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Posts posted by Linken


    VIEW ALL PATCH NOTES HERE: http://linken233.github.io



    • Dismemberment has been fixed, you may now chop up your victims to your heart's content. 
    • Dismemberment probabilities have been changed to only offer two values, low or high.


    • Players engaging in a duel will be granted full health and shields for the battle ahead. 
    • After a duel has ended, the victor will be granted full health and shields.
    • Players can now roll with a gun as their active weapon.
    • Players should now be able to spawn more NPCs in multiplayer.
    • Fixed an exploit where it was possible to crash players by turning on the Training Lightsaber.


    • Increased waiting time after selecting a character to play as so the character's dialogue can fully play.



    The Galactic Republic

    • Tiplee and Tiplar have discovered the importance of communication. They will now talk properly.

    The Separatist Alliance

    • Asajj Ventress went back for some extra training under Count Dooku; her health has been increased from 300 to 400. 
    • Durge has grown throughout the Clone Wars, and has been rescaled from 150 to 169. 
    • Darth Maul's shirtless variant (with natural legs) has been given his staff instead of a single-bladed lightsaber. 
    • Savage Opress went back to Dathomir to complete his transformation; he has been rescaled from 106 to 123. 
    • Savage Opress upgraded his lightsaber with his new height change, the blade is now longer to compensate for his height. 
    • Count Dooku was most displeased with the size of the Super Battle Droids. After some work on the manufacturing line, they have been rescaled from 109 to 125.

    The Galactic Empire

    • Alora realized that it was way too hot on Taspir III and decided to take off her winter gear and dress in something more appropriate to the climate. 
    • Galak Fyyar felt very cramped in his Cortosis armor and commanded his engineers to rescale it from 100 to 110. 
    • Galak Fyyar found his voice outside of his armor and will now talk. 
    • Galak's Cortosis armor variant has been changed from CLASS_GALAK_MECH (which doesn't exist in Jedi Academy's code) to CLASS_HAZARD_TROOPER. 
    • The 8th Brother has discovered the importance of being vocal, and will now talk.



    Carbon City

    • Added missing textures: models/map_objects/imp_mine/crate_open and models/map_objects/kejim/crate_01 
    • Sound file Re-Rendering with mono option

    Tatooine Duel

    • With the release of a new KotF OpenJK build, TatooineDuel can now be accessed without crashing. It is now free to choose in the map selection menu.

    Invisible Hand (v1)

    • The Invisible Hand map has been changed from its free for all version to its siege version for use in Single Player. It is no longer greyed out.

    Naboo Hills

    • The map no longer crashes on startup. 
    • Replaced missing vehicles due to renames. (Droid Starfighter and Clone Gunship)


    • Replaced missing vehicles due to renames. (STAP and Droid Starfighter)

    Trade Federation Ship v1

    • Fixed an issue where Droid Starfighters would float after respawning in the hangar.
  2. There has been a new updater....have you felt it? (WINDOWS ONLY)


    DOWNLOAD HERE: https://www.moddb.com/mods/knights-of-the-force-21/downloads/kotf-launcher


    MANUAL DOWNLOAD HERE: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1p6Z1uYW0ldrgETGARFynVVREJ0jQ63uu


    If you answered yes to this question, continue to read, if you answered no....keep reading anyway.


    Today, we launch our new updater and patching system, coded by some weirdo with no social life and who has never made a launcher before (me).





    This launcher will provide players, both new and current, with an easier, more accessible way to download, install, and update their game. As we all know, most modern games provide patches and updates after release, and we want to provide players with updates as well, instead of forcing you to download an 8GB file every month.


    Keep in mind, this launcher can only be used by players running on Windows. But we will have something in store for Mac and Linux users as well.





    Simply start the launcher, and a new window will open up. You'll see 7 buttons, as well as a website.




    Single Player: Start Single Player

    Multiplayer: Start Multiplayer

    Mute/Play Music: Mute or Play the music (currently it's Rey's theme, however you can change it if you desire)

    Update: Start the updater.


    The final 3 buttons at the top will take you to our 3 social media websites: JKHub, Discord, and Moddb.





    To use the Updater, simply click on the "Update" button, OR, start the KotF-Updater.exe file. It will take a while for the updater to do its thing so be patient. Once the updater has finished, the updater will close, and the launcher will start up again. The website will be updated with patch notes as we release, as well as posted here on JKHub, Moddb, and Discord.





    The music can be located in the KotF-Launcher folder. If you wish to change the music, simple drag any .mp3 file into the folder and name it "music.mp3". If you want to remove the music, simply delete the music.mp3. The music will never be touched via the updater, it's entirely your choice.





