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Posts posted by Linken

  1. My favorite part of these patch notes is always you guys coming up with an universe reason for the NPC changes, it adds a ton of charm and fun.


    Super excited to play this! Awesome work!

    Hahaha! It's all me, I write these. Thank you!

    Maksman likes this
  2. DOWNLOAD HERE: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1f_Qt58JLnb_JBohYZTBMkrDFP3s3tD-d


    VIEW THE PATCH NOTES HERE: http://linken233.github.io


    Patch Notes - 07/23/18


    ***The following files must be deleted from your KotF folder: "KotF_Skins_Ep7" and "KotF_NPC_Ep7", these files will be replaced.***




    - Free NPC Alignment choice has arrived, you may now spawn any NPC of your choice with one of six alignments and behaviors to choose from. 
    - The NPC limit has been increased once again, you may now populate the mod with more of your own characters. 
    NEW MISSION: Revan vs. Malak; Relive the final duel of Knights of the Old Republic against Darth Malak aboard the mysterious Star Forge and save the galaxy!


    New Characters Added/Model Updates/New NPC Variations



    - Arcann 
    - Ashara Zavros 
    - Darth Marr 
    - Darth Talon 
    - Lord Kallig 
    - Lord Larith 
    - Lord Scourge 
    - Ludo Kressh 
    - Marka Ragnos 
    - Naga Sadow 
    - Thexan 
    - Tulak Hord 
    - Uthar Wynn 
    - Valkorion 
    - Vaylin



    - Abednedo Jedi 
    - Agen Kolar: Hood + Clone Wars (New variants) 
    - Alderaan Guard 
    - Breha Organa 
    - Bultar Swan 
    - Captain Gregar Typho 
    - Clone Cadet: Clone Civilian + Clone Civilian Cadet (New variants) 
    - Clone Naval Officer: Clone Medical Officer + Clone Medical Officer w/ hat (New variants) 
    - Coruscant Underworld Police 
    - Depa Billaba: The Phantom Menace (New variant) 
    - Eeth Koth: Hood + Clone Wars (New variants) 
    - Finis Valorum 
    - Kit Fisto: Clone Wars (New variant) 
    - Oppo Rancisis 
    - Que-Mars Redath-Gom 
    - Rig Nema 
    - Roron Corobb 
    - Saesee Tiin: Hood + Clone Wars (New variants) 
    - Tarados Gon 
    - Tsui Choi 
    - Zao



    - Neimodian Guard: Neimodian Security (New variant)



    - Han Solo: Solo - A Star Wars Story (New variant)



    - Galen Marek: Lord Starkiller (New variant)



    - Finn: The Last Jedi (New variant) 
    - Poe Dameron: The Last Jedi (New variant) 
    - Rey: The Last Jedi (New variants) 
    - Luke Skywalker: Crait + Crait w/ Hood (New variants) 
    **Full customization has been removed for Poe Dameron and Rey**



    - Armitage Hux 
    - First Order Officer 
    - Kylo Ren: Mask w/ no hood + The Last Jedi (New variants + model update) 
    - Praetorian Guard 
    - Supreme Leader Snoke



    - Black Sun Mercenary 
    - Sidon Ithano



    - Sugi



    - Kabe



    - Bo-Katan Kryze


    NPCs Removed


    The following NPC variations have been removed in lieu of the new free choice system



    - Dustil Onasi (Light Side) 
    - Juhani (Dark Side) 
    - Legacy Jedi



    - A'sharad Hett (Dark Side) 
    - Cade Skywalker (Dark Side) 
    - Kyp Durron (Dark Side) 
    - Ulic Qel-Droma (Dark Side) 
    - Yuthura Ban (Light Side) 
    - Legacy Sith



    - 212th Attack Battalion: Trooper, Air Recon, Grenadier, Heavy, Shotgun, Sniper (Order 66) 
    - 21st Nova Corps (Order 66) 
    - 327th Star Corps (Order 66) 
    - 41st Elite Corps: Trooper, Scout Trooper, Sniper (Order 66) 
    - 501st Legion: Trooper, ARC Trooper, Assassin, Sharpshooter, Demolitions, Heavy, Sergeant, Air Recon (Order 66) 
    - 91st Recon Corps: Trooper, Lieutenant (Order 66) 
    - ARC Trooper: Trooper, Sergeant, Lieutenant (Order 66) 
    - Captain Deviss (Order 66) 
    - Clone Trooper: Phase 2 Armor (Order 66) 
    - Commander Bacara (Order 66) 
    - Commander Bly (Order 66) 
    - Commander Cody (Order 66) 
    - Commander Fox (Order 66) 
    - Commander Gree (Order 66) 
    - Commander Keller (Order 66) 
    - Commander Neyo (Order 66) 
    - Desert Clone Trooper: Trooper, Demolitions, Sniper, Jetpack, Security, Medic, Shotgun, Lieutenant, Captain, Major(Order 66) 
    - Hound (Order 66) 
    - Kamino Security: Trooper, Commander (Order 66) 
    - Tup (Order 66)



