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Posts posted by Futuza

  1. Hello everyone! We're getting closer to the next release, to help us test and mostly just to have some fun, we're going to be running two informal Scrimmage Matches before Christmas. Come play the latest Jedi Knight Galaxies with us! You can get the latest beta (v1.3.20) at the following links. Find the latest assets download here. and the binaries here.  You can also find an extra map we'll be testing, created by Noodle, called JKG_ImperialBase here.  Keep in mind these may be updated a few times before the matches, so you may need to repatch before the match.

    The 1st will be December 20th 2019 @ 11pm UTC
    The 2nd will be December 21st 2019 @ 6pm UTC

    Hope to see you in game!

    Smoo likes this






    Looks like they had to get an older more serious imperial military officer to fix Hux's comedy relief.


    Not Tatooine?  I don't think they have natives that look like that.




    Everytime Lando gets a hold of the falcon he changes it.  Also Poe thinks he's Han Solo now I guess?


    Ronan crossover.


    RIP BB8 not strapped in, he gunna die.




    Rey monologues to the camera.


    Female bounty hunters are still in.  Hope this one survives.  Or at least gets a significant part, unlike the last one...


    Finn gets (yet another) girl who takes him out for a wild night riding around animals?




  3. Is JK Galaxies kind of like the star wars galaxies mmo in a way?

    I moved your question to a more relevant thread since the patch notes announcement is not really the best place for it.  To answer your question, yes and no.  Originally the mod started back as wanting to essentially remake SWG in Jedi Academy.  Eventually we wizened up and realized this was sort of stupid, and we wanted to make our own game, additionally we realized we would have to create things in smaller steps - hence introducing the idea of releasing the game in smaller parts which we refer to as "Phases".  We still like the idea of the game eventually having an MMO-like feel to it, but this is a super far off goal that may or may not be attainable.  In the meantime this is the plan:



    • Phase 1: Multiplayer arena shooter with some of the RPG features integrated into the main game. These include: the shop system, gun combat, inventory system, basic crafting, and lightsaber combat. This version has been released, although not all of the features are there yet.  The main features still missing are force/skill powers and lightsaber combat, most other systems have been completed or are in the process of getting refined/rebalanced.
    • Phase 2: CO-OP shooter. The main features that are added here include the NPC system and fleshing out of the dialogue system. They also include overhauls to the chat systems and more.
    • Phase 3: Open World RPG, singleplayer. The main features added here include quests, (more) minigames, and AI for existing minigames, like Pazaak. Also includes levelling up, experience, etc. I still need to design a lot of the systems here. But this will be the largest step, as I need to consider how to handle large open maps.
    • Phase 4: MMORPG. Features to the main game include group quests, Looking For Group system, and a lot of the dungeons that were designed for Phase 2 brought back. At this point, the game is pretty much done.
    • ???: Expansions. I'd love to add some new expansions, including ones that do space combat and exploring new worlds, like Bespin.

    Jedi Knight Galaxies will take place in the tumultuous period between Episodes 3 and 4, and will form a bridge between the old Star Wars Expanded Universe and the new Disney canon. The Empire rules the galaxy with an iron fist, and the Jedi live in secret. A new rebellion is beginning to emerge, and as a citizen of the Empire, you may choose to fight for your Empire, join the rebellion, get rich, or eke out a humble existence of your own.

      You can also find info about technical details on our github page.  Overall Phase 1 is pretty fun to play, but definitely not very close to our finished vision.
    MagSul likes this

    If that's a Death Star, we're likely looking at either Yavin IV's moons or Endor.  That said, neither of those structures really survived to that extent, its clear they were completely blown apart by the explosions that destroyed them, so I hope they at least explain that cause otherwise we already got continuity errors.  I'm hoping Emperor is not really back, Emperor clones was kinda lame in the EU.  Hopefully its just flashbacks or what he set in motion.


  5. Is it possible trying a new scrimage match in the following days?

    Sure thing, if you join the discord it'll make it easy to coordinate when people are playing.  We've had a bunch of people doing informal matches the past week that I'm sure would love to keep playing.  We can try and schedule a more formal one soon, but we're currently trying to finish up v1.3.20 (adding a few new features and fixing some bugs) before we schedule the next official match.  I'm hoping it to have it out this week, but it may need to wait a bit longer depending on how debugging goes.

    Smoo likes this
  6. We had some great entries, glad to see so many people participated.  I'm really surprised I won given how much of a lack luster effort I made, though Rosh berating the player for hunting down the last unicorn for their own selfish pleasure still makes me lol.

    Circa and Smoo like this
  7. So which one am i supposed to play, OpenJK or JA:E?

    Depends on what you want.  OpenJK is basically the same as base, but contains bug fixes and quality of life improvements.  JA:Enhanced adds new features and things to the game.  JA:Enhanced is also for singleplayer, while OpenJK is both.  If you just want to play regular base JKA, get OpenJK, if you want to try something new get JA:E or try out another mod.

  8. Hello everyone!  Its been a while since we've hosted a community event so we wanted to do something.  There've only been a few changes lately unfortunately due to the developers pretty limited schedules this season, but we thought it might be fun to test the new version and have some fun while we're at it.  We're planning on doing a match this Sunday Morning(12:00AM UTC time), click here to view the count down. 


    We're still working on some last minute changes, but we'll put the download links up here on this initial post as soon as they're ready windows binaries are available!  Feel free to drop a comment if you're planning on coming, the more the merrier!  Let us know if you have any map requests or game mode ideas as well.  If you need to install JKG from scratch, just install v1.3.18 first and then patch using the binaries below.  You will also want to grab the map pack if you don't already have it.




    Please note you need v1.3.18 installed before patching.

    Windows Binaries (updated: 3/30/2019)

    WinXP Binaries (updated: 3/30/2019 not working yet)

    (Linux not available yet)

    Smoo likes this
  9. Couple of things you can try in order of difficulty:


    • Play with all of the settings listed on this page (don't necessarily follow their recommendations though, you'll want the bare bone configuration).  Do the obvious stuff first such as reducing your resolution to 800x600 or smaller, disabling dynamic glow (r_dynamicglow 0), etc.
    • Overclock your raspberry pi, you can likely get more performance than a mere 1.4ghz for example if you use liquid cooling - however keep in mind that the chips are not designed to be overclocked and doing so will mostly likely ruin the pi especially if you don't have experience with overclocking.  See this for some ideas of how to get started.
    • Replace all of JKA's textures with half size textures or smaller.  eg: open up all the 512x512 textures and scale them down to 256x256, etc.
    • Recreate all the maps without a lightmap stage, etc.
    • Create a type of headless client by making the game simply not render anything at all.  Then close your eyes when you play and imagine what should be displayed for infinite fps.
    • Improve the openjk source code to take advantage of multiprocessing on different cores and upload it on github for everyone's benefit.  I believe ioquake3 has done some work in this regard, you might start there.  Also optimizing the renderer by removing cruft and improving some of the techniques used by the game to render things.  eg: The way the game renders scoreboards (when you press tab) is atrocious and could definitely be improved.  Please note that opengl2 es2 has issues and isn't implemented properly, thus Raspberry Pi's do not technically meet the games minimum requirements.
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