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Posts posted by Linken


    Hey guys, I would like to offer my assistance in the development of this mod =)

    1. Applying for: Mainly mapping. (I am, however, easily taught and have a basic understanding of scripts)
    2. Why are you interested in helping us? - Because i think this mod is the greatest opportunity to play a game that makes you feel like a true jedi, bounty hunter or sith.

      No other mod (or even game for that matter), gives me the same feeling that this does..

      Other than that, I believe Single Player can be a very important part of this mod, and would like to create, implement and optimize the maps in the SW campaign..

    3. Prior Modding Experience: I have done a lot of individual modding for many of the Total War games, starting back in the good old M2TW days =).. Beside that, I have done some mapping in JKA, but need the last details, before my maps actually gets the natural (non-square) feel



    Hi, thanks for applying!


    Send me a private message showing off some of your work at your earliest convenience. I'd be very interested in seeing what you have.


    Mainly JKA work, but feel free to show off your Total War work as well, my father loves Total War.

  2. Well, I tried getting the Naboo Throne Room map file, but apparently, it didn't have all the necessary files inside the pk3 itself - it just wouldn't show in the non-KOTF JAMP list of maps.

    I want the 'Ep2 Duel Jedi Temple' for now.


    I wonder though, where do I get some of the maps/ models/ hilts from KOTF that are not uploaded to jkhub?


    Ummm...sift through the kotf assets and extract what you want?

  3. (Of course) I did not know if half hazardly throwing new files in with the old with out the old being deleted or removed would cause issues,conflict or just create problems.


    The only reason I did not DL the new updater is that the comments over at moddb are saying its crashing the mod all together. I'd rather spend more time playing than troubleshooting.


    The updater has been fixed, it should be working properly now.

  4. MANUAL DOWNLOAD ONLY: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1P-4TGRk3tuFTNV-UMfaRfxvpw_0BbNSd


    This small update demo is a sneak peek at features coming for the mod. In our efforts to maintain a healthy, and tolerant community, we've made some changes with pre-existing game elements which I hope that you all will enjoy.


    As we want to be politically correct, I expect that none of these changes will brew any controversy of any kind.




    • All Lightsaber colors have been removed from the mod, all that Lightsabers will be are the blades. This is to hopefully prevent us from accidental discrimination, and make it known that we do not support any indication that one color of a lightsaber may be better than the others.


    • Force Jump has had a sound change.
    • Force Speed has had a sound change.
    • Force Sense has had a sound change.
    • Force Pull has had a sound change.
    • Force Absorb has had a sound change.
    • Force Rage has had a sound change.


    For future updates, we have the following planned, and much more:


    • All characters will be locked at the start of the mod, all characters must be unlocked through ingame achievements, the only unlocked character at the start will be Jar Jar Binks.
    • Per request by 1 fan, microtransactions will be available.
    • Rey will be given a massive HP and FP boost to accomodate her "Mary Sue" status.
    • Ingame achievements with varied rewards, such as virtual high fives and even a hug.
    • Loot boxes will appear sporadically on most maps, which will contain valuable weapons and items, such as damage boosts and even real world currency.
    • For our fans that may experience major offense to violence in video games, we are going to be removing all guns from the game, multiplayer will be about preaching tolerance and kindness.
    • Overhauls on lightsabers will include, but aren't limited to: Rainbow lightsaber colors and the option to remove all lightsabers from the game.
    • Occasionally, an option to donate to the mod will pop up while you play, you may donate any amount you wish, you must donate to play the mod. How much you donate may offer you rewards, such as overpowered damage boosts and extra force power.
    • Losing a duel while in multiplayer will force you to be swarmed with the "Do you know da wei" memes as punishment for your failure.
    • So much more to come....


    Thank you all for following the development of Knights of the Force 2.1, and may the Force be with you.

  5. -Add the weapon Selection menu seen before in kotf 2.0, i know that Kotf 2.1 has a lot of new weapons for the diferent characters of the game but at least we can find handy the weapon menu with all the standart weapons from JKA and the melee fighting moves


    Planned feature, just need to figure out how we're going to implement it.


    -while testing the current version i note that sometimes the player and npc menu dont work properly cause the console dosent allow cheats( this can be fixed by tapping helpusobi cheat in the console, but this is kinda tedius comparing it with the 2.0 version) this issue happens mostly when you want to change your lightsaber or spawn some npc´s of any kind . it would be a good idea to allow server cheats from the starting of the game.


