current state.  Here's a summary of the changes.

    Changes included in v1.3.21 and v1.3.22

    New Features
    Overheating System
    No more automatic blaster spam!  Cross hairs will begin to redden as your weapon generates heat and will stop or slow down your ability to fire once it becomes overloaded with heat.  You will need to wait for it to cool down before continuing to fire or switch to a new weapon.  Many automatic blasters have received a significant nerf as a result. 

    Medicinal Healing Pellets
    Load a slugthrower weapon with this bacta based pellet ammunition, it will heal your target as well as cure them of poison or bleed debuffs.

    Toxic Gas Canisters
    Load poison gas into a flamethrower in order to conduct chemical warfare against the enemy team. Warning: canisters fumes are deadly to breathe in when burned and will give you a poison debuff!

    Incendiary Slugthrower Rounds
    A special type of slugthrower ammunition that is capable of igniting targets it hits, applying them with a painful fire debuff.

    Loading Tips
    The game will now display loading tips while a map is loading.

    EMP Blasts
    Jetpacks (and in the future hopefully other types of equipment) can now be disabled via emp blasts from certain damage types (sonic, ion, electronic, ionblaster, etc).  You must penetrate through a player's shield to effect them.

    Performance Analysis System
    A new performance analysis system capable of displaying processor, memory and other in depth system resource usage is available with the /perf 1 command.  The tool is still in its early stages, but will be expanded on more.

    New Map Pack!
    The Jawa Fortress by Yzmo, features a twisted cave complex the Jawas, native to the Tatooine desert, are currently defending from invading Tusken Raiders.  The Mos Eisley Arena a perfect map for one on one duels, or insane team fights in a narrow enclosed arena, this map features a small part of a larger map that will be available in Phase 2.  The map was initially created by MaceCrusherMadunusus with tweaks by Pande and Futuza.  The Imperial Base map by Noodle features a rebel attack at small Imperial facility located on a very rainy planetoid.  Both Mos Eisley Arena, Imperial Base and the Jawa Fortress have ctf modes available as well.


    • Improved and fixed ammo overrides, buffs and debuffs are now properly applied.  Some new ammo types added as a result.
    • When browsing for servers, the "internet" source will combine all master server lists into one, rather than only pulling from Raven's (thanks to OpenJK for this fix).
    • Only certain types of jetpacks can be activated while carrying a CTF flag (this also plays a sputter sound to indicate it won't activate - sounds based on MWLANDI's gas stove recordings.
    • Shields will now protect you from being stunned while they hold a charge.
    • Death message improvements: centerprint messages restored, more improvements to come.
    • New refined-heal debuff (removes poison and bleed debuffs and has higher healing rate).
    • Vendors announce when their stock is replaced (new cvar: jkg_announceShopRefresh, set to 0 to disable, defaults to 1).
    • Civilian vendors can now have custom upset messages (such as when you don't have enough credits to purchase a weapon).
    • Jetpacks can now be activated with the assigned aci button (eg: press 8 on keyboard to use jetpack on aci slot 8), as well as while in the air like before.
    • Jetpack's and shields now autoequip themselves if you don't already have one equipped.
    • Added the missing Jawa icon from WizardMKBK's pack available here on JKHub.
    • Improved certain system messages to make issues such as attempting to sell a starter weapon more obvious to users.
    • When a weapon exceeds maxHeat, it will need to cooldown to less than the heatThreshold value (default 75% of maxHeat), before you can fire again. The ambientHeatRate key value was added for use in a map's entity/worldspawn data and controls jkg_heatDissipateTime meaning that a map's ambient temperature can affect how quickly/slowly weapons cooldown when generating heat. You will also hear sound events hear associated with each of these events now as well (see below for credits).

