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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. okay, i'll say this: i wrote the code exactly as asgaraths tutorial said, and it worked fine in-game, but on saber customization menus, it does not show up, it shows up as the blue blade, however, since i changed the ui_saber to try to get it to work again, it still does not show up, and i get a build fail error, which causes the in-game to not load up, only the menus, and heres the code i changed in ui_saber.cpp:


    also, its unstablered im adding



    Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc.
    Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc.
    Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors
    This file is part of the OpenJK source code.
    OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
    published by the Free Software Foundation.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    // leave this at the top of all UI_xxxx files for PCH reasons...
    #include "../server/exe_headers.h"
    #include "ui_local.h"
    #include "ui_shared.h"
    #include "../ghoul2/G2.h"
    #define MAX_SABER_DATA_SIZE 0x80000
    char SaberParms[MAX_SABER_DATA_SIZE];
    qboolean ui_saber_parms_parsed = qfalse;
    static qhandle_t redSaberGlowShader;
    static qhandle_t redSaberCoreShader;
    static qhandle_t orangeSaberGlowShader;
    static qhandle_t orangeSaberCoreShader;
    static qhandle_t yellowSaberGlowShader;
    static qhandle_t yellowSaberCoreShader;
    static qhandle_t greenSaberGlowShader;
    static qhandle_t greenSaberCoreShader;
    static qhandle_t blueSaberGlowShader;
    static qhandle_t blueSaberCoreShader;
    static qhandle_t purpleSaberGlowShader;
    static qhandle_t purpleSaberCoreShader;
    static qhandle_t unstableredSaberGlowShader;
    static qhandle_t unstableredSaberCoreShader;
    void UI_CacheSaberGlowGraphics( void )
    {//FIXME: these get fucked by vid_restarts
    redSaberGlowShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/red_glow" );
    redSaberCoreShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/red_line" );
    orangeSaberGlowShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/orange_glow" );
    orangeSaberCoreShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/orange_line" );
    yellowSaberGlowShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/yellow_glow" );
    yellowSaberCoreShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/yellow_line" );
    greenSaberGlowShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/green_glow" );
    greenSaberCoreShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/green_line" );
    blueSaberGlowShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/blue_glow" );
    blueSaberCoreShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/blue_line" );
    purpleSaberGlowShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/purple_glow" );
    purpleSaberCoreShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/purple_line" );
    unstableredSaberGlowShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/unstablered_glow" );
    unstableredSaberCoreShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/sabers/unstablered_line" );
    qboolean UI_ParseLiteral( const char **data, const char *string )
    const char *token;
    token = COM_ParseExt( data, qtrue );
    if ( token[0] == 0 )
    ui.Printf( "unexpected EOF\n" );
    return qtrue;
    if ( Q_stricmp( token, string ) )
    ui.Printf( "required string '%s' missing\n", string );
    return qtrue;
    return qfalse;
    qboolean UI_SaberParseParm( const char *saberName, const char *parmname, char *saberData )
    const char *token;
    const char *value;
    const char *p;
    if ( !saberName || !saberName[0] )
    return qfalse;
    //try to parse it out
    p = SaberParms;
    // look for the right saber
    while ( p )
    token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue );
    if ( token[0] == 0 )
    COM_EndParseSession( );
    return qfalse;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( token, saberName ) )
    SkipBracedSection( &p );
    if ( !p )
    COM_EndParseSession( );
    return qfalse;
    if ( UI_ParseLiteral( &p, "{" ) )
    COM_EndParseSession( );
    return qfalse;
    // parse the saber info block
    while ( 1 )
    token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue );
    if ( !token[0] )
    ui.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: unexpected EOF while parsing '%s'\n", saberName );
    COM_EndParseSession( );
    return qfalse;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) )
    if ( !Q_stricmp( token, parmname ) )
    if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) )
    strcpy( saberData, value );
