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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. Is there any shameless way to say that today is your birthday?

  2. Just ordered an Xbox One because I'm depressed, and why not.

  3. Just ordered an Xbox One because I'm depressed, and why not.


  5. This feel is not a fun feel to feel :( Especially so close to my birthday

  6. http://i.imgur.com/dinr36z.png , I think I should finally set up a portfolio
  7. Found a cool emulator called RetroArch. Is another emulator for many consoles (snes, N64, playstation), but can run on linux, mac, pc, playstation 3, ipad, etc.

  8. Found a cool emulator called RetroArch. Is another emulator for many consoles (snes, N64, playstation), but can run on linux, mac, pc, playstation 3, ipad, etc.

  9. Yay! My next 3 years will, in one month, be spent studying Game technology and simulation!

  10. I woke up this morning I had 23 notifs since 11:30 last night. wat

  11. Know of any epic games that you believe everyone MUST play at least once in a life time?

  12. Going through a list of Star Wars movie characters's models/skins that could use an update.

  13. Remember Fred and Annoying Orange?

  14. *sigh* we had a good run...it's over now though

  15. Just tried Dark Forces for the first time. Temporarily stuck, wondering which pixel to navigate towards!

  16. Just tried Dark Forces for the first time. Temporarily stuck, wondering which pixel to navigate towards!

  17. I'm going to try running kotor again...this will be the 4th time I've downloaded it...I know I've already said this, BUT THIS WILL BE MY LAST ATTEMPT. I've fixed opengl to work with other games, and am hoping it will work here as well.

  18. I'm going to try running kotor again...this will be the 4th time I've downloaded it...I know I've already said this, BUT THIS WILL BE MY LAST ATTEMPT. I've fixed opengl to work with other games, and am hoping it will work here as well.

  19. I'm going to try running kotor again...this will be the 4th time I've downloaded it...I know I've already said this, BUT THIS WILL BE MY LAST ATTEMPT. I've fixed opengl to work with other games, and am hoping it will work here as well.

  20. I'm going to try running kotor again...this will be the 4th time I've downloaded it...I know I've already said this, BUT THIS WILL BE MY LAST ATTEMPT. I've fixed opengl to work with other games, and am hoping it will work here as well.

  21. I'm going to try running kotor again...this will be the 4th time I've downloaded it...I know I've already said this, BUT THIS WILL BE MY LAST ATTEMPT. I've fixed opengl to work with other games, and am hoping it will work here as well.

  22. any halo3/4 players here? would like to start a clan of jkhub haloers

  23. any halo3/4 players here? would like to start a clan of jkhub haloers

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