    Bug Fixes and Balance Changes

    • Balance overhaul: extensive changes intended to better balance overpowered weapons and give less used weapons more incentive to buy them.  Adjusted several clip sizes, and ammo costs.
    • Fixed LJ-70 Beam Effect.
    • Fixed no damage area bug.
    • Fixed missing textures/shaders in some maps.
    • Simplified damage code to reduce bugs.
    • Fixed bug in dodge rolls present in v1.3.19's initial release.
    • Nerfed dlt 19 sniper to do less damage.
    • Jetpack's fuel gauge auto fill when you spawn (no more waiting to charge them up).
    • Simplified pay commands, you must have earned enough credits to actually be able to share credits with others (doesn't including your starting credits).
    • Fixed shield spillover damage, that was causing bizarre healing damage.
    • Removed extra damage done to armored opponents with ion damagetype.
    • Adjusted some shield prices and stats for better balance.
    • Increased damage to shields (and droids) when using electrical based weaponry.
    • Reduced the slow effects of armor so it isn't quite so drastic.
    • Fixed vendors attempting to autoequip items they sold.
    • Fixed bounty split reward code, improved performance.
    • Buffed the flamethrower slightly.
    • Buffed arc casters slightly.
    • Fixed autofiring bug for weapons that consume multiple ammo counts, when the weapon's clip is partially depleted. eg: DXR-6
    • Reduced ammo costs in general, especially for blasters and pistols.
    • Reduced price of certain trip mines.
    • Reduced max stack size on bacta consumables and some grenades.
    • Shader's for certain effects such as poison no longer viewable through walls.
    • Bounty Code Bug Fix and Optimization.
    • Fixed bug with fallback vendor sounds, and added new sounds for new types of vendors such as Jawas or sand people as well as new gangwar team definitions for them.
    • Fixed crash on npcs checking for shields when null.
    • Fixed crash with consumables.
    • Fixed ammo price calculations and labels, shop now charges reasonable amounts and doesn't lie about the price anymore.  Underdog bonuses for ammo price reductions has been disabled for the time being, until they can be properly implemented in a future patch.
    • Trip mines won't blow up on teammates on anymore.
    • Fixed possible jetpack crashes due to sound issues.
    • Firing mode labels have been fixed on various weapons that were missing it or had incorrect labels.
    • Fixed obituary messages so team changes don't count as suicides anymore.
    • Fixed bug where non-client objects (such as trip mines or glass), could no longer take damage from missile based weapons. You can shoot trip mines now, Ivan.
    • Fixed bug where players could switch weapons while cooking a grenade resulting in funny things, like deleting the wrong item stack.
    • Fixed bug where maxHeat was not set per weapon and all were based on 100, rather than individual weapon maxHeat values. Fixed a bug where heat could become less than 0.
    • Fixed bug where heat values were not initialized properly when respawning.
    • Fixed crash when npcs were targeted by EMP blast weapons.
    • Fixed crash caused by allowing a firemode/saberstyle change while dead.
    • Various other stability and quality of life improvements, see commit logs on Github for details.

    Audio Sound FX Credits

    Several new sounds were added to the assets to facilitate current and future development. Most are not yet in use or didn't quite make the cut. The new audio fx were based on or inspired by the following sources, in addition to public domain and self created audio:



    Thanks to all the amazing audio artists who have made their work available, we appreciate your help in creating new sounds for JKG!



    Changes included in v1.3.19
    New Features
    Dodge Rolls
    By rolling you can mitigate some damage types by correctly timing your roll.  Damage is reduced up to 15% if you roll out of the way.

    Glua damage system overhaul
    Script damage is now much more customizable with glua tie ins to the engine (see spice item for test)

    Bug Fixes and Balance Changes

    • Improved treasure class selection
    • Exploit: no more infinite ammo thermal detonators
    • Fix: ammo pricing corrections for various items, no more 1 credit rocket purchases
    • Gave the array_bryar some more love, has just enough spread now to be
    • useful, also added a 3rd firing mode called "decimate" which fires 9
    • projectiles in a large spread.
    • Proton carbine buffed a little
    • Fixed extra undefined firing mode on launcher_e-60R (this is possibly
    • causing rare crashes)
    • DH-17 pistol nerfed, smaller clip size
    • T-21 and DLT-19 adjusted to be more worth their price while also remaining distinctly useful
    • Disable passive credit gain announcements except in debug builds

    Changes included in v1.3.18
    New Features
    New Cvars

    • g_teamsLocked : (default 0), if set to 1 will lock the teams so players cannot switch teams after 20% of the match timelimit has passed (new players have 3 minutes to pick a team).
    • g_teamSwitchTime : (default 5), how many seconds players must wait before switching teams.

    Bug Fixes and Balance Changes

    • fixed blank name on bacta grenades
    • client data now keeps track of how much a player has spent
    • fixed jkg_buyAnnounce so that it can be disabled, set to announce to your team, or to both teams
    • exploit fix with pay
    • selling back starter guns now shows correct price (1) in shop menu
    • starting weapon ammo is now free of charge
    • ammo for the losing team is discounted off normal price depending on how badly the team is losing by (note: unfortunately this is not displaying correctly yet, though the actual charged amount is correct)
    • compiler fixes
    • don't reward our own team teamkillbonuses for suicides or team kills!
    • don't reward the teamkillbonuses if someone switches teams!
    • increased default spawn invulnerability time to 4 seconds from 3.