    COM_EndParseSession( );
    return qtrue;
    SkipRestOfLine( &p );
    COM_EndParseSession( );
    return qfalse;
    qboolean UI_SaberProperNameForSaber( const char *saberName, char *saberProperName )
    return UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, "name", saberProperName );
    qboolean UI_SaberModelForSaber( const char *saberName, char *saberModel )
    return UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, "saberModel", saberModel );
    qboolean UI_SaberSkinForSaber( const char *saberName, char *saberSkin )
    return UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, "customSkin", saberSkin );
    qboolean UI_SaberTypeForSaber( const char *saberName, char *saberType )
    return UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, "saberType", saberType );
    int UI_SaberNumBladesForSaber( const char *saberName )
    char numBladesString[8]={0};
    UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, "numBlades", numBladesString );
    int numBlades = atoi( numBladesString );
    if ( numBlades < 1 )
    numBlades = 1;
    else if ( numBlades > 8 )
    numBlades = 8;
    return numBlades;
    qboolean UI_SaberShouldDrawBlade( const char *saberName, int bladeNum )
    int bladeStyle2Start = 0, noBlade = 0;
    char bladeStyle2StartString[8]={0};
    char noBladeString[8]={0};
    UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, "bladeStyle2Start", bladeStyle2StartString );
    if ( bladeStyle2StartString[0] )
    bladeStyle2Start = atoi( bladeStyle2StartString );
    if ( bladeStyle2Start
    && bladeNum >= bladeStyle2Start )
    {//use second blade style
    UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, "noBlade2", noBladeString );
    if ( noBladeString[0] )
    noBlade = atoi( noBladeString );
    {//use first blade style
    UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, "noBlade", noBladeString );
    if ( noBladeString[0] )
    noBlade = atoi( noBladeString );
    return ((qboolean)(noBlade==0));
    float UI_SaberBladeLengthForSaber( const char *saberName, int bladeNum )
    char lengthString[8]={0};
    float length = 40.0f;
    UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, "saberLength", lengthString );
    if ( lengthString[0] )
    length = atof( lengthString );
    if ( length < 0.0f )
    length = 0.0f;
    UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, va("saberLength%d", bladeNum+1), lengthString );
    if ( lengthString[0] )
    length = atof( lengthString );
    if ( length < 0.0f )
    length = 0.0f;
    return length;
    float UI_SaberBladeRadiusForSaber( const char *saberName, int bladeNum )
    char radiusString[8]={0};
    float radius = 3.0f;
    UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, "saberRadius", radiusString );
    if ( radiusString[0] )
    radius = atof( radiusString );
    if ( radius < 0.0f )
    radius = 0.0f;
    UI_SaberParseParm( saberName, va("saberRadius%d", bladeNum+1), radiusString );
    if ( radiusString[0] )
    radius = atof( radiusString );
    if ( radius < 0.0f )
    radius = 0.0f;
    return radius;
    void UI_SaberLoadParms( void )
    int len, totallen, saberExtFNLen, fileCnt, i;
    char *buffer, *holdChar, *marker;
    char saberExtensionListBuf[2048]; // The list of file names read in
    //ui.Printf( "UI Parsing *.sab saber definitions\n" );
    ui_saber_parms_parsed = qtrue;
    //set where to store the first one
    totallen = 0;
    marker = SaberParms;
    marker[0] = '\0';
    //now load in the sabers
    fileCnt = ui.FS_GetFileList("ext_data/sabers", ".sab", saberExtensionListBuf, sizeof(saberExtensionListBuf) );
    holdChar = saberExtensionListBuf;
    for ( i = 0; i < fileCnt; i++, holdChar += saberExtFNLen + 1 )
    saberExtFNLen = strlen( holdChar );
    len = ui.FS_ReadFile( va( "ext_data/sabers/%s", holdChar), (void **) &buffer );
    if ( len == -1 )
    ui.Printf( "UI_SaberLoadParms: error reading %s\n", holdChar );
    if ( totallen && *(marker-1) == '}' )
    {//don't let it end on a } because that should be a stand-alone token
    strcat( marker, " " );
    len = COM_Compress( buffer );
    if ( totallen + len >= MAX_SABER_DATA_SIZE ) {
    Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "UI_SaberLoadParms: ran out of space before reading %s\n(you must make the .npc files smaller)", holdChar );
    strcat( marker, buffer );
    ui.FS_FreeFile( buffer );
    totallen += len;
    marker += len;
    void UI_DoSaber( vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, float length, float lengthMax, float radius, saber_colors_t color )
    vec3_t mid, rgb={1,1,1};
    qhandle_t blade = 0, glow = 0;
    refEntity_t saber;
    float radiusmult;
    if ( length < 0.5f )
    // if the thing is so short, just forget even adding me.
