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Everything posted by syainkn

  1. I gave it to Rosh and it perfectly fits on him !!!
  2. Restrictions on npc's saberStyle by editing .sab file is nullified when a player holds a saber which restricts or bans specific saberstyle. Npcs are starting to switch saberstyles after I change my saber(.sab file) which has 'saberstyle(it fixes specific style and you cannot switch to another)' or 'saberStyleLearned' or saberStyleForbidden'. But there is a solution to handle this. As you say, If I set npc's rank as 'crewman/ensign', it will use medium only. And if I set npc's rank as 'civilian/ltjg', it will use only fast. It's just stopgap measure though... I mean it's not suitable to solve this bug.
  3. Maybe 'parryBonus' is the command to increase defense level. The higher this value is, the more likely you block or parry an opponent's attack. But although I have 'alwaysblock' and high 'parrybonus', it's not perfect for absolute defense.
  4. They can use temporarily breakparryBouns effect without a saber(.sab) having 'breakParryBonus 1' when they use Force Rage. For example, reborn_new can break through your parry while using Force Rage, so you have no choice but to just block his attack. Or you may make a distance to dodge its attack until effect of Force Rage ends. And they can also break through your parry when they grab a saber(.sab) having 'twoHanded 1'. This option is used by double-bladed lightsaber in .sab file. If you activate g_saberRestrictForce 1, they cannot use some force powers such as push, pull, lightning because they need a free left hand to use them. Instead, their saber's strength will be increased in parry and saberlock. Anyway regardless of this, 'twoHanded 1' option gives your saber 'breakParryBouns 1' effect. I gave this option to a single saber, so it can break through my defense and parry doesn't happen not even once.
  5. You must type 'helpusobi 1' and 'g_saberpickupabledroppedsabers 1' every time you start a level or loading a new map. When the map changes, all of the settings you entered will be reset so that you have to re-enter these two codes. Make [FileName].cfg file and type this code in that file. helpusobi 1 g_saberpickupabledroppedsabers 1 After that, save the file in the base folder and open the console when you're playing the game. And type this in the console. bind <any key> exec [FileName].cfg After this, try pressing <any key> and you will see enemy drops his saber on the floor. Typing codes in autoexec.cfg doesn't help you because option will be reset when a new map or level loads. Autoexec.cfg executes just before loading maps and levels. It's just fruitless effort and wasting your time.
  6. I don't think that metallic bolts which Imperial Repeater fires are ionized. Because Tusken's cycler rifle in JKA also fires an energy bolt that can be deflected by a lightsaber. As you know, Tusken's cycler rifle is a 'slugthrower' and it fires definitely a slug, not an energy bolt. Maybe creators of JKA made most of weapons' projectiles as a blaster bolt, except few weapons such as Flechettle, disruptor rifle, rocket launcher, detonator... That's why Jaden can deflect a slug of cycler rifle on Tatooine mission. From this point of view, it can also be explained that Imperial Heavy Repeater is SlugThrower. And then, the model of that gun is SlugThrower, too. I think visualization of projectiles repeater and cycler rifle fire and slugs capable of being deflected by a lightsaber are just game permission. And I like it now. Because Jedi can also deflect and reflect slugs in JKA !! This is really advantageous ! In JKA, Jedi cannot be defeated by a slugthrower, too. Many people say slugthrower is very effective in defeating Jedi or Sith, but not in this game.
  7. Long time no see, because I got interested in Star wars again, recently I'm enjoying JKA with KOTF 2.1. Anyway, I have a question about npc. While I'm playing the JKA KOTF movie campaign, I saw that a npc shows a transparent shield barrier when I attacked him. I think it's personal shield(green bar in HUD) which a player basically has, not a shield of Assassin Driod!! And then, maybe there is a way to give a personal shield to a specific npc. But I don't know how to do it. At first, I thought it can be done with editing .npc file, however there wasn't a method or variable like 'shield', 'armor'..... I can't give a shield by using cheat code either. Is there a way to give personal shield(green bar in HUD) to npc? ---‐--------- I recently found a way. By using a script, I can give them shield gauge. But in KOTF 2.1, I cannot give a name to a npc even if I use 'npc spawn <npc type> <npc name>'.
  8. Then, there are no comments from the beginning. I see.
  9. In the trailer, you made all of firearm weapons as magic staff ! It's very similar to 'M&B phantasy mod 2018'. I've once played that mod of M&B and found that the magic of phantasy mod is just throwable weapon or instant activation item. Well, primary fuction of M&B is riding a horse and slashing a sword. Phantasy mod is just spin-off. But if you like Middle age, you should play M&B and Mordhau(I haven't played it yet, too...).
    Rosh suddenly became a clown !
  10. It seems it's fantasy mod in JKA similar to 'Pantasy mod' in Mount & Blade !!
  11. I like vibroblades and vibroswords more than a lightsaber. Because it symbolizes resistance against Jedi, Sith or Dark Jedi. It can even make you hold on a second against their attacks. You would have been slain unless you had these weapons. I substituted a vibroblade for a lightsaber and fixed its description like this. What a surprise ! The current user of that weapon is Dash Rendar !! Well.. I just added .sab file and used some console commands. It's no big deal. Actually He has no force powers in this picture although he is wielding 'WP_SABER'. So he has no force gauge. But he can swing a blade and be able to deflect a blaster bolt similar to Saber Defense Lv.1. https://imgur.com/gallery/Q43ZX Anyway, read this comics. I don't know if it is canon or not. But its content is interesting. In this comic, Jango begins to draw his vibroblade and block maul's saber slash. I like it ! Even if he's not a force user ! Even if he's not a jedi !! He confronted a threat and survived for few minutes although sidious spared his life after all. I want your opinion for mine.