    We won't release updates too frequently, a majority of updates we release will mostly be bug fixes. At worst, we will release more serious updates at least once per month.





    We never forgot about you. So how will you receive updates?


    While it would be very unfair for us to release bug fixes at the same frequency, it would be rude of us to not give you all the same updates and fixes as everyone else.


    Alongside any major releases, we will also zip together all files that have been updated up until that point and release them via the website. Once every few months, we will upload the full mod to google drive and update our download links for you all.


    Link to website: http://linken233.github.io





    Progress Reports will still be made, but now we will also make "Patch Notes" topics in the developer section of this forum whenever we release an update. A direct link to the website and update will be provided for all users in each Progress Report and Patch Note topic.

  3. I was wondering if there was any possibility of having full dismemberment without having to use realistic sabers. I've enabled the dismemberment settings, but they do nothing. I'm on the steam version which could be the problem


    EDIT: Fuck me I just looked at the known bugs thread, ignore this, I'm a fucking idiot


    Try this:


    1. Open up settings and navigate to Game Options


    2. Locate the option "Model dismemberment" and make sure it's turned on.


    3. Locate the option "Dismemberment Probability" and set it to "Off"


    4. ???


    5. Chop chop.

  4. Good Day to everyone in the Kotf 2.1 Development team I want to suggest more Download ways for Kotf 2.1 beta


     Well In Latin America the network isnt strong enough to download a 7,9 Gb file in a single way that would take days with the pc On with no Rest (Yeah there still places where the internet is like in the 90´s)


    Im From Venezuela and is just really Hard to Download the mod in a platform like google Drive so i want to suggest alternative download ways like Utorrent or Mega 


    Thank You and Have a good day  :winkthumb:


    Here you go: http://tinyurl.com/y92x73fj

    The F3R0X likes this
  5. I don't know whether someone encountered this problem but if I run the .exe, the game opens in window mode (both SP and MP) and I can neither maximise it nor run it in fullscreen.

    I tried running the game from steam then setup>mods>KotF but there is no text and the SP doesn't work at all (there's just main menu and clicking won't do anything).


    The mod seems to work through .exe but I can't run it in fullscreen which is kind of annoying. I tried messing with properties of the files but it only allows me to run the mod in 800x600 resolution ;_;

    Under video, there's an option to set your game resolution, there's even an option to set the game to your desktop resolution.

  6. Is there something else that allows npcs to move around the map in custom sp maps?  Or are they generally like they are in KotF, sticking to their spawn point for the most part?  My experience since making this topic is basic enemies are the least responsive.  Stormtroopers hardly react until you're right up in their face, and they really don't move from their spawn points at all.  Sith Lords and other major enemies are a little more proactive though, they at least leap at you if you get far enough away from them, but like all npcs they stop following entirely if anything blocks their line of sight.


    It's a limitation of the jedi academy AI. Only way to improve them is through scripts.

  7. I've noticed on a number of maps, certain surfaces are missing textures or the entire thing is just a dark, untextured void which results in the game crashing in SP, most notibly for SP maps and one/two custom maps.

    Hey Phillip!


    Is your base folder empty of all mods?

  8. This guide will also work for steam users.




    1. Your base folder must be clear of all mods.


    2. Your copy of Jedi Academy must be patched to v1.01.




    1. Download the KotF Beta zip file here: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1EfuQNSOO9jNkQRzuAFYUxmpRu5I_B8Nt


    2. Locate the folder named "KotF", and extract it into your Gamedata folder. DO NOT EXTRACT THE CONTENTS OF THE KOTF FOLDER INTO YOUR GAMEDATA FOLDER.


    3. Locate the folder named "KotF-Windows" and open it, you will see a folder named "Gamedata". Open the "Gamedata" folder.


    4. Inside of the KotF-Windows/Gamedata folder, you will notice multiple files, and another KotF folder. Extract all of the files + the KotF folder into your Jedi Academy Gamedata folder.


    5. Run either KotF 2.1 SP or KotF 2.1 MP as an administrator. To set this to default, right click either file, and select "Properties".


    6. Navigate to the "Compatibility" tab.


    7. Locate the checkbox labelled "Run this program as an administrator", check the box. Click Apply, and close. Repeat for the other exe file if necessary.


    8. Start the mod using ONLY either "KotF 2.1 SP" OR "KotF 2.1 MP".


    9. Have fun.

    Maksman likes this
  9. Alright so now it appears to be working better, it loads all the way until it is about to start the first level, but, the lightsabers still appear awkwardly, and now before the level loads it brings me back to the main menu with the error "Couldn't find item for Weapon 35", when I open the command console there's even more missing things such as some player models, and image shaders for some of the saber colors.


    Try doing a fresh install of KotF, see what that does.

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