    // Find the midpoint of the saber for lighting purposes
    VectorMA( origin, length * 0.5f, dir, mid );
    switch( color )
    case SABER_RED:
    glow = redSaberGlowShader;
    blade = redSaberCoreShader;
    VectorSet( rgb, 1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f );
    case SABER_ORANGE:
    glow = orangeSaberGlowShader;
    blade = orangeSaberCoreShader;
    VectorSet( rgb, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.1f );
    case SABER_YELLOW:
    glow = yellowSaberGlowShader;
    blade = yellowSaberCoreShader;
    VectorSet( rgb, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f );
    case SABER_GREEN:
    glow = greenSaberGlowShader;
    blade = greenSaberCoreShader;
    VectorSet( rgb, 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.2f );
    case SABER_BLUE:
    glow = blueSaberGlowShader;
    blade = blueSaberCoreShader;
    VectorSet( rgb, 0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f );
    case SABER_PURPLE:
    glow = purpleSaberGlowShader;
    blade = purpleSaberCoreShader;
    VectorSet( rgb, 0.9f, 0.2f, 1.0f );
    glow = unstableredSaberGlowShader;
    blade = unstableredSaberCoreShader;
    VectorSet( rgb, 1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f );
    // always add a light because sabers cast a nice glow before they slice you in half!! or something...
    if ( doLight )
    {//FIXME: RGB combine all the colors of the sabers you're using into one averaged color!
    cgi_R_AddLightToScene( mid, (length*2.0f) + (random()*8.0f), rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] );
    memset( &saber, 0, sizeof( refEntity_t ));
    // Saber glow is it's own ref type because it uses a ton of sprites, otherwise it would eat up too many
    // refEnts to do each glow blob individually
    saber.saberLength = length;
    // Jeff, I did this because I foolishly wished to have a bright halo as the saber is unleashed.
    // It's not quite what I'd hoped tho. If you have any ideas, go for it! --Pat
    if (length < lengthMax )
    radiusmult = 1.0 + (2.0 / length); // Note this creates a curve, and length cannot be < 0.5.