    It was so great when I used this yesterday !
  12. OpenJK does not support option of the past. From the beginning, an option file between original and OpenJK is different. Path of Original JKA: Star Wars Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy \ GameData \ base \ jaconfig.cfg Path of OpenJK(Windows 7 default): user \ My Documents \ My Games \ OpenJK \ base \ openjk_sp.cfg So you need to set option again in OpenJK. But there's a shortcut to set your option. 1. Open the console by pressing Shift+~ 2. Type "exec jaconfig" It'll load your saved option from cfg file. Enjoy your game!
  13. It's a good thing JK series releases on console. But on the contrary, we cannot mod them if JKO and JKA are console game. Rom files which can be mounted on emulator cannot be hacked unless you seek another means. It's a troublesome duty for you to do. Well, we've already had PC version. So we don't have to do it on purpose.
  14. It's an unknown bug of JKA. Even if you install OpenJK lastest version, it doesn't be fixed. https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/11155-staff-and-dual-wielding-npcs-are-using-single-saber-stylesstances/?tab=comments#comment-155353 When a player wields a staff, an opponent holding a staff suddenly begins to use fast or medium style with both blades on. As you know, sab file of staff restricts saberstyle 'staff' locked on, so that he cannot switch to other style unless he turns off one of his blade. Can this bug fixed?
  15. Comments and reviews on mod file has no content ! Why does this happen?
    That anakin is based on upcoming Clone Wars season 7. Before season 6, his hair was shorter than that. That should adjust lenght of hair little shorter.
  16. Even if I install OpenJK lastest version, it dosen't be fixed. It seems that enemy A.I. is complicatedly hardcoded so that nobody prohibitively can try to fix it. I changed enemies' class from CLASS_REBORN to CLASS_JEDI because class jedi doesn't taunt unless they are commander rank. But it didn't work, either. Even if they have jedi class, they still taunt.
  17. My mobile phone is not compatible with discord. I'd better check on pc right now.
  18. 149 downloads

    *Title : InventoryFix in JKA *Author(s): syainkn *Date of Release: 12/12/2019 *Email Address: syainkn2000@naver.com *DESCRIPTION: This is recovery patch of inventory system in JKA. When I read the tutorial in Jkhub Forum, I felt that I can restore an inventory that creators of JKA crippled on purpose. Maybe they regard that an inventory system is not needed in JKA because jaden can heal himself by force healing and medpaks prepared around him. So he doesn't need bacta. Because healing means are enough. But in my point of view, it's not interesting. So I made this. -You can use bacta canister with new model. In the canister, blue liquid fluctuates and many bubbles go up. It looks more beautiful ! -I recovered vision of night goggles. But you need to install openjk to use it. -I recovered item icon of battery. Open console by pressing 'Shift + ~' And type this give item_<item name> or spawn item_<item name> item list: ---usable inventory--- bacta seeker sentry_gun la_goggles ---temporary--- medpak_instant security_key goodie_key battery datapad *INSTALLATION: 1. Place inventory_Fix.pk3 file in your base folder. 2. Write these codes in your jaconfig.cfg or openjk_sp.cfg. ★『openjk_sp.cfg』 file is in user\My Documents\My Games\OpenJK\base. bind <key> "use_bacta" → make you use bacta canister. This is familiar with you in JKO. bind <key> "invprev" → scroll inventory to select previous item. bind <key> "invnext" → scroll inventory to select next item. bind <key> "invuse" → use selected item of inventory. But you cannot use bacta by this key. * Copyright / Permissions * **from PK_Azlon She is author of liquid and bubble textures. I asked for a permission to use them and she allowed me to do it. Evidence of allowance is in zip file. 【texture_permission_1.png】 and 【texture_permission_2.png】 is evidence. She said "Go for it". I cannot understand for a while, but after thinking, I could recongize that this is approval. **from Raven(JKO stuff) THIS MOD IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. ELEMENTS TM & (C) LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY.
  19. Well... How about checking GDPR concerning copyright in Europe? Maybe someone is requesting erasure of personal content related in it.
  20. https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/11463-requesting-immediate-erasure-of-personal-data-concerning-me-according-to-article-17-gdpr/ I think this post is warning about GDPR including article 13. In fact, that topic is requesting for erasure of personal content. If I were Europian, too, I would do the same thing in order to not to be captured by law.
  21. lungeAtkMove LS_KICK_F Try this code in your .sab file. It will replace your lunge attack with kick forward. Of course ! With this method, You can use throw and kick at the same time! But if you applied it, you could not use lunge attack anymore with that saber.
  22. JKhub usually forces uploaders to ask a permission to authors due to copyright. I argree with that. And then, what do you think of EU's copyright article 13? It's issued on youtube, dailymotion... ... Does JKhub apply this law?
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