    Changes included in v1.3.17

    New Features

    New Vendors
    There are now several new types of vendors and treasure class sets, vendors can also use specific fail/buy/interaction sounds if present. You can use these in game by spawning an npc vendor with the command npc spawn vendor npc_name vendorclass eg:/npc spawn vendor vendor_medic medicalvendor

    Healing Buffs
    There are now healing buffs, presently no shop weapons actually use them, but we will soon have a number of items put in to make use of these such as bacta grenades. There are two test items currently that use healing buffs including the grenade_bacta_antidote-e grenade and the medicinal slugthrower ammo.

    New Efx For Poison
    On body hit effects for poison are now here.

    Bug Fixes and Balance Changes

    • Healing plums work again!
    • Weapons can do negative damage (healing).
    • Price adjustments to some weapons and slight balance changes
    • CTF Credit bonus fixes.
    • jkg_allowDebuffKills 1 will now use debuff settings to determine whether the debuff can do a last hit and finish someone off
    • Reorganization of some code modules for cleaner code and improved performance
    • Reorganization of some file structures for zz_jkg_asset5.pk3 and glua/server files
    • Added "percentage" (boolean) to debuff data, will interpret damage as a % of current health to inflict rather than a hard number (eg: 25 would do 25% of the target's current health).
    • Ammo price adjustments
    • Nerfed costs for some of the more expensive weapons to make them more likely to be purchased and used.
    • Shield prices have been reevaluated based on their usefulness from play testing
    • Healing Plums now work for items that use lua scripts (such as bacta).

    Changes included in v1.3.15

    New Features

    Passive Credit System
    Configurable via cvars, player's will gain a small amount of credits when employed by a team every thirty seconds. Those who join late will be paid what they would have received had the been on a team from the beginning of the match. Three cvars control variables for this system:

    • jkg_passiveCreditsAmount, defaults to 15 credits; how much to be paid each iteration
    • jkg_passiveCreditsRate, defaults to 30000 milliseconds; how often to pay
    • jkg_passiveCreditsWait, defaults to 60000 milliseconds; how long to wait till player's receive payments
    • jkg_passiveUnderdogBonus, defaults 1, disabled if set to 0. If enabled gives 20% increased credits to the losing team's players when passive credits are awarded.  Setting jkg_passiveCreditsAmount to 0 will disable this system on the server.

    Underdog Reward System
    For late joins introduced. Intended to help player's who join the game's losing team catch up more quickly and keep up with the opposition.
    jkg_underdogBonus defaults to 1, disabled if set to 0. If enabled, gives player's who join late additional starting credits depending on when they join the game consult the following table:
    less than 30% match complete = +10% credits
    30-44% match complete = +25% credits
    45-59% match complete = +40% credits
    60-64% match complete = +70% credits
    65-69% match complete = +80% credits
    70-79% match complete = +100% credits
    80-100% match complete = +125% credits

    Additionally if the winning team is only ahead by 2 or less points, the credit reward is halved.

    Team Kill Bonus System
    Configurable via cvar, all player's on a team will be given a bonus amount of credits anytime any player on their team gets a kill (the killer is excluded from this reward). Use jkg_teamKillBonus to set the amount to reward, if set to 0 Team Kill Bonuses are disabled. Player's who's rank (kill count) doubled is less than their death are rewarded double.

    Improved Bounty System
    A new cvar, jkg_MaxKillStreakBounty will limit the maximum amount of credits one can receive from claiming a bounty by limiting the multiplier used to determine credit rewards when claiming a bounty. The default is 7. For example: Suppose Jill kills Jack 8 times and has a killstreak of 8. Jack kills Jill but will only receive the max reward (as if Jill had a killstreak of 7). This will help better balance bounties so they don't tip the scales too drastically. Additionally whenever a bounty holder dies from natural causes (falling off a cliff, suicide, etc) the opposing team will receive the bounty divided up by the number of players on that team.

    Bug Fixes and Balance Changes

    • Disabled jkg_safeTreasureClasses by default until that system can be fixed
    • MAX_PLACEABLE_CONSUME_WPNS increased to 20 (you can now have up to 20 detonators/trip mines on the field at once).
    • Fixed a minor problem with safeTreasureClasses attempting to read memory out of bounds
    • Other miscellaneous bug fixes, code refactors, and optimizations.
    • Various item price adjustments and slight damage changes for better balance.
    • Refactored some code
    Aldro Koon, Smoo, kharg and 1 other like this
  4. I8No1fi.jpg

    Okay so I know its hard to tell what's going on from a single frame, but overheating is now affected by the map's ambient temperature (if specified by the mapper).  This will lead to some fun things like energy weapons being more effective on Hoth than on Mustafar, for example.  (Not that either of those planets are planned to be included, but that'd be cool if we did get maps for them some day).

