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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. @@minilogoguy18 that is how i have structured them from the beginning, based on the skin file. Thanks guys It's all good now!
  2. As big fan of the TIE family vehicles (and willing to have a real-life replica someday), I couldn't resist myself from willing to start a personal project. I decided to start at first with the TIE Fighter from JKA and just mess around with what I can do at the moment for it's textures. I will be glad to other members who are far more professional, than me in textures to help out, till I reach the result, that would satisfy me. Maybe it will be released here some day too, but not sure what I would be able to create due the process with this TIE Fighter re-texture. Right now I can't find some good reference pictures for the new TIE Fighter designs on upcoming Episode 7 Force Awakens. So as it is now on a very-very LOW level and what I could saw from the Teaser#2 I've managed only this "Negative" version ATM: Still need tones of hours of work on it TIE
  3. Ok now I have made it as you suggested and it still gives me the same errors as above. I tried with some character models and it worked perfect, also tried with some basic JKA models as Kyle, Desann and Luke - all of them work perfect and I am able to see their textures. TIE fighter still comes up all white with no textures o.O
  4. Ok, but I wanted to make it separate from the original game's base folder, that's why I made the outside folder called. (JKA is the folder where i have installed my Jedi Academy game. But instead of doing it all inside the "GameData/Base" folders I made one new folder for editing the textures - "Modelling/base" and just copy/paste there the "_humanoid" folder from assets1.pk3 D:/JKA/Modelling/base/models/players/_humanoid
  5. I have decided to try out some "new" textures over the TIE Fighter model for JKA. I do have ModView installed and I have followed all the instructions from here. But when I have loaded inside ModView the "model.glm" file for the TIE Fighter vehicle it says Before I started anything, I've made entire new clean folder to do all this and this is how it looks at the moment: D:/JKA/Modelling/base/models/players/_humanoid D:/JKA/Modelling/base/models/players/map_objects D:/JKA/Modelling/base/models/players/tie_fighter In ModView, I go to "File/New", than I go in "D:/JKA/Modelling/base/models/players/tie_fighter" --> x2 click on "model.glm" and the TIE Fighter is loaded, but it's just white (no textures at all). At the same moment ModView shows me this message above on the Quote i have mentioned. I have tried to refresh it by clicking the button with "TEX" on it - still the same. I tried to do all of it again - same result, I have checked out the "model_default.skin" file and everything is correct in there. What could be the problem?! I want to test the new textures in ModView.
  6. Well, there should be a way to do it, since there is a source code released?
  7. @ turns out that the actual lightsaber is designed a lot like what you can get from all: Anakin ep.3/Luke ep.4; Darth Vader, Sith Stalker; Anakin ep.2 and some older SW saber hilts lol O_o Kylo Saber
  8. Well at the moment I am not able to work on it + @@Serenity937 is the one to work on that, since I said i am not into programming/coding stuff. I am only able to create the sound effects and other things involving Music. So it's Serenity who's working on the Repulse for Single Player on his SP Source Code for JKA. But I haven't heard from him for a few weeks (perhaps he's working on the code or have other stuff going on, beside the world of JKA). I just wanted to see some good Force Repulse here in JKHub for the fans of Force Unleashed for Single Player, since there is one on MP from Movie Battles 2. And I personally need a Repulse just for my personal use, since I am just having fun on JKA and not working on a mod or something like that.
  9. That is some amazing Repulse effect you've made, but it's on MP do you plan to make the same one for SP as well??
  10. @@DT85 Here are some back side of the new Stormies on the Celebration 2k15: https://youtu.be/SBx5OqAWeW0?t=1h8m42s
  11. Hey erm.. does anyone have an idea what's up with the new TIE's?! o.O I mean as a fan of this vehicles from the entire TIE family, I wonder now: * Just a new HOTH (a.k.a. winter design) TIE's * Are those entire new TIE Fighter designs, that we see on both trailers for EP7 (assuming, that we saw them not only on snow-covered planet /maybe Hoth maybe not/ and also over the desert in the first official trailer of SW-7) Never the less I am really much more in love with those TIE's as never before O.O
  12. SPOILER (not sure if it's true), but can be a good story line http://screenrant.com/star-wars-7-spoilers-han-solo-kylo-ren/
  13. Don't know why, but this "Falleen" brings me good memories of one great old game, that I used to play as 5-6 year old kid, after my brother gave it to me from his childhood. The amazing "LBA2" (Little Big Adventure 2) and it's main character - Twinsen somehow reminds me of this Falleen, but with some "extra" alien details
  14. LOL Thanks a lot @@Jeff you've really made my month
  15. Can't someone with knowledge with Blender do this?
  16. Something like a Darth Vader skin pack, I'm not the only one to want this. But I would like only, the hood version. So you got: * Darth Vader (full costume + mask/helmet) * Darth Vader (no helmet) * Darth Vader (no mask/no helmet - just burned head) * Darth Vader (hooded /no mask or helmet, just his burned head under a black Sith hood + his costume!!)
  17. All the Vader outfit, with hood and NO mask at all, just his burned face
  18. I've got an crazy idea, and did a research over here, but since i have not found anything I wanted to ask you guys for a little frankenstein model. You all know the regular model of Darth Vader by Toshi and perhaps you are familiar with this one (Alternate Vader). Both models are amazing and sure there are plenty of Vader models out here and everywhere. But I would like to have for personal usage a frankenstein-ed model from those both models A.K.A. classic Darth Vader (unmasked), with his burned face from Episode 3 + Hood from a regular Jedi/Sith robe that is black (only the hood). I would be really thankful if someone is able to make this for me Below is a link with my idea what it would look like in my idea. Cheers Hooded-Vader
  19. Yes it's so cuuuutteee to see the characters so little and so lego-ish <3 ;3 specially Lego Darth Vader
  20. The answers you can find in my request, where we have already discussed this, and it's not so old!! Just take a look at Ashura's comment above with 2 links attached for my request about the "LEGO Darth Vader". Yes they did. Yes inside my request there is a pack with those MB2 LEGO models and YES they DO NOT look so much lego-ish in JKA, because it's hard to get them in the JKA skeleton for making models. And YES, they ALL DO NEED A NEW RESKIN, to look more accurate. Since Darth Vader is so much frankenstein (if you take a look in my screenshots i've posted there and than use the original Lego Vader in "LEGO STAR WARS 2: The Original Trilogy")
  21. I think, that @@Xeby is using already the very same face texture ATM and you can see it. If i'm not wrong it just looks different cuz of the point of view of the model
  22. So i am assuming, that in this case with this bugging it would be better if some one could create entire new LEGO Darth Vader for JKA (with NPC). Or it could be fixed with a proper new .npc file and new textures?!
  23. @@Merek see above the quoth from Ruxith. He posted the link inside the "Here you go." just click on it and you will have the pack.
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