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Posts posted by Futuza

  1. Anyway you'd consider including the source stuff for this for other modders that want to try and see an example for how to do things with rend2?  I'd like to add rend2 to JKG at some point, but I'm not much of a mapper and not really too sure where I'd have to start with that aspect of it - plus I gotta merge rend2 with JKG's source too.  I'm not really ready to do it quite yet as I'm busy with some other things for the mod that take priority, but I imagine there's other projects like ours that would like more instruction for how to use/implement rend2.

  2. spacer.png

    Hello everyone, to celebrate JKA turning 20, and JKG turning 10, we'll be hosting a few scrimmage matches over the weekend.  You can check our homepage Discord announcement feed for updates for this announcement. 

    Matches will be held at the following times:

    • Scrimmage #1  -  Saturday, September 16, 2023 1:30:00 PM UTC
    • Scrimmage #2  -  Sunday, September 17, 2023 2:30:00 AM UTC
    • Scrimmage #3  -  Sunday, September 17, 2023 3:30:00 PM UTC
    • Scrimmage #4  -  Sunday, September 17, 2023 11:00:00 PM UTC

    You can get the latest version of the mod (v1.3.23) at the download page here or here on JKHub.  You'll want to get both the assets, binaries, and map packs.  We will be playing on the "JKGDev Server US" server.  We hope to see you in game.  May the force be with you!



    Thanks everyone for joining us for a very fun weekend to celebrate JKA's 20th birthday, and JKG's release anniversary as well.  It was a blast!  We hope to have a new patch out soon, with a small number of bug fixes and a much bigger patch in a few months time with some larger features.  I will also probably try and get some of the video footage recorded of the map put into a compilation video sometime.  Feel free to send me footage/demos.

    Citrom, GamerRedNeck, Circa and 2 others like this
  3. 21 hours ago, mjt said:

    And furthermore, courtesy of Ensiform - might be wise not to put your OpenJK directory into Onedrive or in general in any sort of file sharing / watched directory. It's bad practise as these tools can interfere with file locking and blocking read / write access during operation.

    @JaredKFanThis part:

    C:\Users\jared\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\OpenJK\base

    Can be modified by adding +set fs_homepath as a command line argument (via either batch, in a cmd window, or with a launcher like Steam) when you launch OpenJK.  eg, this would put the user directory on your desktop instead of OneDrive (which is probably a terrible idea to use for writing homepath data to):

    openjk.x86.exe +set fs_homepath "C:\Users\jared\Desktop\OpenJK"


    mjt likes this
  4. Yeah, something like that also works very well, especially if the current is visible to the player so they don't just think they're being pushed away for no reason.  The important thing, regardless of how exactly you define the map edge, is presenting the player with the illusion that there's something real preventing them from proceeding beyond.  Nobody likes an invisible wall, its very jarring and brings one out of the immersion.

    18 hours ago, Lazarus said:

    btw, whats with the elevator music in your movies 😛

    My what?  Which movies are you referring too?  o.O

  5. We will be also running official community scrimmage matches on the following days and times:


    If you prefer watching other people play games, the developers will also be hosting Twitch Streams during and after the most of the matches, so feel free to also join us that way.  We highly recommend joining our Discord if you would like to play alongside with us or participate in our Q&A afterwords or if you just want to keep up to date on the latest happenings with JKG.  Hope to see you in game!

    Circa likes this
  6. 10 hours ago, Circa said:

    Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, and Republic Commando are free on Amazon Games for Prime Day today if anyone is interested. That means you need the Amazon Games launcher to install and play it. Not a big deal in my opinion but I know a lot of people get pissy about that for whatever reason. If you use OpenJK/EternalJK/MBII or any other client mod, this won't matter.

    As a note, Circa kinda already said this, but the download contains all the assets needed for the game, but does not contain the executable for the multiplayer (weirdly enough).  That said, if you want to do multiplayer you can just use OpenJK and point it to the Amazon version's assets and it will work better than like the retail version would.

    Circa likes this
  7. As a note regarding up coming changes in v1.3.23, ACP damage has been modified from the original post's description.  ACP now functions as something that partially hits shields and partially penetrates.  The default is for 50% of the damage to bypass the shield and the other 50% to impact on the shield.  The actual ratio can be determine in the weapon file by specifying a value for "ACPRatio", which determines which portion of the ACP damage impacts on the shield/vs what bypasses it. eg: 0.4 == 40% direct dmg, 60% shield damage.  As an example, using 0.4 ACPRatio, a weapon that does 30 ACP damage, would result in 12 damage being guaranteed to bypass the shield, and 18 damage impacting on the shield.  If the player were also armored, the direct bypass damage would also be reduced like normal.  ACP damage also applies a bleed debuff like slugthrowers do.

  8. Noticed this was slightly outdated.

    Here's a slightly better batch script:

    @echo off
    echo ==================================
    echo == q3map2 ent compiler ==
    echo ==================================
    ::Path to q3map2.exe directory
    SET q3map2dir=..\GtkRadiant-1.6.6
    IF NOT EXIST %q3map2dir%\q3map2.exe (
    echo Could not find q3map2.exe - failed!
    echo Type in the name of your maps ent file
    echo (without an extension) then press enter
    SET /P map=ent file name:
    echo ==================================
    echo == q3map2 ent compiler ==
    echo ==================================
    echo compiling map: %map%.bsp
    echo with ent file: %map%.ent
    echo -------------------------------------------------
    IF NOT EXIST .\output\ mkdir .\output\
    SET COPYCMD=/Y && COPY /Y %map%.bsp .\output\%map%.bsp
    SET COPYCMD=/Y && COPY /Y %map%.ent .\output\%map%.ent
    %q3map2dir%\q3map2.exe -v -game ja -fs_game base -onlyents .\output\%map%.ent
    echo -------------------------------------------------
    echo Please review the above text for errors to ensure
    echo your entities have compiled correctly.
    echo Cleaning up...
    IF EXIST .\output\%map%.ent DEL /F .\output\%map%.ent
    echo Complete! New %map%.bsp available in output dir.
    start "Output" .\output

    You can point it to your q3map2 directory by changing this line

    SET q3map2dir=..\GtkRadiant-1.6.6

    To wherever you have q3map2 installed.

    Also here's the recreated first screenshot (using VSCode instead of Notepad++).

    Smoo and Circa like this
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