    ZelZel, Merek, NumberWan and 2 others like this
  5. On 1/20/2015 at 4:32 AM, ensiform said:

    Say what?  Those are executable names.

    Just saw this, no idea what I was referring to, maybe I posted on the wrong thread o.O

  6. On 3/29/2020 at 6:28 PM, ZeroRaven said:

    Love the articles on PC hackers decimating Switch users.
    I love the cross platform idea, Switch users apparently, not so much lol.

    If by hackers they mean, gaining an unfair advantage by having a mouse and being able to adjust settings like fov, I guess?  I'm pretty sure most of the supposed 'hacking' happening, is at the worst, crashing the Switch servers (haven't run into any cases so far of anyone actively using an exploit to enable things like god mode etc), the majority are probably just playing with the Switch players.

    Smoo and Lancelot like this
  7. 9 minutes ago, Ramikad said:

    I meant the former. As in, you finally acquire the blueprint for an E-11 Blaster Rifle, and now that you "know how" you can create a blueprint schema for that E-11 rifle which then you can give or sell to other players (or vendors, why not).

    The blueprint system kind of reminds me of Rust.

    Hmmm, maybe some form of that could be possible, but I think creating those blueprints would need to consume something (so player's aren't producing valuable items from nothing and contributing to rampant inflation), perhaps consuming 5 blueprint fragments or some material components or something?

  8. 23 minutes ago, asd said:


    - when cooking a grenade, changing weapon at the end makes it detonate in ur hand. but the grenade does not disapear from ur inventory. instead it removes a random gun from ur inventory.
    - jetpack not turning on after shooting/reloading but still showing the effect for a second. i got used to it myself, but i know many ppl get confused or annoyed by this.
    - tripmine (laser) does not always detonate when enemies pass through it. maybe they move too fast for the mines?
    - bowcasters (especially assault bow) have way too low ammo.
    - q2 pistol is op. second cheapest pistol in the game but is very good. should cost a bit more.
    - dc15 charged shots are nearly useless. low damage, low accuracy, high ammo cost.
    - can still sprint in air a little. not sure if it makes u faster but bugs out camera a little.
    - allow voting maps. right now cant vote for some maps ''map is not supported with current gametype''. cant even change map to imperialbasectf while gamemode is already on ctf.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    -Oh wow, that one's really broken.  So what happens is it removes whatever weapon you switched to because the code is trying to take one grenade off of the stack (since you used it), but since you switched weapons before it was removed it tries to consume the current weapon instead of the grenade.  It needs to just toss the cooking grenade as soon as you switch weapons, I'll get that fixed.
    -Jetpack + reloading animations are a little derpy, probably will be a while before I can look into improving this as there are other priorities, but thanks for pointing it out.
    -Tripmine lasers have to have their laser's tripped, if enemies merely step on the mine, but don't break the beam they're safe.  I'll look into it more though to make sure something funnier isn't happening.
    -Bowcasters are being addressed, I probably won't increase the clip size, just the amount of ammo you get for them as well as the refill costs.
    -Q2 is probably a little too good for its price agreed, might also lower damage in addition to your suggestion.
    -DC15 charged shots are pretty bad against organics, I've buffed them a bit in the upcoming patch, but because its using ION damage type it sucks right now against players.  Using them against droids or shielded opponents is much more effective.  This is also true of its primary fire compared to other automatic weapons that do blaster type damage rather than ION.  This probably won't be addressed completely right now, since its sorta in there for later stages against opponents that don't really exist right now.  I will look at boosting the accuracy, and possibly making it consume 50% less ammo for the alt fire though.
    -Sprinting in the air is a left over known issue I thought had been fixed, I'll look into it though after fixing other issues it'll have lower priority since I don't really view it as that big of a deal at the moment.
    -I'll look into this one, this might just have been a server cfg issue though.

    Smoo likes this
  9. 3 hours ago, Ramikad said:

    I like it, maybe the minigame part not so much.

    Another thing I feel will have to be considered is the possibility to create blueprint schemas based on the already known blueprints, unless you already pointed it out in the post and I somehow missed it.

    Yeah I don't know how I feel about the minigame yet, I think I want a minigame, but I don't like the one I came up with. ?

