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Mysterious Stranger

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Status Updates posted by Mysterious Stranger


  2. Why is the paragraphing SO big, my latest comment spans almost the whole page & I can't change it...

    1. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Zoomed out. Still large. Oh well. I'll pretend I didn't see it...

    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Firefox. Think I like the default theme better. Nope I was talking about one paragraph space looking like three. Had to edit my review 4x to shrink it lol

  3. Zomg I managed to make a tree in Makermod :D

    1. CaptainChar


      whats makermod?

    2. spior


      OmegaSigma, you're a terrible person.

      And nice work, Stranger :D

  4. Hmm, anyone ran a JKA server on Cloud? Wanna try...

    1. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Cloud is cheap. There's a GSP that actually runs on it. I'm gonna try it and see how it goes.

    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      There are some hosting companes that run cloud like a vps...no elasticity, so to speak...

  5. Hm, I was not aware that Kinder Surprises were......made in Poland :o

    1. CaptainChar


      knowing is half the battle, the other half is mercandising

    2. RancorSNP


      So that's why they are translated to Polish, when ppl are normaly too lazy to do so, and leave english names of food etc.

  6. Could have sworn MoonDog had released a T2_Trip map. Damned memory...

    1. CaptainChar


      we demand justice, we demand downloads! j/k

    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      knew I should have gotten it earlier!

  7. It's just me and a Google bot D:

  8. Cloud servers not as good, apparently?

    1. Bacon


      who said they ever was?

    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      I don't think anyone uses it here. Just that it was a very good deal and I had to try it out. Must be something about it being cloud that de-stabilizes servers.

  9. Bought and abandoned three VPS hosts within 2 weeks. I should cut it down...

    1. Didz


      RamNode is awesome! master.jkhub.org, builds.openjk.org, and didz.co.uk all run off only *one* of the lowest-tier VPSs they provide. $2 a month.

    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Heard a lot of good reviews from them, but they didn't offer windows.

  10. makermod site has been down for days X(

    1. Jango40


      it's dead

    2. Onysfx


      It's not over till it's over! As long as players still exist, it shall survive...all it needs...is another update from scooper...

  11. So many dead links and pictures in some of the tutorials.

    1. Bacon


      welcome to the internet.


    2. Circa


      Report them and hopefully we can get them fixed.

  12. Fuck you Steam, starts downloading the moment I sign in. And when I check me games none of them are downloading.

    1. Cerez


      Agreed. Steam is a blight on the universe... >.<' DRM-free stand-alone games FTW!

    2. Sithani


      ^ Witcher 3 ;)

  13. Welp, looks like the master list is down again >.<

    1. Oobah


      With the hub list and still able to do favorite list/direct connect/out of game browser. It doesn't stop anyone from playing still either. It's a waste of time to worry about the master list. Just a e-peen waving contest for an idiot who only does it to get attention/reactions out of people.

    2. Oobah


      Enough alternatives in place to not even care about the master list and I'm sure Raven was already emailed about it anyway from someone.

  14. been a while, noticed the reviews from older dates (2019 isn't old!) don't show up and are just blanks for me? anyone else with the same issue? highly believe someone's plants ate it up.

    1. Circa


      It was a result of our forum software upgrade last year. It didn't transfer them properly.

    2. Mysterious Stranger
  15. Need help to 'Like' my friend's pic so she can win a cosplay contest :ohttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151065087678354

  16. 2 hrs later - I'm awake! *zombie mode again*

  17. Still no Xfire in the Contact options. Not that it's a bad thing, I can stay mysterious longer... >:)))

    1. Inyri


      People still use xfire?

  18. D: the forum has been so quiet D:

    1. CaptainChar


      "can it wait? im in the middle of some calibrations"

  19. Thanks to Steam I can't save any money xD this month

    1. Malkav


      Saving's money just what The Man wants you to do. The sooner you spend the money the government "lent" you, the better.

  20. Bots posting about the Twilight movie. Oh dear D:

    1. Jango40


      I hope that after christmas we'll get back the good ol' t1_surprise background. Love the christmas background, though.

  21. Supposedly if I were to remove model changes, how about the saber hmm.....

    1. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Just thinking that if someone wanted to switch from single to staff etc it would be hard

  22. Actually played a bit just now, but people raged so fast within 10 minutes I was alone again >:o

    1. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      D: but that's awesome!

  23. Ugh my Makermod server has swelled to 4.6 gigs...

    1. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      hard drive space. though, I left a makermod server unattended once and 3000 memory leaks later it was using almost 2gb RAM xD

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