    We'll see what we can do.


    -Add a new force power customization menu for custom force power tweaking 


    Planned feature.


    -Add the Noclip Button in the pause menu (like Kotf 2.0 did)


    We'll take this under consideration, thank you.


    -Add the camera Angle customization and their presets as well ( the presets used to be seen in some of the old Koft Minimods) 


    The camera angle menu is already there, check setup. Did 2.0 have presets? I don't recall that tbh.


    -Add the Timescale Customization as well


    Already in, check the angles menu.


    -the older Kotf has an option in the lightsaber menu  to choose the lightsaber styles including the Tavion, Dessan and the staff saber style to be choosen by any character (for better custom games)   


    It did? We'll think about it.


    -Bring the option to choose betwen dismemberment modes (the new Kotf dismemberment system, no dismemberment and the classic realistic lightsaber combat)


    Already done, just adjust the lightsaber damage and turn on dismemberment.


    -Add Blood and bleeding effects for melee weapons.


    Planning on it. Though technically the blood is already there with guns.  :P

    TheWhitePhoenix and The F3R0X like this
  6. Hello,


    Was there ever a resolution to this no text issue? I just installed the mod today and I'm experiencing the same problem.

    • I downloaded/installed the original game via Steam.
    • I downloaded the KOTF Launcher/Updater.
    • I extracted and ran the KOTF Updater as per the readme file included in the zip file.

    Any help or guidance would be appreciated - thank you!


    Run the updater again, I apologize for the inconvenience.

  7. Ah, I didn't realize that. Thanks for letting me know...The problem is indeed with my CIS skins file, when I try to open it via 7zip it tells me that it cannot open it as an archive...I've looked into the files you provided, downloaded a new one, and it worked like a charm! Thank you very much!

    Edit: I also compared the sizes between my file and your new one, and there was a 20 MB difference with yours being the larger one...

    Yeah I'll be looking at the updater in the near future, see if I can stop it from partially downloading files.

  8. Well finaly i could download kotf 2.1 beta thanks to the launcher, i put the launcher in an appart folder of my pc and i got all the kotf files( the kotf folder that it has all its files in pk3 and a jampgamex86 dll and nothing else) the dlls outside the kotf folder and of course Kotf mp and sp exe files.


    I transfer the files to my JKA  gamedata folder (my Jka Base Folder is clear of mods but my game data has AIMOD and MBII mod in their respective folders) so i test the mod  the menu runs fine but when i load a mission or a map the game crashes saying me that it couldn´t find the saves folder.


    Now that i look  for the manual instalation tutorial here tells me to look for another  Kotf folder (Kotf- Windows)   the guide tells me  that this folder has another game data folder but the Kotf-windows folder is not there.


    PD: i choose to download the files via launcher in another place of my hard disk (Downloads/GameMods/JK3)


    The updater downloads everything, unfortunately it's quite buggy and I'll need to fix it. Run the updater a few more times to make sure you get everything.


    The KotF-Windows folder doesn't exist for the updater because everything is already there. Just extract everything to your Gamedata folder and you should be fine.

    The F3R0X likes this
  9. Hey everyone,


    My next project will be mainly involving doing some major fixes for the npcs; buffing, nerfing, etc. Hopefully make it so that some npcs don't permanently say on that weak-ass fast style permanently. But of course, my opinion on what needs fixing may be different than yours.


    I need suggestions on what you feel may need fixing for the npcs, and if it sounds realistic enough, I'll make sure to include it.


    Some fixes I plan on making for the next update are:


    • Make Boba Fett not invincible EXCEPT during his mission in the single player campaign.
    • Free selection of lightsaber styles for npcs (provided that they have them)
    • Make Count Dooku weaker
    • Character biography updates to coincide with The Last Jedi and Rebels.
    • Make Emperor Palpatine use Lightning, no lightsaber.


    There are a few others I have in mind, but I mostly need feedback from you guys. I've gotten a number of comments from players stating that a number of npcs are too easy, and others too hard. Please leave me your suggestions as a reply in this topic, and I'll be sure to read them.


    Thank you for following the development of Knights of the Force 2.1, and may the Force be with you.

    Maksman likes this
  10. I have to make a Copy of JKA in order to play other mods like Movie Battles 2 or there is no compatibility problems with the mod and other mods ?

    If the mods are separate, then keep them. However, kotf is not compatible with any multiplayer mods or other openjk mods (like serenity Jedi engine)

    The F3R0X likes this
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