    I haven't mentioned anything about creating blueprint schemas based on already known blueprints, but just to clarify are you talking about being able to produce blueprint schemas to then sell to other players for example?  Or like combining known blueprints to create entirely new non-existing blueprints?  The way this system is setup at the moment, the second is probably not going to happen.  Blueprints can only exist for items that are actually in game, the system isn't clever enough to model a new gun and generate new stats for example (plus I don't really like procedurally generated models/items they always end up feeling like filler content and not really fitting in).  That said, we could probably do something like collecting certain combinations of blueprints might unlock hidden blueprints not listed on the menu.

    I added some information about disassembly, since I forgot to include it earlier, but it is somewhat related to your request:

    You can attempt to disassemble higher tier items higher than your current crafting skill level, but the chance of each component being destroyed increases by 25% for each tier above your current skill level.  eg: Someone who can disassemble refined tier, who attempts to disassemble a superior tier item would result in a 75% chance that each material component would be destroyed.  Each material component created from the disassembly process nets an increase in crafting skill xp.  Successfully disassembling higher tier items results in higher xp rewards.  Finally, each time you disassemble an item you have a chance to gain 0-3 blueprint fragments for that item type (depending on the RNG gods and the disassembled item tier).  For example disassembling an

    Elite DL-18 Blaster Pistol might result in rewarding you 2 blueprint fragments of the pistol type.  Generally, disassembling common tier items have a very low chance of producing any blueprint fragments, while higher tiers have a higher chance of producing a few blueprint fragments.

    Ramikad likes this
  10. As a reminder (with most Concept Threads), this is subject to (lots) of change and will likely be updated in the future.  This idea has been fleshed out less than some of the other concept threads and needs more discussion between developers and the community.  In fact I'd go so far to say its more of a very rough outline than a full concept.  More details will worked out later.


    Crafting in Jedi Knight Galaxies consists of four primary activities: Gathering, Assembling, Disassembling, and Repairing.  This write-up assumes you are already familiar with Item Tiers and Durability Concept Thread, and further expands on some of the concepts presented in that thread.  Crafting, like many abilities in JKG, is a skill which must be invested into and purchased using skill points.  Several different types of skills available in the skill trees will interact with crafting and boost or benefit crafting in JKG in various different ways.  For example in the Skill Tree Concept Thread, Junkdog Supreme makes crafting materials more worthwhile to the player.  That said, there will likely be a Crafting Skill Tree itself (which will be expounded on at a later date), which will offer more specific crafting related benefits, than some of the other skill trees have.  At its root, investing into the Craft Skill  will enable you to use the crafting mechanics of JKG.  Player's who focus on and maximize their crafting skill will be able to create much more powerful and valuable items and equipment than is available from other item sources in the game (such as drops from NPCS, quest rewards, or npc vendors).  Crafting can also be used to repair map structures or repair items.  Certain objectives for various game modes or quests may also require the crafting skill to complete (for example: an NPC from Tatooine asks you to construct a gate at the entrance of their home to keep Tusken Raiders from walking in).  After unlocking the crafting skill with skill points, you can continue to increase your character's crafting skill level by crafting.  New crafting levels will unlock the ability to craft higher tier items.


    Gathering: Collecting Materials

    Crafting begins with gathering necessary materials to be used to create an item or repair an item.  Every item or structure requires materials to create or repair.  No skill is required to be able to gather item materials, anyone can do that!  However, as mentioned previously certain skill trees may give you bigger bonuses or benefits when gathering items.  There are several different sources that materials can be gathered from.  Here are the most essential and common sources:

    • Containers. For example, chests or footlockers that contain loot.  These are usually spawned as a result of a one-time or temporary quest and are usually hidden out of plain sight, but if you find them can contain useful materials.  There are also long term containers, such as in a player's house or a warehouse where player's can store goods (including crafting materials) indefinitely. 
    • Quest rewards.  An NPC or event may reward you with items (including crafting materials) for completing or participating in the quest.
    • Natural Resource Spawns.  This includes several subtypes, consider some examples: metal ores (iron, aluminum, palladium, chromium, etc), organic materials (wool, rubber, eggs or bones that spawn in lairs of various NPC creatures, tibanna gas, etc), mineral deposits (salt, orveth gas, eleton gas, skevon gas, kyber crystals, adegan crystals, kunda stones, granite, marble, etc), and so on.  Of particular note, natural resource spawns, such as metal ores or mineral deposits, may require tools to extract such as a mining drill, others can simply be interacted with without any tools in order to extract.
    • NPC/Player Remains.  When most NPCs are killed they have a chance of dropping various items which will spawn in their corpse's remainder container.  What is dropped depends on the NPC type and level as well as some other random factors.  Most frequently NPCs will drop some sort of organic remains (such as bones, or exoskeleton, or bodily fluid, etc), occasionally they may be carrying something much rarer (especially if humanoid).  Player's can also drop whatever they are carrying in their inventory (see looting thread).  NPCs which have the animal type, are more likely to drop useful organic crafting materials, while humanoids are more likely to drop synthetic materials or credits.
    • Machinery Spawns.  Some types of machines can produce certain types of synthetic crafting materials when paid with credits.
    • Vendors.  Some vendors will sell crafting materials and usually carry a specific stock, but can also sell back crafting materials sold to them by other players.
    • Others.  Various miscellaneous sources not listed here can also produce crafting materials.  (eg: stealing materials from a shopkeeper?)

