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Posts posted by JaceSolarisVIII

  1. I don't know you but I like your attitude. You should still use git(/hub) to develop+release code :P

    Swing by JKCommunity Discord if you need some quick help.


    Thank you, maybe here I can find some of the answers I need to help me finish the project.


    Also I was considering releasing the final version with the code here in December on jkhub. Do I need to know any special requirements before I upload it?

  2. The coop code in ojp is so incomplete that it's barely worth it.


    I have implemented the coop code first. Then I have put in loads of code directly from singleplayer source. What I do is start the mod in Debug mode and play a level until it crashes and debug tells me what caused the crash. Then I attempt to rectify the error using singleplayer as a guide. Its difficult because the 2 code bases (mp+sp) are so different.

    Smoo, Raz0r and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  3. I've updated the release candidate build. RGB sabers now added to sp and mp. I have also had a big crack at some more coop mode fixes in mp and mission mode is now much more stable but not finished yet. When playing single player look in the ingame setup menus for a new character and saber changer.


    check it out here 



    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  4. @@JaceSolarisVIII I must say, I'm glad you allowed cheats to be used again on this. The one thing I didn't really like is that one feature. I understand WHY cheats were omitted from previous Serenity incarnations before, but having to beat Jedi Master with how broken it was just shooed me away from it entirely. If I can make one suggestion to add to the mod, RGB sabers. You already implemented SFX, so might as well go all in. :)


    When you say RGB Sabers, do you mean the saber menu with a slider so you can change the colours to how you want them?


    Just suggesting that if you published the code using GitHub you might have people who are interested in helping out instead of going it alone.


    I have looked at Git and I wouldn't know where to start or maintain a source control on Git.

  5. I was always under the impression the source was lost because it wasn't released initially. Unless that was kotf.


    Na mate. The source was just broken and fragmented. I got 3 different copy's of the source from serenity each was at a different stage of development and all 3 were broken in some way or another. So I just merged them together to make a working copy. It  never did pan out as I wanted and was always just a bit unstable because it would never debug properly. Thanks to openjk and the wanders they did with there source I was able to learn how to fix it and finally got it stable.

    The code version I'm working on at the moment changes every day as it is a W.I.P but I plan on releasing it with the final version of the mod as a package in December. Then I'm finished with coding. I have a baby due in march next year and my mission was to give this 1 year to try to rescue the code and mod as a personal challenge. I'm stuck (hit a wall again) with coop mode at the moment but I'm chipping away at it everyday.

    TheWhitePhoenix, Noodle and Smoo like this
  6. Hope you can help me with this small problem.


    Im looking to make single player lightsaber so that.


    As it is now.

    At the point of impact , where the saber hits an enemy. If it is not a strike that causes dismemberment or a kill strike due to low health. The saber passes through the enemy (npc,s) body causing damage.


    what I'm trying to do.

    At the point of impact , where the saber hits an enemy. If it is not a strike that causes dismemberment or a kill strike due to low health. The saber bounce's off the enemy (npc,s) body causing damage.


    I have made a small piece of code to call at the point where the saber impacts the body 

    void G_SaberBounceNokill(gentity_t* self, gentity_t* other, qboolean hitBody)
    	if (self && self->client)
    		if (!PM_SaberInSpecialAttack(self->client->ps.torsoAnim))
    			if (SaberAttacking(self))
    			{// saber has hit enemt but didn't kill or dismember so bounce off his body
    				self->client->ps.saberMove = PM_SaberBounceForAttack(self->client->ps.saberMove);
    				self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_BOUNCE_MOVE;
    				self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_ATK_BOUNCE;

    ​My problem is that I can not find the exact location where I should call this piece of code.


    I'm thinking in qboolean WP_SaberApplyDamage.


    I have tried this.

    if ( victim->client
    							&& (victim->s.weapon == WP_SABER || (victim->client->NPC_class==CLASS_REBORN) || (victim->client->NPC_class==CLASS_WAMPA))
    							&& !g_saberRealisticCombat->integer )
    						{//dmg vs other saber fighters is modded by hitloc and capped
    							totalDmg[i] *= damageModifier[hitLoc[i]];
    							if ( hitLoc[i] == HL_NONE )
    								maxDmg = 33*baseDamage;
    								maxDmg = 50*hitLocHealthPercentage[hitLoc[i]]*baseDamage;
    							if ( maxDmg < totalDmg[i] )
    								totalDmg[i] = maxDmg;
    							G_SaberBounceNokill(victim, ent, qfalse);

    ​But it does not give the effect I'm looking for.


    I just want a non kill strike to bounce off the point of impact instead of passing through the body 


    can you help??

