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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. No, I meant what I said. Doing kitbashes takes way less time than creating your own stuff from scratch. I've been short of time recently because I'm moving out to a new place, hence why I might no be able to do what I want to during these days. Today I wanted to do something a bit more complex, but I wasn't able to properly do what I wanted to, so instead I updated the female head model with a new object. Download link is same as before. Pic related:
  2. Day 13 Kitbash: I'm still loaded with work so I haven't been able to sit and relax with blender for too long. Still, I did the continuation of yesterday's project by adding the helmets and hats to the human male and also updating the female one so it has the classic rebel helmet too. Preview Pics: Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/scr5q714puiegi9/Daily_Challenge13.rar?dl=0
  3. For now. If I'm short of time I'll do a human male version too and I'll slap some more hats unto it!
  4. Day 12 Kitbash: I've been very busy with work today, so I used the small window of time I had to play with blender by adding some hats and helmets to the base human female model. All headgear comes from base JA and has it's respective LOD. Preview Pics: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/36ypbwnwrkf68d2/Daily_Challenge12.rar?dl=0
  5. Paciencia, lo están porteando los de muvi duls tu
  6. Day 11 Model: Today I re-did the table I uploaded yesterday so it'd be even lower poly and also made a new one to share today! Preview Pic: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hpy917jrdxnnb64/Daily_Challenge11.rar?dl=0
  7. I love reading the discussion since it gives more insight to those that don't know a lot about modeling and optimization! Day 10 Model: This is a very simple model I did to save time while mapping. I mixed a lot of recent techniques I've learnt and used textures from textures.com to make it look more realistic. I used basic color painting to make the parts that should have less light darker and also to add some slight shadows to some zones in which I wanted to give the illusion of depth. I'll make more variations of this table in the following days and I will also try to experiment a bit more with hand-painting stuff. Preview Pic: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cilg1bq7w8up0pr/Daily_Challenge10.rar?dl=0
  8. Day 9 Mod: I've been practicing to advance my modelling more, but my recent attemps have failed, so I decided to work on another quick pose resource to upload today. Hopefully it'll be useful for people who need more animations for their mods! Preview Pic: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jntn4kyitu4e18q/Daily_Challenge9.rar?dl=0
  9. @@Langerd @@Droidy365 Vid stopped working for me too, so I replaced it with a pic. That's a beautiful model @@SomaZ, I'll love seeing it ingame!
  10. Thanks! My objective was to familiarize myself with the paint tools from Blender, but it was clearly too much to handle in one go. I've been practicing a bit more now and trying to familiarize myself with painting with a Wacom tablet. It's a bit hard but I think I'll be able to get used to it in time. I'm guiding myself with this tutorial which seems very useful to my inexpert eyes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7ALfRw6I5I Thanks, that's solid advice too! I'll try to spend more time on my texture work in hopes of achieving a more realistic look! Day 8 Mod: Didn't have too much time today to do anything, so I did a quick animation for those who want their characters to sit in a more powerful manner. Preview Pic: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6b4esas5tmn50dm/Daily_Challenge8.rar?dl=0
  11. Gotta say, hand-painting is even harder than I though, specially with a mouse! Even though I'm not proud of what I did, I feel the obligation to share it with you guys so it can serve as educational material regarding the mistakes I did. I'd heavily advice to do this while following a video tutorial or step by step images, since it helps make everything much clearer. Day 7 Model: I did a quick barrel in blender and tried to manually paint it with the Paint Editor option. Didn't end up looking the way I wanted, but oh well! Screenshot: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m095x0h58gw8tl9/Daily_Challenge7.rar?dl=0
  12. I thought it'd suffice by adding Ambient Occlusion, but it seems I was wrong! I've always dreaded the idea of hand-painting highlights and shadows because I suck at painting (even more with a mouse), but I'll take it as a personal challenge to learn to properly do this.