    Once sufficient crafting materials have been gathered the crafting process itself can begin.  However, before we get to that, I want just to point out a couple of concepts in regards to actually gathering materials in sufficient quantities.  While most individual player's seeking to craft items can simply carry their material goods in their inventory space, there will be a cap to how many items you can fit in your inventory at once (I would expect it to be around 100, but this still needs to be discussed).  Additionally each item in your inventory (including equipped items), will also have a weight value.  If you exceed your character's carrying capacity, your character will become over-encumbered you will not be able to sprint and all movement will be reduced to a very slow walk, furthermore stamina regeneration will not be possible while over-encumbered.  These issues will make it difficult to transport large amounts of materials around with you without several trips, however there will be a couple of things that can still help you.  Vehicles, including animals like Dewbacks, and actual mechanical vehicles such as landspeeders or swoops, will usually have a limited size container onboard you can also stash with additional goods.  Companion NPCs also have some inventory space and can carry some things for you.  Beware though, if you are carrying a lot of goods, you may make it very easy for pirates, looters and other deviants to take advantage of your weakened position and steal your goods.  Player's might consider hiring other trustworthy player's to guard them to and from resource extraction points in order to minimize risk and maximize profit.  Certain crafting materials can only be found from very specific sources and so you might need to travel far and wide or do a lot of trading to get the resources you need.  Certain items may require quite expensive investments of time and vast amounts of materials to actually craft, while other more common place items will be relatively simple to create.  Player's may wish to pool their resources together (such as part of a guild or party), in order to craft specific expensive items a single player alone would have a difficult time achieving.


    Gathering: Blueprints

    Once the crafter has the necessary materials at hand, they can begin using them to create, repair, or improve items and structures in game provided they have unlocked the blueprint required to create the item.  Blueprints for various types of different items and technologies can be acquired through quests, vendors, or rare drops from certain npcs.  For example, a blueprint for a Blastech DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle would first need to be known, before you could craft the weapon.  Blueprints come in three different forms:

    • Blueprint Fragments  - These represent incomplete pieces of a blueprint.  Blueprint fragments have two parts to them: type, and size.  Whenever the player receives a blueprint fragment, the fragment is usually assigned a random type (this can be overridden by a quest/objective etc to give a specific type if needed, but is not the default behavior).  There are different types for each type of item (eg: pistol, carbine, shield, consumable, material, jetpack, etc.)  Each additional fragment of the same type, increases the player's current blueprint stack of that type, by whatever the fragment's size is.  Once the stack reaches 5, the player receives a random blueprint schema for that type and the stack for that blueprint fragment type is reset to 0.  Blueprint fragments do not take up inventory space and do not weigh anything (you can view these from the crafting menu).  Blueprint fragments are fairly common item drops/rewards, especially for things like destroying an enemy droid.
    • Blueprint Schemas. - These items represent complete blueprints and take up inventory space.  For example, you might acquire a KYD-21 Blaster Pistol Blueprint Schema.  A player can choose to "learn" a blueprint schema, by activating it.  This will consume the blueprint schema (destroying it), and unlocks the blueprint it refers to permanently for the player who activates it.  Blueprint schemas cannot be activated if the player has already learned the blueprint for that item.  Blueprint schemas can be sold to other player's or NPCs or destroyed.  Complete Blueprint schemas can be found by completing quests, buying them through vendors, through rare drops from certain npcs, or by acquiring enough fragments to unlock a random schema.  Blueprint schemas are rare item drops/rewards.  Blueprint schemas take up inventory space, but do not weigh anything.
    • Blueprints - Once a blueprint schema has been learned, it unlocks the secrets of how to construct/repair/scrap that type of item.  For example, a KYD-21 Blaster Pistol Blueprint would allow the player to craft KYD-21's.  Player's can view a list of blueprint's their character has unlocked.  These are not items, but more akin to unlocking a skill.  The blueprint will also list the material component list required to assemble or repair the item as well as the estimated disassembly rewards (see below).


