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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. This is Starstrider. Original image: WIP: More updates are to come. If anyone can help with the voice please check out here: http://jkhub.org/topic/6202-in-need-of-voice-actor/
  2. Starstrider will shake the Empire as we know it. :P

    1. Ramikad


      Which one Empire of the many? The Sith Empire, the Galactic Empire, the Order aka the new Empire?

    2. Daedra


      The Sith Empire

  3. Hi everyone. I really need a voice actor to take part in a project. I can't offer anything other than credit. What I need? A slightly deep mature voice male. If anyone can do this, please get in touch via PM, or reply to this topic.
  4. Yeah I noticed there were 2 shader errors
  5. Slight bug on the front: There are 2 holes for some reason.
  6. I wouldn't suggest tampering with the length just adding onto it a few centimeters. Like adding onto the GLM model itself. But either way that's fine man.
  7. May I suggest just one tiiinyyyy thing.. To make the sleeves slightly longer: See how the sleeve ends just as the thumb bone starts
  8. I don't really use Youtube that much but if you update it here on this Thread then i'll check it out.
  9. Looks promising. I hope there will be some epic new saber animations and stances. It will be nice to explore with it.
  10. Do you have any update on this? I was just curious I mean I can try to help with the textures I guess.
  11. I did have another theory on who would take Kylo Rens place.. it is pretty crazy but I think I may be onto something. Remember that concept art of the mechanical guy holding Vader's mask? It clearly is not Kylo since there is no Kylo mask.. so who could it be? I have taken into account everything we have seen so far about The Force Awakens. I believe there may be some sort of scene where Vader is brought back to life with the help of advanced robot mechanics. I know it would be crazy if that actually happened, I kinda doubt it would happen. The only other characters who I think could have this sort of transformation is Emperor Palpatine.. since we never knew his fate since he "died" falling and we never saw anything to prove he was dead after it. And... Darth Maul. Perhaps this is the future incarnation of Darth Maul. He has returned? Who knows.
  12. It is a very nice try at the character. It does need a few tweaks.. mostly the hair needs to be flattened more at the front. My rating is 5 stars just because it is a very great attempt in creating the character.
  13. You contributed more than you could imagine and it is sad to see you quit. However I do agree that the site needs to be taken to new heights but keeping the functionality of the old JKHub.
  14. Woah that Jango is awesome. @Kualan have you ever considered doing a Boba Fett? Or have you already done this without my knowledge?
  15. I really like the texture design.
  16. Let me know when you see "Upload Limit Exceeded".
  17. Very weird! Just for that it's 5 stars. Looks like you mixed Yoda with that guy from Total Recall.. So creepy I actually love it!
  18. Very nice indeed. 5 Stars.
  19. There are options to change it to any color you desire, you can easily experiment with those things. You could just keep the text black or anything you want. I would not release anything that forces someone to use a color they dislike.
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