  13. Day 6 Mod: Today I don't bring a new model, but an animation resource for anyone that wants to use it on a project. It's based on one of Obi-wan's stances from EP III. Here's how it looks ingame, https://s1.webmshare.com/0vxZx.webm Keep in mind that you'll have to add this to your _humanoid.gla file on your own, since this is only a resource, not a full blown replacer. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ghooul8bqo6rf32/Daily_Challenge6.rar?dl=0
  14. Good to know! Day 5 Model: Tried to do something more complex but it didn't work out as I intended, so I did some more pottery pieces and also tested blender's render with them. Screenshot: Blender render: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xx4ph4sxcz3lcn5/Daily_Challenge5.rar?dl=0
  15. Thanks everybody for contributing! Day 4 Model: Today I wanted to create something that will allow mappers to make their cantinas look less samey by giving a new choice of drink instead of the classical wine bottle from Nar Shadda. This time I used texturing techniques that I had never tried before, so I'm sure there's a lot to improve in the future! Screenshot: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/08jdjlxasp5w216/Daily_Challenge4.rar?dl=0
  16. I love it, just a couple days ago I failed horribly at trying to make a nice holographic shader! Feel free to chime in if you desire to! This should be a great opportunity to do some basic models in blender! Day 3 Model: This time I didn't do a model from scratch, but took one from base JA to play around with blender's baking tools! I've always wanted more statues ingame and this was a great opportunity to try and add one of my own liking! Screenshot: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e812xfz92ffzpwg/Daily_Challenge3.rar?dl=0
  17. Feel free to participate on the rate you feel more comfortable with! The idea is just to try and make this a constant habit. Feel free to follow at the rate you're more comfortable with! Although I must state that the main idea is not to do very complex stuff, but quick exercises to help polish, improve or maintain each of our modding skills. However, if you feel like you need more time to do what you want, please do so! I must also say that I love the idea of being inspired by a specific topic, it reminds me to inktober! If more people are interested we can sure start doing that! Although I wouldn't make it mandatory to follow the day or week's theme. Also, thanks for pointing out the animation frames mistake, I hadn't noticed! The original file has been updated to not have this mistake! Now, back to the main topic! For this day's model I wanted to help those modders that need more clutter in their maps by creating this very simple, yet unique, piece of pottery. Day 2 Model: MD3Viewer screenshot: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lr3r6kt55mo3p9a/Daily_Challenge2.rar?dl=0
  18. I've been meaning to do this for a while but I needed to think it through. This thread has been created to help further develop all modding skills by a self-imposed challenge that will consist on the daily production of an asset that can be used by the community for their modding projects. Anyone is free to participate as long as they follow these simple rules. a) You must try to upload something daily. It doesn't matter the level of complexity of the thing you upload, the idea is to keep going as long as you can. If you fail at this point, you can restart whenever you please. b) Whatever you release must have a free license. The whole purpose of this exercise is that others can freely use your content on their own mods. c) No ports allowed. Everything you post here should be allowed to be posted in the files section. Keeping those rules in mind, these are the things you can and can't do in this thread: Things you can do: - Modelling, texture-work (reskins or brand new textures), animations, mapping, kitbashes (as long as they use content that has been made for JA and as long as the model you use has a free license), etc. - Criticize other people's work on a constructive manner (i.e: this is wrong, here's how you should do it). - Improve or modify what other people have previously posted here. - Post the source files of whatever you do so others can study and learn from your work. Things you can't do: - Request others to do stuff. - Post inflammatory comments masquerading as criticism (i.e: this is shit, kill yourself)- Posting pictures of a WIP without a link to download the file (this is not a WIP page). Having said that, here's my first daily upload. A simple "fuel-tank" asset I created to avoid having to do it in GTKRadiant. MD3Viewer screenshot: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zoha9kgeef192ob/Daily_Challenge1.rar?dl=0
  19. I agree, specially on MP. There's a lack of commitment in lightsaber attacks that's abused with the 'spinning' glitch that's an insta kill and people think it's actually 'skill'. I'd rather have slow and methodical than quick, spammy and glitchy combat.
  20. You're getting pretty good at this!
  21. I'd love to have a non-ported skeleton model, or at least one in which we can have permission to use and freely upload to the hub.
  22. All files that end with _1 or _2 are LODs meshes. This means they're the same as their _0 counterparts, but with a lower level of detail for ingame optimization. That's because the customizable Rodian Jaden model has a set of hands for every different torso it has, and since each has their respsective LODs, the number is that big. You should start by editing the hands of your favorite torso and then moving upwards if you have the energy for it. You can check in modview the specific model part with their specific hierarchy by checking the surfaces on the model.
  23. If you post screens it's easier to visualize the problem. When you import a model it usually places the main mesh and all the LODs in the same place so it looks odd at first glance. Also, since this is JA, all the parts of the model are separated in different places (for dismemberment purposes). If you want to edit the hands, make sure to select them and go to Edit Mode (the hotkey for that is TAB)
  24. I've both the _humanoid folder and the model folder on the players folder. Like in Gamedata/Base/Models/Players. That seems to work for me at least.
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