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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. Upgraded to Windows 7!

  2. Plans for Halloween?

  3. Upgraded to Windows 7!

  4. just made an art for my machinima :D can't wait to finally shoot http://sithani.t15.org/imperium/arty/wallpaper1.png

  5. Now a proud father of 3, my wife gave birth to our third child yesterday. 2 girls & 1 boy now. :)

  6. My first model in Blender! http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u490/HiddenBek/ChrissCup_zps2f22eba3.png Is there any tutorial to get a blender object in Jka?

  7. Fired up Project64 fpr the first time since May and got Shadowgate64. Pretty fun so far.

  8. Fired up Project64 fpr the first time since May and got Shadowgate64. Pretty fun so far.

  9. Husky model for the new DF2 Bartender: http://i61.tinypic.com/25ouc6t.png Thanks Psyk0sith :D

  10. Wow Star Wars rebels was actually pretty good. It felt more like Star Wars than the prequels.

  11. Just watched the first episode of Star Wars Rebels, it was better than I expected.

  12. Wow Star Wars rebels was actually pretty good. It felt more like Star Wars than the prequels.

  13. Well it's my birthday today...anyone have any suggestions what I should do?

  14. There should be a long face tax, too many frowning people lately.

  15. Time to try Rebels. Let's hope it's worth all the waiting. :)

  16. Just completed watching the new episodes of Clone Wars. This arc was better than what we see in Season 6 imho.

  17. Just completed watching the new episodes of Clone Wars. This arc was better than what we see in Season 6 imho.

  18. Just completed watching the new episodes of Clone Wars. This arc was better than what we see in Season 6 imho.

  19. Just completed watching the new episodes of Clone Wars. This arc was better than what we see in Season 6 imho.

  20. Just completed watching the new episodes of Clone Wars. This arc was better than what we see in Season 6 imho.

  21. All non-canon star wars books are now just bed time stories the Jedi tell there young students.

  22. So strange to hear, that More Clone Wars episodes might be released very soon. And something about count Dooku and Episode VII...

  23. FINALLY got the internet turned on at the new place after a week without it.

  24. Waitwaitwait...why is Circa so special that he's now "Administrator"? AND his title is orange? What gives!

  25. I went to sleep 2 hours earlier than I do normally, expecting to be full of energy in the morning, and guess what? I was 2x as tired as when I usually go to sleep. the hell is this shit

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