    radiusmult = 1.0;
    float radiusRange = radius * 0.075f;
    float radiusStart = radius-radiusRange;
    saber.radius = (radiusStart + crandom() * radiusRange)*radiusmult;
    //saber.radius = (2.8f + crandom() * 0.2f)*radiusmult;
    VectorCopy( origin, saber.origin );
    VectorCopy( dir, saber.axis[0] );
    saber.reType = RT_SABER_GLOW;
    saber.customShader = glow;
    saber.shaderRGBA[0] = saber.shaderRGBA[1] = saber.shaderRGBA[2] = saber.shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff;
    //saber.renderfx = rfx;
    DC->addRefEntityToScene( &saber );
    // Do the hot core
    VectorMA( origin, length, dir, saber.origin );
    VectorMA( origin, -1, dir, saber.oldorigin );
    saber.customShader = blade;
    saber.reType = RT_LINE;
    radiusStart = radius/3.0f;
    saber.radius = (radiusStart + crandom() * radiusRange)*radiusmult;
    // saber.radius = (1.0 + crandom() * 0.2f)*radiusmult;
    DC->addRefEntityToScene( &saber );
    saber_colors_t TranslateSaberColor( const char *name )
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "red" ) )
    return SABER_RED;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "orange" ) )
    return SABER_ORANGE;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "yellow" ) )
    return SABER_YELLOW;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "green" ) )
    return SABER_GREEN;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "blue" ) )
    return SABER_BLUE;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "purple" ) )
    return SABER_PURPLE;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "unstablered" ) )
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "random" ) )
    return ((saber_colors_t)(Q_irand( SABER_ORANGE, SABER_PURPLE )));
    return SABER_BLUE;
    saberType_t TranslateSaberType( const char *name )
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_SINGLE" ) )
    return SABER_SINGLE;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_STAFF" ) )
    return SABER_STAFF;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_BROAD" ) )
    return SABER_BROAD;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_PRONG" ) )
    return SABER_PRONG;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_DAGGER" ) )
    return SABER_DAGGER;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_ARC" ) )
    return SABER_ARC;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_SAI" ) )
    return SABER_SAI;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_CLAW" ) )
    return SABER_CLAW;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_LANCE" ) )
    return SABER_LANCE;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_STAR" ) )
    return SABER_STAR;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_TRIDENT" ) )
    return SABER_TRIDENT;
    if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "SABER_SITH_SWORD" ) )
    return SABER_SITH_SWORD;
    return SABER_SINGLE;
    void UI_SaberDrawBlade( itemDef_t *item, char *saberName, int saberModel, saberType_t saberType, vec3_t origin, float curYaw, int bladeNum )
    char bladeColorString[MAX_QPATH];
    vec3_t angles={0};
    if ( item->flags&(ITF_ISANYSABER) && item->flags&(ITF_ISCHARACTER) )
    { //it's bolted to a dude!
    angles[YAW] = curYaw;
    angles[PITCH] = curYaw;
    angles[ROLL] = 90;
    if ( saberModel >= item->ghoul2.size() )
    {//uhh... invalid index!
    if ( (item->flags&ITF_ISSABER) && saberModel < 2 )
    DC->getCVarString( "ui_saber_color", bladeColorString, sizeof(bladeColorString) );
    else//if ( item->flags&ITF_ISSABER2 ) - presumed
    DC->getCVarString( "ui_saber2_color", bladeColorString, sizeof(bladeColorString) );
    saber_colors_t bladeColor = TranslateSaberColor( bladeColorString );
    float bladeLength = UI_SaberBladeLengthForSaber( saberName, bladeNum );
    float bladeRadius = UI_SaberBladeRadiusForSaber( saberName, bladeNum );
    vec3_t bladeOrigin={0};
    vec3_t axis[3]={};
    mdxaBone_t boltMatrix;
    qboolean tagHack = qfalse;
    char *tagName = va( "*blade%d", bladeNum+1 );
    int bolt = DC->g2_AddBolt( &item->ghoul2[saberModel], tagName );
    if ( bolt == -1 )
    tagHack = qtrue;
    //hmm, just fall back to the most basic tag (this will also make it work with pre-JKA saber models
    bolt = DC->g2_AddBolt( &item->ghoul2[saberModel], "*flash" );
    if ( bolt == -1 )
    {//no tag_flash either?!!
    bolt = 0;
    DC->g2_GetBoltMatrix( item->ghoul2, saberModel, bolt, &boltMatrix, angles, origin, uiInfo.uiDC.realTime, NULL, vec3_origin );//NULL was cgs.model_draw
    // work the matrix axis stuff into the original axis and origins used.