    - Hondo Ohnaka (Light Side)



    - Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders: Blue, Red, Gold, Silver (Ally) 
    - Shae Vizla (Ally)


    NPC Changes




    - Atton Rand felt his Jedi training wasn't adequate enough, his health has been increased from 200 to 300, and his force energy has been increased from 150 to 200. 
    - Bao-Dur returned to Meetra Surik for some additional training, his health has been increased from 200 to 300, and his force energy has been increased from 150 to 200. 
    - Bao-Dur was displeased that he was forced to use an EMP gun. He has since requisitioned himself a proper blaster rifle. 
    - Bastila Shan grew in strength since she confronted Darth Revan. Her health has been increased from 300 to 400, and her force energy has been increased from 200 to 250. 
    - Bastila Shan has disappointed Darth Malak for the last time, increasing her abilities with Force Grip and Force Lightning. Her Force Grip has been increased from 2 to 3, and her Force Lightning has been increased from 1 to 2. 
    - Brianna returned to Meetra Surik for some additional training, her health has been increased from 200 to 300, and her force energy has been increased from 150 to 200. 
    - HK-47 demanded a better weapon to accomodate for his desire to eliminate any meatbag opposition. His weapon has been changed from a blaster rifle to a repeater. 
    - Queen Talia's training has increased in ferocity, her health has been increased from 300 to 400. 
    - Vrook Lamar, hardened from the Jedi Civil War, has grown in strength. His NPC class has been changed from CLASS_JEDI to CLASS_KYLE. 
    - Vandar Tokare performed some maintenance on his lightsaber, changing out his green Lightsaber crystal to a blue one.




    - A'sharad Hett found a new pair of Lightsabers more appropriate to the time period. His lightsabers have been changed to Shaak Ti's hilt. 
    - Darth Bane suddenly got much tougher to kill, his health has been increased from 400 to 500 and his force energy has been increased from 250 to 300. 
    - Darth Krayt's strength has given him great power. His health has been increased from 400 to 500 and his force energy has been increased from 250 to 300. 
    - Darth Malgus remembered to stand up straight, his height has been increased from 105 to 125. 
    - Darth Revan grew in strength before, during, and after the Mandalorian Wars. His health for his Sith Lord and Jedi Knight variants has been increased from 300 to 400, and his force energy has been increased from 200 to 250.




    - Ahsoka Tano grew slightly weaker since her confrontation with Darth Vader on Malachor, her NPC class has been changed from CLASS_LUKE to CLASS_JEDI, but her health has been increased from 400 to 500, and her force energy has been increased from 250 to 300. 
    - Anakin Skywalker's power has grown during and since the Clone Wars. His health has been increased from 400 to 500 and his force energy has been increased from 250 to 300. 
    - Barriss Offee remembered she's a traitor to the Jedi Order. Her dark variants will now properly attack anyone daring to follow the light side. Additionally, her NPC class has been changed from CLASS_JEDI to CLASS_REBORN. 
    - As Battlemaster of the Jedi Order, Cin Drallig believed he should be one of the toughest Jedi, his health has been increased from 300 to 500, and his force energy has been increased from 200 to 300. 
    - Darth Plagueis could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to give himself life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even increase his health from 400 to 500, and his force energy from 250 to 300. 
    - Mas Amedda will no longer attempt to fight back if attacked, preferring to not get involved with open conflict. 
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi's strength has grown during and since the Clone Wars. His health has been increased from 400 to 500 and his force energy has been increased from 250 to 300. 
    - Yoda's short height has proven to be a slight disadvantage against most Force-wielding enemies, he is now immune to Force Powers.




    - Darth Maul's fighting style has changed. He will no longer use the Tavion style, and can now use the Strong style. 
    - General Grievous was very displeased with his cybernetic body and demanded an upgrade. His health has been increased from 300 to 500, and his force energy has been increased from 200 to 300.