    Crafting: Assembly/Disassembly/Repair

    Now that you've unlocked the right blueprints and have the right materials on hand, you can start crafting. There are three different ways to craft something.  Note: field crafting requires a separate investment of skill points.

    1. Field Crafting
      Requires an additional "Field Crafting" skill to be learned in the crafting skill tree.  Limited to simple items, this skill allows you to craft items, equipment and weapons on the fly provided you have materials on hand.  While something complex such as a new gun cannot be created, simpler items such as grenades, sequencer charges, medpacks, bacta stimulants, and other consumables can be created.  Equipping a crafting item such as hydrospanner will reduce material costs and speed up the crafting time while equipped (usually 5-30 seconds depending on the skill level and item being created).  This skill is unique in that it can be done pretty much anywhere and does not need to be done at a workbench (see below).  Additionally you can repair most items in field if the item has a durability score greater than 5 and is of Elite Tier or worse quality.  To begin crafting simply access the crafting menu.  See below for details on this process.
    2. Workbench Crafting
      The most common form of crafting, if you have the crafting skill you can use workbenches to create or repair items.  Requires use of a workbench which can sometimes be found in public locations or purchased for a player's house or vehicle.  To begin crafting you will access the crafting menu via pressing use on the workbench (or by opening the crafting menu while next to a usable workbench).  See below for details on this process.
    3. Structure Crafting
      Usually done as part of a quest or during some sort of match objective.  For example, you might be asked to repair a broken control console, but will only be able to do so if you have the crafting skill and the necessary materials on hand.  These types are structure are highlighted with a blue-green hollow transparency when a player puts their cross-hairs on the structure, indicating that it can be repaired or created by structure crafting.

    The primary crafting menu might look something like this (forgive the temporary images, I'll get better gui concepts up later):



    The first column would have buttons allowing you to select different crafting options, all options except "View Known Blueprints" would be grayed out if not near a workbench or possessing the Field Crafting Skill.  The second column would list all materials currently in your inventory you are capable of crafting (that you have blueprints for).  The third column would list your blueprint fragments in order of highest to least (if the current amount for a type is 0, it is hidden from view). 

    Clicking the View Known Blueprints brings up a list of all blueprints you currently know, on which you can view information such as which materials are required to craft the item, repair the item and which materials can be produced when disassembling that item. 



    Clicking the Repair button will then bring up a list of items in your inventory with durability less than full.  Those with the lowest percentage of durability will be listed first.  You can hover over each item to view the material cost to repair.  You can then click the "repair" button after selecting an item to repair, and the game will then consume those materials and restore that item's durability to full.  The higher an items tier, the more rare/expensive materials usually required to repair it.  Items of higher tier, require a higher crafting skill level to repair.  You can attempt to repair items for which you do not yet have sufficiently high enough crafting level with the risk that you may damage the high tier item and decrease its durability, instead of repairing it.  If you successfully repair the higher item, you will gain double crafting skill xp, than you would have otherwise.  Each time you repair an item gives you crafting skill xp, with more xp for higher durability items.



    Clicking the Assemble button brings up a list of possible blueprints to select from for which you have all the materials and of which you have a high enough crafting skill level.  After selecting the blueprint you want to use as a template, you will then select the materials to use to craft the item (required material components will automatically be added, but some blueprints allow for optional additional material components, eg: dye to change the color of the item), as well as which item tier you wish to attempt to make the item.  You can also specify a quantity of how many you wish to attempt to craft in a single session.  The screen will show you a preview of the new weapon and what its stats might look like if the crafting attempt is successful.  You may then click the "craft" button to start.  I'd like to have some sort of crafting minigame, but this idea may get scrapped and just skipped over entirely, but review the spoiler below for an explanation of how it might work.  I still want suggestions for possible minigames for crafting, but I think something along the lines of a rhythm or timing game would match fairly well.



    Depending on the item and its item tier quality, you will be shown a circuit board from which two sparks will jump from either side.  When the sparks connect you will need to quickly click mouse 1, not too soon and not too late in as close to perfect timing as possible as the sparks connects.  The closer you are to perfect the more quality points you will accumulate.  The sparks will connect randomly and will start connecting more slowly.  Clicking Mouse1 within the correct capture timeframe will allow the minigame to continue.  If you time it wrong, the minigame will end early.  Items of greater worth will have more chances for success and a higher possible total quality points and each new chance will be more difficult than the previous (speeds up each time and has a smaller capture timeframe).  Occasionally sparks of the wrong color (orange?) may also be randomly interjected into the normal sequence, and will require you to do Mouse2 instead.  The wrong key input will result in the minigame ending early and accumulating less quality points.