    DC->g2_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(boltMatrix, ORIGIN, bladeOrigin);
    DC->g2_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_X, axis[0]);//front (was NEGATIVE_Y, but the md3->glm exporter screws up this tag somethin' awful)
    DC->g2_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_Y, axis[1]);//right
    DC->g2_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(boltMatrix, POSITIVE_Z, axis[2]);//up
    float scale = DC->xscale;
    if ( tagHack )
    switch ( saberType )
    case SABER_SINGLE:
    case SABER_DAGGER:
    case SABER_LANCE:
    case SABER_STAFF:
    if ( bladeNum == 1 )
    VectorScale( axis[0], -1, axis[0] );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 16*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    case SABER_BROAD:
    if ( bladeNum == 0 )
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -1*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin );
    else if ( bladeNum == 1 )
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 1*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin );
    case SABER_PRONG:
    if ( bladeNum == 0 )
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -3*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin );
    else if ( bladeNum == 1 )
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 3*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin );
    case SABER_ARC:
    VectorSubtract( axis[1], axis[2], axis[1] );
    VectorNormalize( axis[1] );
    switch ( bladeNum )
    case 0:
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    VectorScale( axis[0], 0.75f, axis[0] );
    VectorScale( axis[1], 0.25f, axis[1] );
    VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[1], axis[0] );
    case 1:
    VectorScale( axis[0], 0.25f, axis[0] );
    VectorScale( axis[1], 0.75f, axis[1] );
    VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[1], axis[0] );
    case 2:
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    VectorScale( axis[0], -0.25f, axis[0] );
    VectorScale( axis[1], 0.75f, axis[1] );
    VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[1], axis[0] );
    case 3:
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -16*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    VectorScale( axis[0], -0.75f, axis[0] );
    VectorScale( axis[1], 0.25f, axis[1] );
    VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[1], axis[0] );
    case SABER_SAI:
    if ( bladeNum == 1 )
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -3*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin );
    else if ( bladeNum == 2 )
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 3*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin );
    case SABER_CLAW:
    switch ( bladeNum )
    case 0:
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[2], bladeOrigin );
    case 1:
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[2], bladeOrigin );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin );
    case 2:
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[2], bladeOrigin );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -2*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin );
    case SABER_STAR:
    switch ( bladeNum )
    case 0:
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    case 1:
    VectorScale( axis[0], 0.33f, axis[0] );
    VectorScale( axis[2], 0.67f, axis[2] );
    VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[2], axis[0] );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    case 2:
    VectorScale( axis[0], -0.33f, axis[0] );
    VectorScale( axis[2], 0.67f, axis[2] );
    VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[2], axis[0] );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    case 3:
    VectorScale( axis[0], -1, axis[0] );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    case 4:
    VectorScale( axis[0], -0.33f, axis[0] );
    VectorScale( axis[2], -0.67f, axis[2] );
    VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[2], axis[0] );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    case 5:
    VectorScale( axis[0], 0.33f, axis[0] );
    VectorScale( axis[2], -0.67f, axis[2] );
    VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[2], axis[0] );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    switch ( bladeNum )
    case 0:
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 24*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    case 1:
