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  1. I think i installed all those mods in order. Nevermind, had an extra pk3 that overwrite some weapon stuff >,> Mod seems to work now.
  2. Instructions unclear. "Error: Couldn't find item for weapon 33" on map start.
  3. Isn't that the one with 5 games and 2 disks? If so, use the EAW/kotor1 disc to play.
  4. Decent mod, but the AI voice is a violation of legal rights to the original voice actors unless given permission.
    This is very good. Great atmosphere. Good little exploration. Would love to see a SP edition with npcs too.
  5. Have you considering using a mouse when playing the game?
  6. No screens = no download What does this mod even do? New sp map? Is it only Rus?
  7. What is the status of this mod or the EY4 revamp? Is it done or still being worked on? If it won't be completed, is there a possibility that you can release whatever you have done? These look really amazing and i wish to play them if possible.
  8. Would not mind playing just the maps, even without story stuff.
  9. No, it does not appear to work with that mod installed.
  10. /npc spawn human_merc bob /runscript bob altfire
  11. You cant. The altfire 1 in the .npc file simply does not work and npcs cannot use this. I suggest using this mod if you want altfire and also control the firerate of npcs: There may also be a few mods that make the game support altfire in .npc files.
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