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Posts posted by swegmaster




    in all seriousness, @@Teancum, could you at the very least, when you have time, finish the minor code edits needed to be finished, like phase 2 dts having low accuracy, wierd sound quality in roqs and some other sounds when not in eax (eax only fixes the sounds, not the roq audio, but has glitches with npc mouth sync in cutscenes), and some other things?

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  2. don't worry, as soon as the source files are released, i will see what .maps i can modify and possibly finish, then have the help of some others to do some of the other things, like @@ensiform, if he has the time to do so, finish some of the coding work, like make phase 2 dark trooper accuracy higher when flying, add the geometry code so that the fusion cutter's rotating barrel and alt fire work correctly, add a new phase 3 dark trooper class that has the special feats from the original game, and some other minor changes

  3. So, masters of the character soundpacks, would anyone be so kind as to put together a Dengar sound pack for me so I can release my kitbash of him?


    Found this if it helps.

    is that ALL of his lines? if so, then i could download it as mp4, convert it to mp3, cut all the lines, rename them to what they would transfer to in ja, then convert the sounds to work in-game, then upload it on mediafire and put a link to it here

  4. The short answer is it wouldn't - even if you could break the models down into enough surfaces to run in-game, you would most likely run into severe difficulties getting a fully-ported modern BF model to run in JKA.


    I speak from experience in just using parts of those models, let alone the whole thing.

    what you mean? i swear i see Twi'lek (Battlefront).pk3 in Model Pack 4.zip that contain maybe ported twi'lek from hd battlefront :o   :huh:

  5. Go back a few pages and i have detailed screenshots of the unstable blade, i've also made a regular red one for the TFA blade set but haven't posted any screenshots of it. If you like Episode III blades though i'll be releasing those soon along with saber effects and trails like the ones in the movie (as much as trails can be like the movies in the base game anyhow). Here's a sneak peak at the red and blue from the EpIII set


    dear god, those look more accurate to the episode 3 blades than even the ep 3 blades currently on the hub

  6. This is already possible.

    how so? is it in a way via sounds.cfg?



    Well, ideally everything should be RGB compliant, since JKA Enhanced (not JK2 Enhanced) has this feature.

    yeah, but then again if you think about it, if my .sabcol idea is implemented, that would mean we could have custom blade fx, like make a new blue saber blade with an unstable effect like mb2, or make a pink blade with a firey trail effect

    Smoo likes this
  7. this is a post of my ideas for jedi academy enhanced that could get implemented into the mod, it will be edited if i think of more ideas:


    - the ability to bind sounds to a model based on the .skin selected (ex. have a helmetless version of vader, but with non-robotic voice instead of robotic voice without use of npcs)


    - add level 4 powers into the game


    - add sabercolors as .sabcol files with a system similar to making sabers, where you name the sabercolor you wanna add, give it paths to its custom blade and glow textures, as well as custom swing effects (e.g. gfx/effects/sabers/kyloredline, gfx/effects/sabers/kylored_glow), and set the rgb value for its dynamic glow (glow that appears on walls, floors, ceiling, etc.)


    - make sabers appear in saber selection menu like in mp without modifying the ui menu

    - make repulse like tfu2

    TheWhitePhoenix and Smoo like this
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