    After the circuitry minigame finishes, the game will then take your quality points and add them to a formula that will determine your chance of successfully crafting the new item.  It'll probably go something like this: increase base chance by 1-10% (depending on minigame results) up to a max of X%, depending on item tier.  Other RNG formula things will also be considered, such as increasing the items durability, damage, and other stats in which more minigame quality points will also increase the chances of the weapon having better stats, as well as factors such as your crafting skill level and other skill trees, etc.  The server will then roll RNG and see if successful.  If successful, the material components are then consumed from that player's inventory and the game will continue to the final assembly crafting screen, where the item's actual stats are shown and the player is given a chance to give the weapon a nickname if it is of Elite Tier or higher.  Once a name has been picked and/or the item's stats are reviewed, the item will be deposited into the player's inventory.  If the crafting attempt is unsuccessful, the material components will be consumed, and/or if one of the components is an item with durability it will be damaged.

    Notes: There are many factors that will actually affect successful item crafting as well as the product's final result.  One very important factor is what item tier material components are being used.  For example, the highest chance of successfully creating a superior item will require elite tier materials to be consumed.  One technique that will always help ensuring you will have a higher chance of success is including the item you are attempting to craft, but one tier lower than the desired tier.  eg: If you are attempting to craft an Elite KYD-21 Pistol, including a refined KYD-21 as an optional material component will greatly increase your chance of success, but may also result in the refined KYD-21 being damaged (or possibly destroyed if its durability is too low).  This sounds a bit messy to me though, and I might rework this "upgrade" mechanic into something a little simpler later.  I will also include add information at a later date that will go into details for how crafting formulas themselves will actually work since this is more of generic summary.  Maybe that will just be built into the blueprint recipe itself?



    By choosing the disassembly button you will then be brought into a menu of your inventory of all "scrappable" items (usually items with durability).  If you select the item, and you have a high enough crafting skill, your character will attempt to disassemble the item into its material components.  Each component has a base 25% chance of being destroyed during this process (this risk can be reduced with higher crafting skill level and certain crafting skills).  You can select multiple items to do this with, through this menu as well, instead of just doing one at a time.  When the process is complete, the item will be turned into its material components, which can then be recycled into use for something else or sold/destroyed.  The disassembly process cannot be started if you do not have room in your inventory to receive the max amount of materials possible, if you are disassembling more than one item at a time the game will attempt to disassemble all of them, running through them one at a time - if your inventory becomes too full to receive more material components it will stop the attempt.  You can attempt to disassemble higher tier items higher than your current crafting skill level, but the chance of each component being destroyed increases by 25% for each tier above your current skill level.  eg: Someone who can disassemble refined tier, who attempts to disassemble a superior tier item would result in a 75% chance that each material component would be destroyed.  Each material component created from the disassembly process nets an increase in crafting skill xp.  Successfully disassembling higher tier items results in higher xp rewards.  Finally, each time you disassemble an item you have a chance to gain 0-3 blueprint fragments for that item type (depending on the RNG gods and the disassembled item tier).  For example disassembling an Elite DL-18 Blaster Pistol might result in rewarding you 2 blueprint fragments of the pistol type.  Generally, disassembling common tier items have a very low chance of producing any blueprint fragments, while higher tiers have a higher chance of producing a few blueprint fragments.  Disassembling inorganic items while near droids upsets them, and disassembling organic items near meatbags may also upset them.


    Final Note: I would also like to include some sort of temporary trading system where player's can pay a crafter to do something specific to their item (such as upgrade it by one tier), without risking the other player stealing it.  Not sure on how exactly that might work yet, but it'd be a nice feature to have to support crafters.



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  11. cZtKSVL.png

    Hello friends, we need your help beta testing the newest build as we prepare for our next stable release (v1.3.21).  The last scrimmage match in December went very well and helped us iron out a few more critical bugs.  As a result, I'll be scheduling three official scrimmage matches this week:


    To get the latest preview build, go hereMore news about the scrimmage will be upcoming, to stay up to date watch the Discord #announcement channel.  Map Pack #2 is also now available for testing.

    The test scrimmage matches have concluded, thanks for playing everyone and for the invaluable feedback. There's a few things we'll probably need to patch before we move the test release into the next stable version, but most of the patch seems to be working as expected (other than the strange crashes).  Feel free to leave any bug reports in this thread that you saw during the matches, if you didn't already post it in Discord. 

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