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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. The hands are still too small it seems, import a base model and compare. Also, the feet are in the wrong pose, if you envelope and export the way it is he'll be walking on the outside edges of his feet.
  2. It's simple, since when did the human race halt progress so abruptly?
  3. You should do some googling, I don't have the program anymore but there was a simple program put out by nvidia a while back that could generate a normal map from a texture, that way you won't really need a modeling program. Why do I see a comment about bump mapping up there? It's so dated, normal, AO and cavity maps are where it's at.
  4. Not sure exactly how the game treats the extra bones, I just know modview wont load the model using the JA assets, you'd have to set it up for JK2. I don't think the game ignores those bones, the models probably only work becuase of the way carcass rearranges bones (see my tutorial on youtube for some insight) and the bones that are omitted are at the ends of the chains and have no child objects, otherwise the models either wouldn't load at all or would be seriously skewed due to local transforms not matching. Like I said, the tag for left handed weapons IS there, its just that the bone it's weighed to has no animations, not only that the envelope weight information for the object bolt_lhand has envelope data for a bone that doesn't exist in the JA skeleton. I think even if you did do something to make the game see that bone as l_hang_tag_bone the bolt_lhand would still have envelope data to l_hand_tag_bone.
  5. If you made them they're yours to distribute. I agree with @@Botdra, a tad less grunge and contrast. Keep going! =]
  6. Yeah I worked on that mod, the reason why it never went anywhere was because things we wanted to do could only be done with the source code, now its finally out though so maybe a SotE mod could be possible one day. Somone else wants that Outrider too, I'm juggling that request and a request for an AAT.
  7. Coding wont "fix" it since the _humanoid.gla is where all the bone and animation info is stored. Nothings broken, you're just tring to use models from one game to another, the skeletons between the 2 games are MUCH more different than just that 1 bone, theres somewhere close to 30 MORE bones in the JK2 skeleton.
  8. http://jkhub.org/topic/1503-the-chaser-yt-1300-request/ See the end of that thread, I'm going with the second one that doesn't have textures since it's much more accurate model wise, it's being UV mapped atm.
  9. Well it's not the same as swbf2, I know in that you can say attach a hardpoint for a effect to the dummy root and just type in a offset which usually equaled out to XSI global coordinates and it would place the effect where you wanted it. I'll break it down to you why it doesn't work, the tag that the weapon bolts to IS there on JO models, the problem is that the bone name is different and the bone is what the tag is enveloped to, so the game essentially sees it as a tag with no envelope information, hence why the left saber doesn't animate. May be possible to hex edit the .glm file to reference the JA bone which is lhang_tag_bone but unlikely since the glm stores no real bone data as far as I'm aware of, just geometry, UV and envelope weights and since it's enveloped to a bone with a different name, i.e. doesn't exist, I don't think it's possible to fix this way. Easiest solution is to recompile the models, some people think it's a huge deal but if you know how to copy weight maps from one model to another the tweaking to make it perfect is minimal. Real problem is people were always using 3ds max which has terrible envelope weights tools out of the box without a 3rd party plugin so no one wanted to reweigh a model to the JA skeleton.
  10. Just read the .efx and .shader files, they tell you what textures they use.
  11. Don't worry about the pics, I'm sure what I found was enough, try to find someone who may be interested in making some textures for this thing since in that area if I do manage to make good ones it takes me FOREVER cause I get so bored doing it and can't hold my attention on it.
  12. No wireframe on shaded shots since the topology isn't the prettiest on the main body and I haven't cleaned it up yet, this is a couple of hours of work. There surprisingly isn't a whole lot of good reference material out there, google doesn't pull up that many images. I guess I could always fire up SWBF2 and take some screens of it in game if I really need to. Not sure if I'll model out the ordinance launchers on the front platform, tried to do it using the boolean function and it didn't turn out very pretty. That model from MB2 is a total mess, half of the polygons in it aren't even doing anything, many panels are duplicated with different topology, doesn't make any sense.
  13. @@Teancum, it's not a bug at all if you think about it, JK2 had a different skeleton than JA, it had more bones and the bolt for the left hand had a different name since JK2 didn't support 2 handed weapons.
  14. Thanks, also check out the Softimage resource thread in my sig if you need some general Softimage videos, if you can't find an answer to something just lmk and I'm sure either myself or @@Corto can answer it. The rig may look a tad different from the video since it's received quite a few updates, nothing too confusing, it's all there in the change log.
  15. You could have made custom skeletons before, I've done it, problem is the NPC classes make it limited in how it'll behave. Anything is possible with the source code release.
  16. It's because there isn't a player class that supports the way they move, the best thing I can thing of to try is to rename the roll animation to a run in the .cfg file so that the game plays that animation when the droid is running towards or away from a player.
  17. Are the menu's broken for anyone else? Could it be because I'm in widescreen? Also, any of you get the shortcut working as stated in the readme? Every time I try to change the target it doesn't work, I'm probably doing something wrong.
  18. Yeah the transparency features in windows 7 could mess with this, an old version of Softmiage would run but had weird viewport glitches unless I ran in classic theme.
  19. Upload the model somewhere and PM me the link, textures too of course.
  20. I wish I could afford a Cintiq... =(

    1. CaptainChar


      sometimes they're on sale, but its just the matter of finding them when they are

  21. Yeah, he's been gone for probably 6+ years.
  22. If it was "made" by Hatrus it's more than likely a ripped model from somewhere else, I used to know this person quite well and a lot of things he claimed to have made were just ripped from some game or some 3d model website.
  23. It didn't shoot because it had no weapon tags.
  24. If you can get permission from the maker of the model for MB2 I could convert it into a vehicle, not sure how well it'll work though, I guess I could make it the same class as the swoop.
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