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Posts posted by Linken

  1. Alright I tried that but it still seems to freeze.  Is it possible that it is my computer? or what else could still be out of place?


    And again about those bugs I had stated previously about the light sabers not having the new colors you guys have added or anything and just having a black streak on the blade, is that normal? 


    We do have a darksaber, but I guess you're not talking about that. Can you please post a screenshot of your gamedata folder, base folder, and KotF folder? (Just the top of the KotF folder)

  2. I feel as  though it is a simple mistake of me screwing over my files or whatever, though if it is possible I was hoping that I could get some screenshots of someone's folders so that I may try to replicate that.


    As for the specifics in what has been going wrong; the game freezes whenever I start to load a new game.  And on top of that the mod simply looks sketchy.


    When I go into lightsaber selection before clicking new game, the light sabers have a weird black line across their coloring, and I don't know if this is how the mod has been setup though when I'm choosing my character and click for the next species or whatever, it seems to have all the modded characters just kinda thrown in there, there is no specific section for movie characters or anything.  Regardless I just have no clue as to what's gone wrong and it's likely just that I've made some dumb mistake.


    Sorry for the disturbance.


    Do exactly as I instruct.


    1. Place the KotF folder inside your gamedata folder.

    2. Locate the folder pertaining to your computer's operating system (I'll assume you're using windows)

    3. Open the KotF-Windows folder, you will see a folder called "Gamedata", open it.

    4. Place all of the contents, including the KotF folder into your real gamedata folder.

    5. Make sure your base folder is clear of all mods.

    6. Run the KotF 2.1 SP.exe as an administrator.


    While this mod has a number of bugs, it is not sketchy. We don't have any viruses. Yes, it may be mostly a large collection of models, skins, and maps, but we also brought in some brand new things handmade by us, such as the npcs and the Duel of the Fates mission.

  3. Not sure if this will help, but in the KOTF-window instructions it says the following:


    '-Copy all files from KotF-Files folder and paste them into Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData folder.'


    I am pretty sure you are meant to put the files into:


    Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/Base folder


    Not sure if this was the fix though as I encountered the same problem you did so I just stuck the files into different areas until it started working, but let us know if you get it working. 


    You're totally wrong, you need to place all of the kotf assets into the kotf folder.

  4. Never mind. It was deleted when Movie Battles was uninstalled.


    Anyway, I reinstalled everything, and I'm back where I started with the crashing.


    So, there's only KOTF, but I have the save glitch. So which dll files do I take out?


    All of the dll files inside of kotf_engine.pk3 place inside your kotf folder. After that, removed kotf_engine.pk3.


    Apparently running as an admin also helps.

  5. So game launches good,but when i try load a map my game crashes and thing... i think i won't be able to play this...no solutions or something.


    Make sure your base folder is clear of all mods.

  6. PROGRESS REPORT: 2/5/18


    The mod is reborn today, the hype, is only beginning, and this will not be the last version.




    • Jolee Bindo (Model Update)
    • Zhar Lestin (Model Update)
    • Vrook, KOTOR I outfit (Variation Added)
    • Dorak (Model Update)


    We've updated a few models in The Old Republic faction, there may be more to come, but that'll be for a future update. Vrook has been granted a new variant which will show off his attire from the original Knights of the Old Republic game much more accurately. Zhar, Jolee and Dorak have all been given more high-quality models, thus allowing them to look very accurate to their appearances in the game.



    NPCs Added

    • Greedo

    NPCs Improved



    • Kreia has been given the medium saber style in addition to Tavion.
    • Changed Juhani's lightsaber on her dark side variant to the correct hilt.
    • Adjusted Vandar Tokare's Lightsaber blade to a radius of 1.5 and length of 15.


    • Darth Malak has been given the Tavion saber style in addition to Desann.
    • Darth Malgus has been given the Strong saber style in addition to Desann and Tavion.
    • Darth Traya has been given the Medium saber style in addition to Tavion.
    • Changed Jagged Fel's lightsaber to white (was originally blue)
    • All Sith Investigators now wield purple lightsabers


    • 212th Attack Battalion Air Recon Trooper now flies as intended.
    • 501st Legion Clone Assassins have been given proper wrist blades.
    • All Phase I Clones have been given the DC-15A Rifle
    • All Palpatine variants where he isn't combat-ready have been changed to act like civilians.
    • Senate Guards have been given the Royal Guard pike.


    • Count Dooku has been given the Desann saber style in addition to Tavion.


    • Kyle Katarn's Dark Forces I NPC class has been changed from CLASS_REBORN to CLASS_LANDO
    • Princess Leia's Slave variant has been modified to act like a normal civilian.
    • All Mon Calamari NPCs have had their weapons removed and now act like civilians.


    • Darth Vader has been given the Medium and Strong Saber styles in addition to Desann.
    • All Imperial Officer NPCs will be randomly spawned, with 3 male and 3 female variants for each. All imperial officer npcs in the original game have been replaced and will randomly spawn.


    • Rey's Resistance Outfit variant has been given her lightsaber instead of her staff.


    • Kylo Ren has been given the saber styles Medium, Strong, and Desann.


    • Hondo Ohnaka's default variant has been changed from neutral to enemy.


    • Boba Fett's base npc has been given the EE-3 Rifle
    • Cad Bane's class has changed from CLASS_REBORN to CLASS_JANGO


    • Shae Vizla, Deviant Mandalorians, Walon Vau, and Mandalorian/Death Watch Male and Female variants have been given the NPC class CLASS_JANGO instead of CLASS_MANDALORIAN





    We have updated the effect for the unstable red Lightsaber, it now looks a lot more unstable. I apologize I don't have a video to show it off, gotta have some surprises after all.




