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Everything posted by rory

  1. I am just mostly recoloring a joker skin.
  2. there's a weird shader thing on the back where it shows transparent.
  3. Could you make me a playermodel? He Is a character From DC Comic's He Is The Jokester (Not The Joker)
  4. rory

    AI Workshop

    How can I use this with Serenity Jedi Engine? https://jkhub.org/files/file/3351-serenityjediengine2018-finalsdk/
  5. any tips I should get to start creating my very own Comic book playermodel?

    1. minilogoguy18


      There are loads of modeling tutorials all over the internet, find one based on the software you're using. Make sure it's a program that can export models to this game and focus on modeling first, game second.

  6. PreFXDesigns Is a great modeller and builder! I look up to him! also if you're reading this! love your work! :)

  7. Shouted you out on my twitter you have a good future ahead of you! good work!
  8. 10/10 - Darth Vanyarin High Quality model! I love it! Great work!
  9. Playermodel commands? EDIT:It's Playermodel Snoke (For TLJ) and playermodel snoke_TFA (For TFA)
  10. What Is the Playermodel names for Plasma's Kylo Ren TLJ Playermodel's I want to make my character Kylo Ren In SP

    1. rory


      I can't see any reply's for some reason

    2. McGroose


      I might be wrong but I think you can only choose "Kylo_ren" for TFA and "Kylo_ren_nomask". I don't think you can select the TLJ variant without replacing some skin files.

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