    - Emperor Palpatine threw away his lightsaber, feeling that he no longer needed it. Palpatine will now only fight using the Force. Additionally, given his new fighting style, his health has been increased from 500 to 2000, his force power has been increased from 300 to 600, and is now prepared to resist most blasters and force powers.




    - Rey's newfound abilities with the Lightsaber have given her a greater strength. Her health has been increased from 300 to 400, and her force energy has been increased from 200 to 250 on any variant where she wields a Lightsaber.




    - After being humiliated on Starkiller Base, Captain Phasma upgraded her armor, she is now immune to blaster fire from most weapons. 
    - Kylo Ren has been humilated for the last time, his health has been increased from 300 to 400, his force energy has been increased from 200 to 250, and his NPC class has been changed from CLASS_REBORN to CLASS_SHADOWTROOPER.




    - Alzoc III Capital 
    - Ancient Outpost 
    - Apcotyl Temple 
    - Casa De Los Parias 
    - Coruscant Speedway 
    - Mos Espa Outskirts 
    - Tatooine RPG 
    - TOR Sith Empire Dreadnought






    - Ezra Bridger's biography has been updated to reflect events that took place during the 4th season of Star Wars: Rebels. 
    - Kanan Jarrus' biography has been updated to reflect events that took place during the 4th season of Star Wars: Rebels.




    - Grand Admiral Thrawn's biography has been updated to reflect events that took place during the 4th season of Star Wars: Rebels.




    - Rey's biography has been updated to reflect events that took place during Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. 
    - Finn's biography has been updated to reflect events that took place during Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. 
    - Poe Dameron's biography has been updated to reflect events that took place during Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. 
    - General Leia Organa's biography has been updated to reflect events that took place during Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. 
    - Luke Skywalker's biography has been updated to reflect events that took place during Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.




    - Kylo Ren's biography has been updated to reflect events that took place during Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. 
    - Captain Phasma's biography has been updated to reflect events that took place during Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.




    - Jar Jar Binks' biography has been edited to prevent the text from exiting the bounds of the biography box.




    - Ashara Zavros 
    - Lord Kallig 
    - Lord Scourge 
    - Tulak Hord






    - Captain Phasma 
    - Darth Maul 
    - Finn 
    - Poe Dameron 
    - Rey




    - Droideka 
    - N-1 Starfighter




    - A280 Blaster Rifle 
    - E-5 Blaster Rifle 
    - EE-3 Blaster Carbine Rifle 
    - Electrostaff 
    - WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistol




    - The Resistance Logo has been changed to a new orange color scheme. 
    - Added a new Notarget option in the NPC spawner menu. 
    - New main menu background picture. 
    - Mission briefings have been added for T1_INTER and YAVIN1B. 
    - Bowcaster bolts were changed from red to green.

    Smoo, Hep and Maksman like this
  3. With the release of the next update coming soon. Discussions have already begun on a few new characters we would like to add into the mod coming with our multiplayer update coming up next. Discussions have ensued, with some degree of controversy on the team, for the inclusion of three characters. Here's a brief description and Wookieepedia article of each character.


    SERRA KETO: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Serra_Keto


    Made her first appearance in the Revenge of the Sith video game as a boss character during which you fight her as Darth Vader.


    SIRI TACHI: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Siri_Tachi


    Made her first appearance in the Legends novel Jedi Apprentice: The Captive Temple. She was Obi-Wan's love interest for a short time.


    DARTH ZANNAH: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Zannah


    Made her first appearance in the comic Jedi Vs. Sith. Zannah, once known as Rain, was Darth Bane's apprentice, and his successor as Dark Lord of the Sith during the era of the Rule of Two.




    This poll is all or nothing, there are no choices on whether or not you'd prefer to see Zannah or Serra, but not Siri. The poll will run from now until Saturday, August 4th.


    Vote, and make your voice heard!


    Thank you for following the development of Knights of the Force 2.1, and may the Force be with you.

  4. Hello

    I have recently downloaded this mod from the internet and i have found it very useful with all the different characters and i am looking forward towards the new patch with the customisation of the npc allignment however i am trying to make a machinima with this mod and i was wondering if you could help me because i would like to use the animation menu but it creates a problem with the kotf menu. Do you guys know how to solve this issue and also are you guys on adding such a feature

    Best regards


    Link me to your machinima, I'd very much like to see it.


    What exactly do you mean by animation menu?

    Arthor likes this
  5. All I've got is the Linux/Windows/Mac folders, and the KotF folder. Where can I download the launcher?

    Go into the developer section, look for the topic "knights of the force updates: things you'll need to know", should be the 1st link labeled "download", not "manual download" which is right below it.

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