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -6*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 24*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    case 2:
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 6*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin );
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 24*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    case 3:
    VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -32*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin );
    VectorScale( axis[0], -1, axis[0] );
    //no blade
    if ( saberType == SABER_SITH_SWORD )
    {//draw no blade
    UI_DoSaber( bladeOrigin, axis[0], bladeLength, bladeLength, bladeRadius, bladeColor );
    extern qboolean ItemParse_asset_model_go( itemDef_t *item, const char *name );
    extern qboolean ItemParse_model_g2skin_go( itemDef_t *item, const char *skinName );
    void UI_GetSaberForMenu( char *saber, int saberNum )
    char saberTypeString[MAX_QPATH]={0};
    saberType_t saberType = SABER_NONE;
    if ( saberNum == 0 )
    DC->getCVarString( "g_saber", saber, MAX_QPATH );
    DC->getCVarString( "g_saber2", saber, MAX_QPATH );
    //read this from the sabers.cfg
    UI_SaberTypeForSaber( saber, saberTypeString );
    if ( saberTypeString[0] )
    saberType = TranslateSaberType( saberTypeString );
    switch ( uiInfo.movesTitleIndex )
    if ( saberType != SABER_SINGLE )
    if ( saberType != SABER_SINGLE )
    if ( saberType == SABER_SINGLE || saberType == SABER_NONE )
    void UI_SaberDrawBlades( itemDef_t *item, vec3_t origin, float curYaw )
    //NOTE: only allows one saber type in view at a time
    char saber[MAX_QPATH];
    int saberNum = 0;
    int saberModel = 0;
    int numSabers = 1;
    if ( (item->flags&ITF_ISCHARACTER)//hacked sabermoves sabers in character's hand
    && uiInfo.movesTitleIndex == 4 /*MD_DUAL_SABERS*/ )
    numSabers = 2;
    for ( saberNum = 0; saberNum < numSabers; saberNum++ )
    if ( (item->flags&ITF_ISCHARACTER) )//hacked sabermoves sabers in character's hand
    UI_GetSaberForMenu( saber, saberNum );
    saberModel = saberNum + 1;
    else if ( (item->flags&ITF_ISSABER) )
    DC->getCVarString( "ui_saber", saber, sizeof(saber) );
    saberModel = 0;
    else if ( (item->flags&ITF_ISSABER2) )
    DC->getCVarString( "ui_saber2", saber, sizeof(saber) );
    saberModel = 0;
    if ( saber[0] )
    int numBlades = UI_SaberNumBladesForSaber( saber );
    if ( numBlades )
    {//okay, here we go, time to draw each blade...
    char saberTypeString[MAX_QPATH]={0};
    UI_SaberTypeForSaber( saber, saberTypeString );
    saberType_t saberType = TranslateSaberType( saberTypeString );
    for ( int curBlade = 0; curBlade < numBlades; curBlade++ )
    if ( UI_SaberShouldDrawBlade( saber, curBlade ) )
    UI_SaberDrawBlade( item, saber, saberModel, saberType, origin, curYaw, curBlade );
    void UI_SaberAttachToChar( itemDef_t *item )
    int numSabers = 1;
    int saberNum = 0;
    if ( item->ghoul2.size() > 2 && item->ghoul2[2].mModelindex >=0 )
    {//remove any extra models
    DC->g2_RemoveGhoul2Model(item->ghoul2, 2);
    if ( item->ghoul2.size() > 1 && item->ghoul2[1].mModelindex >=0)
    {//remove any extra models
    DC->g2_RemoveGhoul2Model(item->ghoul2, 1);
    if ( uiInfo.movesTitleIndex == 4 /*MD_DUAL_SABERS*/ )
    numSabers = 2;
    for ( saberNum = 0; saberNum < numSabers; saberNum++ )
    //bolt sabers
    char modelPath[MAX_QPATH];
    char skinPath[MAX_QPATH];
    char saber[MAX_QPATH];
    UI_GetSaberForMenu( saber, saberNum );
    if ( UI_SaberModelForSaber( saber, modelPath ) )
    {//successfully found a model
    int g2Saber = DC->g2_InitGhoul2Model(item->ghoul2, modelPath, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //add the model
    if (g2Saber)
    //get the customSkin, if any
    if ( UI_SaberSkinForSaber( saber, skinPath ) )
    int g2skin = DC->registerSkin(skinPath);
    DC->g2_SetSkin( &item->ghoul2[g2Saber], 0, g2skin );//this is going to set the surfs on/off matching the skin file
    DC->g2_SetSkin( &item->ghoul2[g2Saber], -1, 0 );//turn off custom skin
    int boltNum;
    if ( saberNum == 0 )
    boltNum = DC->g2_AddBolt(&item->ghoul2[0], "*r_hand");
    boltNum = DC->g2_AddBolt(&item->ghoul2[0], "*l_hand");
    re.G2API_AttachG2Model(&item->ghoul2[g2Saber], &item->ghoul2[0], boltNum, 0);


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