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Mysterious Stranger

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Everything posted by Mysterious Stranger

  1. How about the bug where turning in two droid parts at the same time would only count one and thus dooms Attacking team in Desert?
  2. I should put my Makermod servers back up quickly but...*lazes*

  3. I stopped playing when recently there was great drama...even in these end days of 1.00. Not worth my time. AFAIK you had your own server RcEnolc, if so why complain about others when you can stay in your own, as ensiform had said.
  4. Oh no, my reply was to thread-starter since he was curious. Where did you get assets3...?
  5. Goodness knows. Perhaps it is for the crash fixes...it seems to be a Linux server.
  6. That guy running OpenJK in 1.00 is a programmer/does his own coding. Perhaps you could hang around his servers and talk to him. Also CTF3 was also changed.
  7. Saw a OpenJK server in 1.00. o.o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MaceMadunusus


      When I played 1.00 for a long time after release, it was more simply because of the smaller close knit community than everything else. Hated going 1.01 and seeing a billion servers.

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      The community's shrunken to everyone going one server now lol.

    4. Ping


      Yeah it's for the community.

  8. well, time to try another VPS provider.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      ? Contabo. Inflexible service. Don't try their new VPS it cannot run JKA servers properly.

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Thanks Tunk. But I only know how to work Windows :)

    4. dark soul

      dark soul

      Doing fine with OVH :/


  9. CPU% is under 20%. Never more than that. Network activity, almost none too. Indeed I'm worried about that. But if everyone were overusing their resources shouldn't my CPU usage shoot up? My host asked for a screenshot of proof, but there isn't anything (that I know of) I can give them. I offered to pay to go back to my old specs, but they said it wasn't possible. I'd hate to jump hosts
  10. It's SSD caching I mean. Yes I've been talking to Caelum even though he doesn't need to help me, but he's nice enough to explain a couple of stuff to me. Here's your screenshot. This is one of my European servers and my ping is normal. Just the circled lagometer. I posted it on WHT to see what replies I might get and here are two of them: I'm waiting for my host to reply me on if they can take away the SSD acceleration but my hopes aren't high. Unmanaged service. Lol.
  11. I'm not sure whether this is in the right area, so feel free to move it if it isn't. Recently my host upgraded one of my VPS to enable SSD acceleration. The thing is, now my JKA servers are a bit funky. I see yellow on top of the blue line, not often, but it comes and goes. It's sort of like when you copy a huge file while being in the JKA server. Except that there's no 'connection interrupted'. The only other time I came across 'lag' that doesn't lag normally, is when I ran JKA on a Cloud. Idk what's the difference between what I have now and Cloud... Question is, how is it that the VPS is supposedly better but gives such performance? I'm very happy with it if not for the yellow every so often. I could copy giant files and the server doesn't lag. But, the yellow! Secondly, should I junk the SSD acceleration and go back to old school? I want stability. Nevermind if it can't run 32 players smoothly. Or is there some sort of setting or optimisation I need to do to fix this weird 'lag'? OS is Win2008R2. I should add, the servers are on one core each, and tiny TFFA/Duel servers. And empty. :<
  12. Yea they could. The master server went down a couple of hours few days ago and then back up. Every so few times a year.
  13. Freaking KOTOR1. Used cheats and it bugged and had to restart. Didn't use cheats and it bugged elsewhere and now I gotta restart from 3hrs ago. Stupid shit.

    1. ensiform


      Perhaps a sign that you shouldn't play it :DD /s

  14. Its buggy, the in game overlay, ever since they updated it. I have issues gettinf it to show up or load properly in several games.
  15. Nope. If you tried running an online game, ie Empire at War which has SP mode...it wont launch.
  16. No way to do that now I'm afraid. I must have clicked on every possible button but there isn't such a thing. The only thing I found is limiting update/download schedule but that should be across all games, not disable-able altogether.
  17. Well I feared as much. What's going to become of mods in future? They could have just let us do what we want after it's proven paid for ...
  18. Ever since the recent Steam update I notice that I can't stop updates for my games anymore. The issue is that I was playing KOTOR 1 offline since my home net has been down, applied two old mods I'd downloaded from Filefront quite a while back. When I got a wireless hotspot set up, Steam decided to update itself and ever since then my game has been crashing. I went into the game properties, under updates...there are only three choices! Auto update, keep this game up to date always, and top priority to update this game above other games. ARGH. Is there a cure for this, which I think not? :<
  19. Sci-fi with action. You won't believe how terribly boring Star Trek is. What a pure waste of technology and blasters that are appropriately used in Star Wars. Not fond of novels, comics and TV series. Even some of the movies with certain characters suck ass.
  20. Fuck you Steam, starts downloading the moment I sign in. And when I check me games none of them are downloading.

    1. Cerez


      Agreed. Steam is a blight on the universe... >.<' DRM-free stand-alone games FTW!

    2. Sithani


      ^ Witcher 3 ;)

  21. Restart the server every day. If you're running a mod then less than that. I had this old mod that caused it right away after 4 hours of uptime.
  22. I don't know but I like default Siege. Can't make any sense of MB2 and it's just too hard for my ancient brain to figure out how things work.
  23. Lol, I had to check my makermod folder. I don't see the rules!
  24. Only one option allowed in the poll? D: CTF & Siege for me. But only when there's teamwork involved. I miss strafing...good old days.
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