    Duel of the Fates has been completed. Featuring different endings across all 3 characters, your choice of character will either relive or rewrite Star Wars history as you know it. Qui-Gon Jinn's point of view is my favorite, you'll see why. :winkthumb:


    1. To play Duel of the Fates, simply click on New Game from the menu, then Missions.

    2. Click on STAR WARS EPISODE I, and then Duel of the Fates. You'll be taken to a still image of the film.

    3. Hover your mouse over the character you want to play as, and then click.

    4. ???

    5. Profit.







    It's been a long ride, and a new beginning is fast approaching Knights of the Force 2.1. I want to thank all of you for your support. Beta has been in development for a long time, and we're finally able to give it to all of you. You all are perhaps some of the most patient fans I've ever seen, and I'm grateful for it.


    While Knights of the Force has been reborn at last, our work is only beginning, we have many new exciting updates and features planned, including a launcher with the ability for us to release you updates and fixes frequently. We will have more details for you all within the coming days, so stay tuned. There are a few individuals I would like to briefly recognize for their contributions.


    @: For compiling the final piece we needed to get a server up and running at last, and allowing us to finally release.


    @@Fire Phoenix: For defying expectations and initial bias, and rebirthing a mod that many thought would never work.


    @@Ghost: For his entity modding tutorial, thus making Duel of the Fates possible.


    The MBII team: For letting us use their maps.


    The JK Enhanced team: For their amazing SFX lightsabers.


    All of the authors whose work we're using: Thank you for allowing us to use your work, without your permissions (and there were a lot), this mod would never have been completed.



    AS for all of you, the mod is uploading to Google Drive right as I'm typing this, and the mod will be released at last on February 9th, 2018. A long time coming, and we couldn't have done this without your support. We hope to see you ingame.


    Thank you for following the development of Knights of the Force 2.1, and may the Force be with you.

  7. It's actually super easy. All you need is Notepad++ to edit the text files, nothing else.

    And once you've done, you can send it to the KotF 2.1 team. Not to me, as I only started the topic to ask who would like to translate.


    Interestingly, the Korean alphabet is found in the game files (at least as tga-files), but there is no font for that.



    In the font folder, there are these additional languages:


    - Japanese (just tga; no font file)

    - Korean (just tga; no font file)

    - Chinese (just tga; no font file)

    - Tai (just tga; no font file)

    - Thai (just tga; no font file)

    - Russian (tga and font file)

    - Polish (tga and font file)


    My question: Is there any way to make them accessible (in other words, compatible with the game)? Because you can't select them in the game, there are only four languages.


    Likely some super-complicated coding stuff. I'm more concerned however for the Japanese, Chinese, and Korean languages. I don't know if those characters would be possible to bring into the game.

  8. Hi everyone!


    Yes, we're still alive, and still going strong! Since the last few progress reports, we've been expanding this fine community not only to our discord server, but also we've updated our page on Moddb, which you can find here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/knights-of-the-force-21/#6846751

    The next progress report will be released on February 5th at 10:30am EST. In the next report, I'll be detailing new DOTF progress, some gameplay footage of the mission, and....perhaps a little bit more? ;)


    Thank you for following the development of Knights of the Force 2.1, and may the Force be with you.

  9. You want animations that only your character/s can use? Read this. Requires an existing custom animation/s that already work in-game.


    As the title implies I will be showing you how to make your models own _humanoid file. As this is the stage AFTER making your animation, I will assume you already made yourself an animation and have compiled it into the base _humanoid file.

    WARNING: Unique _humanoid files can ONLY work in Single Player, attempting to do it in mutiplayer will keep your model from appearing properly, make sure you back up your existing skin/model so you can keep using it for Multiplayer.

    What you need

    • Notepad/Hex Editor(OPTIONAL)
    • Your model/skin (including the .glm) that has Single Player support.
    • Pakscape
    • The mock base folder usually found on your desktop (meant for skinning)
    • _Humanoid.gla (modified), animations.cfg (modified), animevents.cfg

    With your new animation/s in hand, and already overided existing animations, you're ready to begin. First make a new _humanoid folder in the same folder where all your skins are. Name it _humanoid_<name> (change <name> to whatever you want, but keep it simple). Paste _Humanoid.gla (the one with the new animations you made), animations.cfg, and animevents.cfg into that folder. Now the easy part is done.

    Using notepad, open the _Humanoid.gla using NOTEPAD or your hex editor, while you will see a bunch of random gibberish on there, at the very top is the part which you must pay attention to.



    As you can see at the top, there is a file line, you must change it so it matches what you labelled your _humanoid file as. For example, if I named the folder _humanoid_derpy. I change the file path to models/players/_humanoid_derpy/_humanoid.

    Now that you are done with your _humanoid.gla file, you can move onto the final piece, your model.glm.

    As with the _humanoid.gla, open up the model.glm file with notepad and look for the file path like the _humanoid.gla file had, change that to match with your new humanoid folder, save, and exit. Repeat this process as many times as you would like for each skin you would like to give those animations.

    After you are finished, place your skin + the new humanoid folder into a .pk3 file. In case you forgot, it's models/players/<skin> and <humanoid folder>. Save as a pk3, put into your base, start up, choose your skin, and play.

    Smoo, Arthor, Hartsinck and 1 other like this
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