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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Why download something that's full of virus's and may not even work when you can get it straight from the Adobe website no strings attached? It's not like CS2 is so outdated it isn't capable of making game textures.
  2. Those chicks you mentioned are just famous white chicks, Jan is asian. Linda Park would be more fitting.
  3. I would like to think there is some safe way of letting non registered people download, it would really help the community by having the same freedom we had back in like 04 which I would consider the golden age of jk3files. Block unregistered users from seeing profiles I can understand but downloading a file shouldn't be a big deal.
  4. Limited by my monitor at 1600x900
  5. I made a head a while back but didn't want to feel like a dick and compete but since he's gone maybe I'll work on it again.
  6. What Jora showed is plenty enough, if it isn't then those wanting more may need to learn the program better. Setting envelope deformers is the same no matter what skeleton you're using.
  7. Everything is just so gray and dark though, even in all the pics I looked at in the download section. I think the regular games look better with dynamic glow, dynamic lighting and volumetric shadows all enabled.
  8. Who knows, hasn't been on MSN since his last post.
  9. The good thing about stances is that you can merge them with _humanoid like usual but for a weapon like this you wouldn't need to overwrite to make it work, just let the .sab file tell it what stance to use. Which I embarrassingly forgot the code for how that works... :blink: Oh found it, readyAnim YOUR_STANCE
  10. Hows that? Took 10 mins counting the few times I stood in the pose to get a feel on how it should be. =p
  11. Updated Softimage tutorial to include a video on using the rig to get animations in game, does not show me making an actual animation since that would be too long to be uploaded to youtube. Also submitted the BETA rig to JKhub so it should be up for download as soon as a admin approves.
  12. Version BETA


    This is a custom biped rig I made in Softimage Mod Tool 7.5 to make animations for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. This rig uses a highly complex set of constrained controllers, animated parameters and linked expressions to achieve realistic movement without having to pose every bone 1 at a time. You will need some knowledge of Softimage to fully utilize this biped as the file alone wont make you a master animator overnight. To see a video tutorial on how this is used to make a working animation in Jedi Academy look here... http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/90-softimagexsi-joja-skeleton-bonestags-and-compiling-guide/ If you want the model to load with textures applied the scene will look for them in C:/base/models/players/kyle/
  13. I didn't event think to look in those files, just remembered they have descriptions next to most of the animations.
  14. A bit too gray, the once navy/gray floor is now dark gray almost black.
  15. I couldn't deal with 6gb, you must not use your PC for anything but web browsing, I had to go to 16gb. Nice not having to deal with slowdowns due to all my RAM being used up. I'm using 2.87gb of my paging file now without even having anything but steam, firefox and windows live messenger running, don't know how you live with so little.
  16. Gah, just recorded the video and the settings in camtasia seemed to somehow have changed and I got no audio recorded. Was hoping to do this today but I may have to put it off until Sunday when I'm off again, got other stuff I need to do today.
  17. I did absolutely nothing to make it run on this 64 bit win 7, not running as administrator or in compatibility mode. Works just like it did on 32 bit XP.
  18. Weird, I'm using win7 x64 and Modview as well as all things included with both JK2 and JA SDK's work for me.
  19. I'd play SP and mod it if I could put together a reliable DF2 mod team and commit to finishing it because that games campaign is still awesome.
  20. ^Only the first one would need to be remade though since the deactivate is just the first played backwards. Well I was scrolling through and thought the staff one would have been similar but I can't seem to find that one, anyone know it?
  21. How about this, if she bursts in and asks what I'm doing I'll yell out "shut yer foo mouth and quit interruptin ma genius!" and instead of redoing the recording I'll keep it. XD
  22. ^Wednesday when I'm off, hopefully my GF's friend doesn't think I'm talking to myself down here. =p
  23. I used to be like you guys, back in the day before I had cable internet and online play was out of the question. Then I discovered MP and mainly lugormod, no NPC can compare to a real person. It's hilarious when kids who only play SP come online and do nothing but kata's and butterflies and wonder why poeple who are considered only half decent duelists beat them without trying. I guess they thought beating any of the SP campaign bosses would make them good.
  24. Ok, update, complete success, new staff run animation in game. Gonna fix up a couple of things but remember THIS WILL BE A BETA RELEASE. It's completely usable but its a bit rough around the edges, especially the envelope job on Kyle but that doesn't really matter that much, he's totally aesthetic, he doesn't get exported, just something to look at.
  25. I think consdering it's capabilities a single use license is VERY worth the money. The retopology tool is directly aimed at game production.
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