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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. ^Glad to see you made it here too, was just looking at your Bahamut in Softimage yesterday, it's probably one of the best custom works for JA I've seen. Hope you're gonna make some JA stuff again.
  2. Corto is trying to register here, former modeler and animator but it says can't create account, any idea why?
  3. A bit of coding probably, never tried it but maybe just change the animation file to have BOTH_ rather than UPPER_ as the prefix?
  4. You should change the pistol one, he looks like he's never held a gun in his life and sorta seems scared to pull the trigger. I whipped this up real quick. Here was my reference, good ol Jack Bauer
  5. Dang DT, 4 likes in 1 thread all one after another. I guess I'm not talking out of my ass as much as I thought. =p

  6. ^Mods normally don't include assets and even if they do they're being used on people who own the game and engine. With a stand alone you're distributing your OWN engine technically and trying to use assets from another game to create a new one, it's porting.
  7. Chalk, you might want to watch some videos on animation, there's tons on youtube, you're asking the most basic of questions. When animating if you've set up a rig using constraints all you need to key is the things you're moving, you don't have to key everything unless you're saving a pose that is 1 frame. You also don't have to key bones unless they don't have a controller that influences it. This is why Dragon shouldn't even be used anymore, you can't carry any knowledge over from it to a REAL animation program, you'll always have to start from the beginning when learning.
  8. He thinks Disney pulled the source which is more than likely false, the reasons already discussed are more than likely why.
  9. Why are you still using Dragon when you have Softimage? It's like you'd prefer to make fire from rubbing 2 sticks together when you have a propane torch sitting next to you... Dragon sucks for animation. Period. Telling someone to use it for animations is like the worst advice you can give around here.
  10. Pretty sure Blender supports that format but I dunno if you're into Blender.
  11. As some may have read in another thread I expressed great interest in possibly having a SIMPLE .glm importer, I don't really care about bones and weights tbh but if it's not too much then it's a plus. Also, a .md3 import/export as well as .qc file generator similar to Milkshape's. It would be a huge help to me and the few who are using the program, mainly for weapon and map object creation. I can supply the source code if necesarry, if I remember right Mr. Wonko is hosting it on his site, I'd also be willing to dedicate all the time possible in terms of testing and maybe even trying to learn a thing or 2 about coding. Softimage does not use it's own scripting language, it's all standard stuff (VB script, Python) unlike Max and Maya who have thier own. Maybe I can even do something in return for the coder who considers it...
  12. I would think that you would run into other problems before hitting the limit since most modders can be sloppy causing conflicts between other mods.
  13. Yeah, having a dynamic thing would be really good, like change it so that it's random and pulls the latest news like how it shuffles through at the top of the jkhub.org main page. Maybe even have it how some other useful things like latest tutorials to bring more people who are just random players into the modding community.
  14. Now THATS something I would like to see, a co-op ladder mod, one that is challenging like Survival Mod 2 was.
  15. I had it installed to try out Mr Wonkos plugin but I hated the interface on it so much plus I couldn't get anything to import and at the time there was zero documentation so I uninstalled it. It's stupid to make a program who's interface requires immediate user revision the first time it's used. That program has a face only a mother could love.
  16. I have 2 outrider models, 1 I put in game that isn't so accurate nor does it work well since I tried to set it up so that the turrets could be controlled by other players since it's in the games code but doesn't work very well. The other is a newer model that was going to be for SW Battlefront 2 but never made it very far, only the basic mesh is done, no UV's or textures. Find someone to make some textures for the 2nd one and I'll throw it in game, the other one doesn't work right in game and I don't have the pk3, I do have the source files to rebuild the pk3 though.
  17. Meh, I tried, MS3D for some reason didn't want to import it, at least not with the materials option checked which also doesn't import UV's if it isn't checked. Been trying to get some .md3 support and a simple .glm importer for Softimage for a while but I can't get any interest from people who have the skill to pull it off.
  18. Sometimes it has to be done, I can do it in Softimage quite easily.
  19. Dang max still has that bad of enveloping tools to where you can't edit a model without messing up the weights?
  20. The way I'd do it is using Milkshape like suggested, import the glm and export to md3.
  21. Never had this problem, though I'm not a mapper and the only thing I may use a md3 model for is weapons, they're used as the model that is shown when the gun or saber hilt has been dropped on the ground. Someone here may know how to set up the game to output a log file for the crash, maybe that will shed some light on things. You can use whatever model of mine you want, some things I'll even release source files for if people ask and I can find them. I used to be one of those pricks who didn't want people using or modifying thier models but I realized it's a stupid way of doing things in a modding community, everything I make is freely available for use, just give credit where credit is due. If I could track down the original Softimage scene file I'd even give that to you too if you wanted to see how I made it.
  22. You're gonna make a .roq video using a game quality model? Why not just find high resolution models and render a video, though you'd have to get permisson from all those who contributed but it would look a lot better. Also, in case you didn't know if you use Mod Tool the render engine is limited, might want to see if you can get a limited license like how I have a student one and use the full version.
  23. I was wondering too about commercial usage, surely if you "reimbursed" Raven in some way much as in how other companies license out an open source game engine I bet you could make a sell-able game, as long as it was good enough that people wanted to buy it. You'd probably also of course have to pay royalties to Disney for the Star Wars name. Hell who knows, maybe if it were good enough they'd back it but that's a long shot really. How are guys doing it with say the Source engine? It's free but people are using it to make games and selling them on steam, perhaps a percentage of each copy goes to Valve? I'd imagine someone who could animate when it comes to projects like these would be in very high demand since there are very few of us in the community, and if you were to make all your own animations only someone with a ton of skill could do it in a reasonable amount of time, it took me many years to learn the things I know and I'm far from good. Really good texture artists are tough to find as well, especially ones who could UV map the model for top notch results, that way the modelers can move much faster.
  24. ^Why are you wasting a post in this thread trying to showcase your work? Go put this in the WIP section.
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