  7. @@JaceSolarisVIII

    Apparently there are some good people over here : )

    I would definetly prefer the second option because I have no idea how to code myself. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that with Revansoft releasing the source code it's just a matter of adding the features to that code. You say that it's "heavily bugged" but isn't that the same that original JA SP uses? Because the game looks as stable as possible. Again forgive my misunderstanding but I have no experience with these things. 


    As far as I am aware the released SDK/code was compiled in an older version of VS or even a different compiler. I downloaded the released version of the SDK and I have visual studio 2010,2013,2015,2017 and its an absolute mess in all versions.


    Openjk compiles just fine for me as does SJE however both are unstable  and crash at various points and have other errors I'm unable to find and fix.


    If I could just get an unaltered stable version to compile I would do this for you with pleasure , but sorry I don't have the means to do this for you.

  8. Yes it's me and my problems again..


    This time I am working on Single Player and I am in need of coder assistance. I have 4 requests for some good soul to code for original JAsp (vanilla jagamex86.dll only) :


    - Extending maximum number of NPC limit (including vehicles) to the highest value the game can handle without crashing / being unstable.


    - Extending the number of customization spieces limit. This was done for OpenJK MP by Xycaleth. The whole topic is here: https://jkhub.org/topic/8158-bug-customizable-species-limit/page-1


    - Increasing the string pool size limit. This was also done for OpenJK: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/commit/cfcc97f3


    - Extending the limit of lightsaber hilts that can go into SP


    Many of you will probably think : OpenJK has all of it why not use it?


    The answer is because OpenJK SP is not compatible with SP version of my mod. Besides OpenJK (for MP) has many drawbacks, it's pretty unstable and I refuse to use it at least in current version which is far from perfect. I guess it's the same for SP ( It launches but almost everything looks bugged; for example text loss, strange menu behaviour not to mention tons of errors while launching a map ). To sum up I simply cannot   use OpenJK on this one. That is why I request these changes to be made for vanilla JASP.


    It's very important for me as I am stuck with the work and without your help I will never be able to finish the mod which many claim to be worth finishing.


    Help me @@Asgarath83 @@Teancum @@MGummelt @@Ramikad @ @@Boothand @@Stoiss @@ensiform @@DT85 @@Wolfeye @T.Zealot @@Archangel35757 @@Xycaleth @@eezstreet @@JaceSolarisVIII @@redsaurus @ @@Darth Futuza @@Raz0r @ @@SomaZ @@Dusty @@ent You're my only hope...


    So you have a version of the Jedi academy sdk/code ? and you want to know how to implement these features in to your code. Or you want someone to provide you with a set of DLL,S built from the Original sdk with these features already added?


    If its the second option, its going to be difficult because the released version of the original SDK is heavily bugged and requires many fixes to make it stable or even compile able in a modern version of VS.

    Most of the fixes are already implemented in Openjk  making that the logical choice.

    However if your having issues with openjk then maybe you have a version of the original SDK/Code and you have managed to implement the fixes required for it to compile in a modern version of VS and also be stable --(Dream code)-- .If you do have this then it would be worth its weight in gold.


    If you do have a dream code, then all you have to do is provide a download link and I would do it for you just to get my hands on this code. But if you want someone to download the released version of JKA SDK/Code then fix it up and add the features you require, this is a tall order.


    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but unless someone has a clean original unspoilt and fully compile able in VS 2010-2017 copy that is totally stable in SP+MP then I cant help you, but wish I could.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  9. Yes I did! :)

    The only comment in the comment section is me! 

    You have made a good work on this!

    It is a really good mod, but as I say, I can't get the dismemberment to work properly! Even after activating it in the menu! If only I could find the cgf file to modify, this would be the perfect mod! 


    edit: The dismemberment work almost perfectly on previous release of the serenity engine, but the cheat menu in your mod is a feature that I like and I don't want to play without it!!


    I plan on doing some work on dismemberment for sabers for the next patch.I found the dismemberment for sabers a bit messy in the original format.It felt like the bodys just fall to pieces if touched by a saber.I want to make it based on swing type and enemy health level when impacted.(or something like that) but not on a setting like cg_dismemberment.More like the weapons dismemberment based on location,health,and swing type


    I should have a patch ready in 1 or 2 months.Or even sooner if i can get some help.

  10. I Will take a look at uploading it to github in the near future.The code is not in any fit state to put it up as a release or example like Openjk.


    I couldnt wait till this evening so i came home just to upload the code because im soooooo desperate for help i didnt want you to think i was stalling or some thing.


    So i put it on my google drive straight from my pc.


    Hope this is correct as i uploaded it as it is from my folder on my pc.I use VS2010 to compile it after woking on it.




    Please comfirm i have uploaded it correctly and it is working for you,as i am usure how to make any major adjustments to it.


    Thanks for taking the time to look at it. :-)

  11. Hi everybody


    I am 1 of 5 people who have the serenityjediengine code.I have decided to try to revive the mod "SerenityJediEngine" not "Evolution of Combat".


