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  1. Hi, A while back I got some help on the forums to port over the Watchmen Rorschach model from multiplayer to a singleplayer species, I got that working fine enough and it functions perfectly in gameplay and cutscenes moving mask and all, only problem is I can't seem to figure out how to make the model function as a Male model. I'd be grateful if someone could just give me a quick run down on what I'd have to tweak to fix this so that at the very least Rorschach is speaking with the male Jaden voice. Kind of a minor thing but it feels abnormally jarring hearing an extremely upbeat feminine voice coming from Rorschach of all people The tutorial I used for porting: https://jkhub.org/topic/10013-how-to-make-a-singleplayer-species-with-variants/ How the porting went for this model: https://jkhub.org/topic/10921-porting-a-multiplayer-model-to-singleplayer/
  2. Thank you so much! I can't thank you enough for the help, it's working perfectly!
  3. @@Droidy365 @the_raven @@AshuraDX Thank you all for the help, I appreciate it (Just wanted to say again, the mod is absolutely wonderful on its own!) Just a couple of things I'm a bit confused about from the tutorial because I tried it but it still doesn't seem to work, as it says it wants me to open assets0.pk3 and find menus.str, they mean the one in the strings/English folder right? Also when editing it I copied and pasted one of the other reference lines and adjusted the texts to fit what I assumed would become the string for Rorschach so instead of REFERENCE Z_RORSCHACH NOTES "For character menu" LANG_ENGLISH "Rorschach" (Not sure what's going on with the comment but everythings highlighted for some reason) It came out as REFERENCE Z_RORSCHACHNOTES "For character menu"LANG_ENGLISH "Rorschach" mainly to replicate how it is in the str document itself, I also put it at the very end before the end marker if that also has something to do with it (Along with if I was supposed to put it in as z_rorschach or something else entirely) I'm also not quite sure how to segment the file for the variants, assuming I'm supposed to do that in the first place? Apologies for the newb questions incase you get these alot!
  4. Hi, I mainly play the singleplayer for Jedi Academy and after enjoying my time with a good few mods (and there are a LOT of great mods here) I found one in particular mod that I especially wanted to put to use, the mod for Rorschach from Watchmen https://jkhub.org/files/file/2921-rorschach-watchmen/ Hence why I'm making my first post here Only problem is I wanted to use it in singleplayer, cutscenes and all, and there doesn't seem to be any option for that, at least for me. Hence I was wondering if anyone had a particular way or tutorial I could look at to just make it work in singleplayer as well? this is entirely for my own usage, I don't intend to take something someone else made and post it on here with a slight tweak. Apologies if there is an obvious tutorial post I could have gone to, I mainly got confused by which method I was supposed to be taking.
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