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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. I can't have a favorite soundtrack since every film has something that I like a lot. Although, some of my favorite star wars pieces weren't done by John Williams, and should we limit ourselves only to the films? One of my favorite pieces is in ROTS The OST for Rogue One was quite good too. And in the television series, I really liked the soundtrack for the final Ahsoka episodes in TCW. Knights of The Old Republic II has a very good OST composed by Mark Griskey, far better than anything in any other game.
  2. Is this model properly rigged? I can imagine it'd be really fun to do some animations for this guy.
  3. Totally doable. My objective at the moment was to see if this works. I think I should make it clear that if you have other files that modify the ingame.txt file, you'll have to manually add my menu.
  4. It could be that another file on your base folder is overwriting the ingame.txt file. If you can, try to use the file with a clean base folder, which means it only must have the assets0.pk3, assets1.pk3, assets2.pk3 and assets3.pk3 files. If that fails, it might be related with how you're opening the game. Are you using OpenJK or base JA SP? If you're using another mod, you have to place my mod on said mod's folder. Also remember, this only works on SP.
  5. I'm sure it's possible, thought my first concern was to make it work. Maybe in the future I, or anybody else, can make it prettier. This doesn't work in multiplayer, sadly. I don't even know if you can make an NPC play animations with a script in MP.
  6. I have uploaded the file to the hub and it's pending approval. Which means you'll be able to download it soon if it's ok. Since it's a relatively simple mod I don't think there will be any issues. however if there are, do let me know.
  7. Version 1.1


    UPDATE TIME: - New options and animations have been added to the menu. However, this new update will replace your _humanoid.gla file, so don't use this if you don't want your animations to be replaced! The .zip file will still include the original version of this mod if you prefer it that way. What's this? It's a small menu that allows you to play animations on yourself and another NPC in Singleplayer. How do I install it? Put the file zzzAnimMenu_2.0.pk3 on your base folder. This file will not work if you have other animation/menu mods (unless you edit it on your own to make everything compatible). How do I make this work? First of all, you must enable cheats on your game. Then, to activate the menu you should bind it to any key like this: bind j "uimenu emotemenu" Press J (or any key really) and the menu should pop. How do I make it work on an NPC? You must spawn an NPC with the targetname npc1. How? Like this npc spawn reborn npc1 After you've done that the NPC will spawn and all the commands on the NPC1 Animations menu should work. You can also apply this to any NPC with a proper targetname if you know the script path to each animation. For example, by typing "runscript npc2 animations/a1" you'll make an NPC with a targetname "npc" use the animation that the script a1 triggers. Can I bind the animations to a key? Yes you can. Each animation is linked to a script so the way to make it work would be by binding the key to a runscript command, like: bind F5 runscript animations/a1 Then press F5 and it should play an animation. Can I? If there's anything you want to do with this file, go ahead and do it. Don't bother giving me credit for anything because I don't give a shit about that kind of stuff:
  8. I've worked a little bit on this and I've added NPC functionality. You can bind the animations if you want, as shown in this video.
  9. I do enjoy multimedia content like this, however I do have a couple questions and criticisms regarding the film-making behind this. First, is your objective to show a blend between a cinematic experience and in-game gameplay? I think the videos get too long with all the unnecessary footage of the characters walking. If you do think it's important to show that footage, you could try to do it from another angle sometimes, since watching the character's whole body from their backs only looks good if you're playing a game, not watching a non-interactive video. My personal suggestion would be to try and shoot walking frames with more angles. Try using areal shots or maybe some close shots from the waist and above while following a character. In the same area, I would comment about the way you shoot most of the interactions between characters. A way to make conversations more dynamic is to include in the frame all the actors involved in the conversation. For example, when Ariel talks with Zakka you focus on the character talking and record them from below, even though you could get more if both characters were in the frame like at the beginning of the shot. Also, the position of the camera helps conveying a message. Have you ever noticed that in films the only times you get shots from above on Vader are when he talks to the Emperor? That's a visual cue that tells you Vader submits to him and not vice-versa. Here's an example of how I would shoot a frame between people that have an equal relationship (which means there's no imbalance of power from a narrative point of view) You can of course be way more creative than me and shoot the frame in many different ways. My point is that if you avoid visual redundancy it can look much more interesting. The same can be said about the way you record combat. Is your objective to make it look like an ingame sequence or do you want to achieve something more film-like? If the last is the case, try not to film in real time and use more ingenious shots. Finally, I think you have to be more wise regarding music. I know the score might sound good but the way you use it must be as smart as the way you shoot a scene. You can't have the whole thing play without interruption while many things happen, it has to have a narrative sense as much as what you see. For example, at 2:40 you have the music building up while combat starts and when it finally reaches it's climax at 3:15 the combat ends and the music fades out, even though you can hear something was going to happen. I hope you don't take my comments as mean destructive criticism and it actually helps you create more and better videos! One of the utilities I use to better frame my screenshots is CamSP and I think it can help you too https://jkhub.org/files/file/1829-camsp/
  10. I'm sure I can make animations bind-ables. There's a cross arms animation, but I can't add it without modifying the _humanoid.gla file, and that's a no-no since it'd make this incompatible with other animation mods.
  11. If I had to guess, they won't care about canon for anything but the game's main story. Just like in the original BFII, which had the Mos Eisley map with heroes from all eras killing each other.
  12. I don't play JA+, so I don't know what some of those animations are. Still, I think I can do today or tomorrow a small test that should allow you to play some animations in SP. Edit: Did an experiment just now. Tell me if this would be useful to you, just imagine it with more animations and options. The sky is the limit.
  13. It shouldn't be hard to create a mod that allows you to use animations in SP. I think I could work in something if you tell me which animations you want to have.
  14. I'm really liking the look of your new models! Truly a great job!
  15. First Person Open World MMO RPG VR when? Also, why did I make the mistake of looking at Youtube comments for some deeper insight of the video?
  16. I love the idea of bounty hunters using droids to take on force sensitive people. Kind of makes sense, since it's harder to sense something that isn't a living being.
  17. I'm confident that if you give a normal _humanoid model the jetpack tags from the rocket trooper and make him class_rockettrooper, he will fly and the effects will play accordingly. The worst thing that I can imagine will happen is what happens to the mandalorian NPCs with Boba Fett class that don't have the proper tags, the effect plays from below their feet.
  18. You could script the NPC so it doesn't use acrobatics. That could help a bit, but it won't really solve the problem.
  19. Did you manage to achieve this by using a simple patch mesh?
  20. Ahsoka is mai waifu, so that's great. But you could try to re-do the textures so they are of a higher quality.
  21. I might be saying non-sense, but was your file deleted from your base folder? Maybe it's not the game, but your computer removing recent changes from your computer, including that file.
  22. As always, great job! Though the description is wrong, the other lightsaber was destroyed by Vader, not an Inquisitor.
  23. I'm 99% sure you can do that without a script. Instead of making the barrier a brush, make it a simple patch mesh, that way it becomes a one-sided forcefield,allowing your enemy to shoot at you, but blocking any missile brom the other side.
  24. I really like Kotor 2, but I was never a fan of the combat. Those games make guns always feel so innocuous, the blasters have no real impact nor seem to produce any harm to the people getting shot at. Sometimes fighting in those kind of games is as fun as watching spreadsheets in excel.
  25. Does anybody have an opinion on the mobile Star Wars games? I played Uprising and really liked it untill it was killed off. Commander and Galaxy of Heroes are fun, but a bit too grindy. Force Arena has really nice models, but it's pretty boring after a couple days.
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