    I am only working with the code and the original SJE download files from here http://www.moddb.com...itysabersystems


    I believe this is a clean build with no issues of plagiarism and this is why I'm not even touching Evolution of combat.


    My plan is to make a build ready by march  and then go "Open" ,Meaning people can join me and help with making this a mod for all, with no issues.


    I am reluctant to post here on jkhub because I don't want any of the mud from Evolution of Combat sticking to the SJE or me.


    A few things I have thought about are


    1 getting as many people involved as possible because I am not good enough at mod making to realize the potential of this code.

    2 Getting a better coder to help me with this project as I am struggling to stabilize the code and need help

    3 Changing the name of the code / mod to help bring it a new clean state.


    I want to state the following


    I haven't made this code (I just try to fix it).

    I haven't made any mods before

    I am just trying to edit it to a stable form without any issues.


    For me the Sober mechanics have become a real hobby. I play on an evening mostly single player because the servers are empty.


    The story so far.....


    As you may know, The release of the SJE code was broken.


    First thing I did was look how the first release of the standard release code was built then I looked how Openjk was built.so I went on the openjk page and went on the commits page then I went to the bottom and pressed the older button about 20 times. I did this because I knew an older version would be closer to the original version but I also knew it would compile because all the openjk builds are solid. I then downloaded a very old code and put it on my pc using Visual studio 2010. And then began adding all the Openjk updates and fixes to that code that didn't effect overall build format keeping as close to Base jka SDK style as possible but also keeping it as up to date as possible. Once I was happy I had all I needed I started breaking down serenity's code and comparing every file with the updated openjk code. This bit was the killer because openjk has all the render code that is essential to run and they have changed a hell of a lot of the normal non bugged code because it is required for the render code. But I did manage to remove some openjk code and replace it back to Jedi academy code.



    Lucky for me I can go into a code trance for hours when I'm doing this stuff. So I just went on a bender for weeks and blended serenity code into openjk, sometimes I had to mishmash 1 page from serenity's code with a page from openjk whilst using the base JKA code as a guide. In the end it drove me insane.

    Anyway, that's where I am now, I fixed a few things in the code as I went along but mostly its copy pasted from one to the other. And that's mistakes and all.

    It compiles yes but it doesn't work. For me it just crashes out regularly. I'm missing something but I don't know where else to look.


    Currently I am still sifting through the code and correcting any errors I spot as I go along, But I have hit a wall and stalled.



    Here is what I have so far:




    I'm asking for help for any modders who want to get involved.


    Things like Menus, scripts and effects all need updating to modern spec. But mostly an experienced coder is what it needs


    Take a look and see what you think. Any advice or tips are welcome.


    And if you want to get involved


    Just PM me here or on the moddb page here:http://www.moddb.com/mods/serenityjediengine-20


    All advice is welcome.



    One last point.. I'm not here to discuss the history of SJE or EoC mods or there creators. I'm only looking forward at this point to revive this amazing sabersystem.





  12. Hi everybody


    I am 1 of 5 people who have the serenityjediengine code.I have decided to try to revive the mod "SerenityJediEngine" not "Evolution of Combat".


    I am only working with the code and the original SJE download files from here http://www.moddb.com/mods/serenitysabersystems


    I believe this is a clean build with no issues of plagiarism and this is why I'm not even touching Evolution of combat.


    My plan is to make a build ready by march  and then go "Open" ,Meaning people can join me and help with making this a mod for all, with no issues.


    I am reluctant to post here on jkhub because I don't want any of the mud from Evolution of Combat sticking to the SJE or me.


    A few things I have thought about are

    1 getting as many people involved as possible because I am not good enough at mod making to realize the potential of this code.

    2 Getting a better coder to help me with this project as I am struggling to stabilize the code and need help

    3 Changing the name of the code / mod to help bring it a new clean slate.


    I want to state the following


    I haven't made this code (I just try to fix it).

    I haven't made any mods before

    I am just trying to edit it to a stable form without any issues.


    I'm going to stop now and see what kind of response this post gets. If I get harassed ,banned from jkhub or anything like that then I will know I have made a mistake here.


    This is more of a cry for help than anything else and hopefully I haven't stepped on anybody's toes.

    DarthDementous and Lancelot like this
  13. Do you have access to the code? Openjk is the best way to go.

    I use Visual studio 2012 with the SerenityJediEngine, but Openjk is easier to work with and more readily available.

    The SerenityJediEngine is way more complicated than Openjk and has less people using it. So I suggest using Openjk, that's if its just small changes you want to make.


    Probably best to use Visual studio 2015 also but I'm no expert on which version is the best. I'm sure more knowledgeable people can help you with that one.


    You could then just copy/paste the code example I posted and edit it for your own purposes.

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