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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Hey if anyone still plays 3 LMK, we can get an online sesh goin, realistic tricks and hardcore mode only.
  2. It seems that eezstreet is as hooked on GTA:SA as me O_O

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. eezstreet


      "I told you not to make fun of my name!"

    3. minilogoguy18


      I forget the ending to VC, been playing SA cause I never beat that one. Don't forget about Love Fist guys. =p

    4. KDR_3XILE


      "Love Fist fury, we're just getting pussy

      Our love rockets are too aroused

      The girls are going crazy cause we ain't getting lazy

      Shooting love fist fuel all around"


  3. I knew there was an AAT already out there, post a pic up of it, kinda bored of making it since I'm not much of a fan of many of the prequel designs other than the ARC-170. I do have this one made already since I thought making animations for it would be a challenge, originally meant for SWBF2. Considering puting it in JA... someday...
  4. You've somehow managed to make it look nothing like him again. You need to just go back and learn basic anatomy and head modeling before you take another shot at this.
  5. You can only store polymeshes in the .obj format, no bones or null objects. Best would be to make a custom skeleton and set it up like the taun taun. You can import the tauntaun skeleton from the JA source files and try to use it but it more than likely wont fit.
  6. Just play EA skate 1/2/3, modding a engine like this when those games emulate skateboarding VERY well it's a total waste of time to do it to this engine.
  7. I'm willing to even go as far as doing something in exchange, maybe a model or animation of some sort, I don't want to use another program. Don't know how you can use Blender, it's interface is terrible.
  8. I've been playing through DF lately, at imp city atm, it's still a very fun game. I felt I had to get well acquainted with the game with recent talks of rebooting the DF project.
  9. Between @@Corto and myself I'm confident we can answer anything you can throw at us. I may have built that rig but he was the one who taught me Softimage years back, we definitely have a lot of experience under our belts in this area. Also make sure you have the most recent version, I'm always updating that rig to make it better as I learn more and more, there's so much you can do with a program like Softimage, especially in it's very finest mode and what it's know best for which is animation. Just seeing what you can do with such a simple and very limited program like Dragon I know with a real animation package you'll be able to make some amazing things and not just that, you'll do it in a fraction of the time because you'll have an IK biped.
  10. You made the feet point down, they aren't supposed to, import a base model and look at it. I know that can be the only confusing part of that new skeleton but that's the way just about every foot bone in every skeleton is made, it's that way because there SHOULD be a toe bone that is straight forward but they took it out of JA. Other than that I think that new skeleton you're now using is pretty good at letting you see how well something will fit to it. On a side note: @@Inyri stopped playing ME/KotOR to come post! I think she's been on a recent binge. =p
  11. Feet STILL need to be reposed.
  12. He wants a fix that is by itself though, NOT downloading OpenJK. Something that can be applied to the base game while OpenJK is still being worked on.
  13. Guys, listen to Szico, if you're testing maps or models and want to QUICKLY go into game and do /map or /devmap to see your stuff in game it WILL CRASH every time if you're using the widescreen workaround with /r_mode -1/-2. What he wants is a FIX so it DOESN'T CRASH when using these commands, I should also point out that it crashes even when selecting a map in say solo mode. The only work around I know of is since I had a home hosted server set up already I would set it to the map I wanted and /connect to my own server then say spawn my AT-RT and test it that way since going through the menu doesn't work. No one really cares about the stretching HUD, and if they did they're like me, too lazy to make new files that compensate for the stretch since I'm sure that's all it would take.
  14. @@Corto will definitely appreciate this if he hasn't gotten his code to work yet.
  15. As a vehicle I don't think it would work very well since there isn't a vehicle that behaves in a way in which something like say a helicopter behaves where it travels up and down. Another huge hurdle would be the driver, it wouldn't show the model and if it did he'd be in the root pose since the only vehicle class that will show the model of the pilot is the tauntaun class. You'd have a jetpack that flew like an x-wing and had an invisible player controlling it. Better to just make a new model and fix the missing model for when the jetpack is dropped and yes, it's already possible in lugormod to have the jetpack as a droppable item that anyone can use, it's just missing a model that shows it in world so it appears as a rgb colored transform gizmo.
  16. I guess I never had so much of a problem because I don't ever use the server list, I'd either know the address or I use xfire to store all my favs and connect/launch from there. Main one was the menu just for testing models, I had to just start up my home hosted server and connect through console.
  17. Well there's a problem, no one ever made a md3 exporter for Softimage, as much as I've tried going to multiple sites requesting it. Looks like the only way it'll ever happen if I make it myself and I don't know shit about coding.
  18. Anyone know off the top of thier head where I can find the .md3 format source?

  19. Yes, not sure about r_mode -2 but I know r_mode -1 can cause crashing when using the /map or /devmap command in MP, possibly SP as well but haven't ran SP in ever. I'm sure there are other bugs to r_mode negative values to be fixed.
  20. The model looks like it's just oriented incorrectly, rotating it around should help. Pretty sure there are some gun tutorials out there to help with this, pehaps on Inyri's site.
  21. *Kneels infront of the holo image of @@Corto....*
  22. Here are some updates, played around with the main body per @@Corto's suggestions. Could a staff member perhaps break this topic off and place it in the WIP section and maybe mark this thread as "Accepted"?
  23. Meh, I figured since it's been so long that XBOX emulators may actually be decent by now considering dreamcast and PS2 ones running pretty well.
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