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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. What are your skills? If you don't have a major skill to help move this along like real coding knowledge, modeling, animation or texuring FROM SCRATCH then this is more like a request than a WIP.
  2. Doesn't matter, best thing is to have a file structer straight on your HDD starting with /base/ just like the assets, that way you can compile other things correctly. Side note, LOL @KotF
  3. First thing is to have a folder structure on your HDD that matches the assets1.pk3 IE, C:/base/, from there extract the assets required , effects, shaders and textures so that inside of C:/base/ you should have 3 new folders, effects, shaders and textures. Open effectsEd and set the default game path to jk2 default but change it to C:/base/ (it'll be w:/base/ at first) and that should be it. When you open the program it likes to have all sort of weird error messages but opening the fire effect and playing it seems to work normally. It's been a long time since I've used the program so there may be more assets that I can't remember that it may need to open without all those error messages.
  4. The part where you really messed up is the jawline and neck, the rest wasn't bad, just needed tweaking to get a little more definition in some areas. Also of course some general optimization, too many loops in some places, easy way to fix that is select parallel edge loop tool and ctrl+del to collapse edges.
  5. Nice work. Too bad we can't seem to get some attention from the coders on the site for things like this since Michael admits to being an amateur at coding but is able to pull this off. If we could convince the coders of this site to help out with things like this all major software being used to mod this game would have support for dotXSI, MD3, GLM, ASE and MAP. You should keep going if you can and maybe update the old MD3 and GLM plugins to work with newer max versions.
  6. ^This, chalk, look in the mirror and tell me if the front of your neck is shaped like that? I'm betting it's the total opposite.
  7. We can't crit the geometry when you don't show a wire frame overlay.
  8. Also, as far as I know jkhub has ZERO clan affiliation and it should definitely stay that way. Clans in general are always childish and kinda goofy anyway.
  9. ToR never stood a chance, it wasn't half as good as SWG and SWG never had to go F2P just to attract members.
  10. I hate skype so much, staying with windows messenger until the end.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eezstreet


      Skype can suck on dese nuts.

    3. minilogoguy18


      yeah just use a program called messenger revival to patch it so it doesnt update or if you have skype it'll reinstall messenger.

    4. AshuraDX


      I've been using skype and messenger parallel to each other for years and I prefer skype

  11. The hardest thing for me despite how impressed I am with some of the features JKG has is finding motivation to want to help when you can already play SWG-Emu for free.
  12. ^This is mainly it, the root pose can be wherever, and any animation can start from wherever frame you want it to start, in terms of custom skeletons, the glamerge needing the root pose is like Corto said, a requirement of the program and nothing else. I've tested this and also the source animation files many of them will start on something like frame 14, I don't think the frame number is taken from the .xsi file, only the amount of frames.
  13. Yeah, there's no way to transfer it over and it work exactly how it does in Softimage. You can export constraints and such but it converts certain objects to nulls and the spine has implicit objects which max doesn't have. Better to do like Corto is saying and just make one in 3ds max.
  14. There are so many options to this command, got an example of what I'd type to get the permissions needed (special only?) to do what I need to do to gain control over all subfolders and files under C:/users/%username%/
  15. The problem I'm having is my main profile that I use has weird problems, mainly with privileges, it acts as if the account has no admin control even though it does and I have disabled everything that could possibly stop it. So I've tried multiple things like make 2 more admin accounts, use 1 to copy all files under C:/users/%username%/ but of course it wont let me even with another admin account. If I use another account though to do something that the main one wont things work normally. I understand that it normally doesn't let you copy files from a user account since it's tied to that user but according to everything I'm googling it's the only way to restore a broken account by copying files to a new account and then renaming the new account to match the old. Seems also that broken windows 7 profiles is a common thing. Help anyone?
  16. Most things there you probably already have and if not most aren't necesarry since that thread is a general Mod Tool resource and not aimed specifically at using that rig. Of course you'll need the SDK's but the source files aren't necesarry but neat to play around with if you never have before, especially the nonhumanoid stuff. The Mod Tool scene file containing the rig will look for Kyles textures in C:/base/models/players/kyle/, just like the assets1.pk3 so make sure you extract those and that's it. The glaMerge part I'm sure you already know since it's the same and you can export and compile the animation wherever you want, folder structure of the unmerged file is irrelivent, I just gave it a folder structure in the video for simplicity. The process for compiling is actually identical to the workflow of making a model say like the wampa that has it's own skeleton and animations minus the PCJ list in assimilate but I cover all of that, the only thing you really need to learn is how to do some basic keyframe animation and understand what each controller does, the rest is covered in the video. I know it's going to be vastly different than dragon but once you start to get the hang of it you'll slap yourself for wasting so much time using dragon because I used to use it as well.
  17. He needs to post his heirarchy then, he probably has control objects under model_root and if there are no polymeshes weighed to them they get dumped by the carcass compiler, more than likely the cause of the broken animations.
  18. You shouldn't be exporting constraints, the option you want to have the most when it comes to dealing with a model that has a custom biped or rig is to have plot animations on export. With that the bones that are constrained to control objects will inherit the animation from the control object even though the controlers aren't exported or even in the heirarchy. Have all controllers for the rig under a separate node and not model_root, they'll move the bones through constraints and not parent-child relationships. Most people call it "baking" an animation, this was probaly the case, the controllers for the character are animated but the actual bones that the model is weighed to and exported have no animation. In the mean time you can fix this by manually keying the bones at the same frames that thier controllers are keyed or just plot the animation in max before export. I never freeze control objects in Softimage, it isn't necesarry since they shouldn't be in the same heirarchy as the exported model in the first place. Also, any frame can be the root pose, doesn't matter, unless it's something max specific but I doubt it, I've had them the last frame, just like in the _humanoid animations.
  19. His lips look wierd, he shouldn't have any expression on his face and right now it looks like hes fighting back a smile.
  20. It's a nice design but it looks like you started to get lazy when mapping out the top center of the ceiling and not giving it the same detail you gave the lower part between the pillars and windows. Also curious to see a wireframe of this, noticed some mappers do a bit better than others by optimizing the brushes better by reducing unneeded vertices, keeping the same shape exact shape and detail with a lower brush count.
  21. You need to uninstall zbrush or stop using it for a while because it wont fix your model. Somehow you managed to make it look less like him again, you're relying too much on the pictures you're using for the rotoscope when at this point you should be looking at pictures from multiple angles and tweaking the model in the user view, you don't even need to be using the 2d views at this point other than maybe to start retopoing the neck.
  22. I personally don't use the tweak tool (M) but some people swear by it, I prefer moving verts in local space, feel like I have more control. I said 5 POLES, not polies, it's a vertex that has 5 edges coming off of it and its a way to keep from having triangles so that everything can neatly be done in quads. http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80005
  23. You don't need to add, read my previous post, I edited it.
  24. You're rushing too much if you think it's close to done, one of your biggest problems. Corto already showed you what to fix. You have loops where you shouldn't and there are triangles in the model, google 5 poles.
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