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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. ok, heres a post detailing info about all sounds in a soundpack and what they are used for, the (#,#) is how many sounds that the game will at max play, like ex. anger1, gloat1, victory1, etc:


    NOTE: there are also sounds you can add that are played only if you're a female character, or have "sex f" for the player sex type by adding _f to anything thats not a pain or noise sound, e.g. NOT jump1, pain 25, choke1, IS anger1, suspicious1, victory1, etc


    anger(1,2,3): lines that are played by npcs when you are spotted 


    chase(1,2,3): lines that are played by npcs when an enemy tries to run away


    choke(1,2,3): lines that are played by both npcs and players when either is being choked by force grip


    combat(1,2,3): lines that i think are played by npcs and POSSIBLY players when locked in saber combat


    cover(1,2,3,4,5): lines that are played by npcs when a thermal detonator is thrown near them and they try to run away


    confuse(1,2,3): lines that are played by npcs when mind trick is used on them


    death(1,2,3): lines that are played by both npcs and players when they are killed


    deflect(1,2,3): lines that are played by JEDI/SITH npcs when they block shots with a lightsaber


    detected(1,2,3,4,5): lines that are played by npcs when they find an enemy after losing them


    drown: line that is played by npcs and players when they choke and die underwater


    escaping(1,2,3):lines that are played by npcs when they don't know where the player is and are trying to look for them


    falling(1): line that is played by both npcs and players when they fall to their death


    giveup(1,2,3,4, maybe 5): lines that are played by npcs when they lose the player and stop looking for them


    gloat(1,2,3): lines that are played by players when they use the gloat feature in sp or mp, where they do a victory move and say a line, gloat sounds don't always work in sp


    gurp(1,2): lines that i think are played by both npcs and players when they choke underwater


    jchase(1,2,3): same as chase, but are only played by npcs with a jedi-type class, like CLASS_JEDI, CLASS_REBORN, CLASS_TAVION, etc.


    jdetected(1,2,3,maybe 4 & 5): same as detected, but again, only played by jedi-type npcs


    jlost(1,2,3) same as lost, only played by JEDI-TYPE CLASS npcs


    jump(1): line that is played by both npcs and players when they jump or roll


    land(1): line that is played by both npcs and players when they take fall damage


    look(1,2,maybe 3): lines that are played by npcs when they think they saw something


    lost(1,2,3): lines that are played by npcs when i think they lose the player after playing a look line


    outflank(1,2,3): lines that are played by npcs when they try to surround the player


    pain(25,50,75,100): lines that are played by both npcs and players when they take damage, pain25 would sound minor, pain50 would sound a bit more harsh, pain75 would sound like slightly harsh pain, pain100 would be severe pain 


    pushed(1,2,3): lines that are played by both npcs and players when they are pushed down by force push


    pushfail: line that is played by npcs when they resist force push


    sight(1,2,3): lines that are played by npcs when they see something, kinda like the look lines


    sound(1,2,3): lines that are played by npcs when they hear sounds, ex. in notarget mode, shoot blaster shots on the ground near them, then they will play the line and go to where they heard the sound


    suspicious(1,2,3,4,5): lines that are played by npcs that i think they play after some time passes when they play either a sight or sound line


    taunt(0 which means don't put a number,1,2,3): lines that are played by players when they use the taunt feat, and by npcs when they are a certain rank


    victory(0,1,2,3): lines that are played by npcs when they kill an enemy, either an enemy npc or the player

    Coolin and Seven like this
  2. @@SaberBlade83 help, theres one file i haven't included because i couldn't find it, its one of the cutscene sound files, where Serra says "you shouldn't have come here" then anakin replies "Serra, Cin Drallig's greatest pupil has come to greet me" with some music in the background, i think i remember you included it in the rots sound effects file, but it was in a different language

  3. off-topic: at last, a map that bf2 doesn't have without the conversion pack mod for it, will be actually awesome if bespin luke is added, on-topic: if someone does make this, it will be the first good dengar model for ja, if it comes with sounds as heard in the trailer, it will be EPIC


  4. Yes, there is. There's also BB-8, Han and Chewie, though the BB-8 voice is part of the Sound Effects, not the Voice.

    i can't buy the game on my pc, and even if i could, i wouldn't have the space to install, could you possibly get the sounds for the characters, it might take some time, but could you?

  5. Did Darth Maul have any voice in any of the TFU games? I had the PS3 version and Maul never spoke.

    i have the pc edition, which kinda sucks because no graphics options, framerate not 60fps and audio going faster than frames, and i found maul did have pain lines, but no spoken lines

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