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  • Location
    Uncharted Regions
  • Interests
    Skinning and Mapping, blendering and ROLEPLAY!
  • Modding Interests
    Jack of all Trades
  • Gaming Specialty
    Capture the Flag
    Moviebattles 2
    Full Force
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. Hello jkhub! Looking for a Female wookiee player model. I haven't been able to find anything so I wanted to check here on the forums before I go digging up photoshop, blender, and 3ds max to start Frankensteining again. A few variants and Jedi robes would be nice but I have no hopes something currently exists. I'll also take suggestions on what models would be easiest to body swap together. Thanks in advance!
  2. Nuhallis

    Zyk OpenJK Mod

    Been running this mod on the new (DAJ) roleplay server. Is pretty nifty and having quite a bit of fun with it. Would love to see more work done on it. Perhaps add RBG sabers >.>
  3. I would but im not quite sure how, lol. Though if someone else does and feels like it, by all means.
  4. Very sexy map, nuff said.
  5. I'm just going to shamelessly bump this post. Shattered Worlds is still going strong and actively looking for new people to join the community! http://shattered-worlds.org Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/2M7PyPF
  6. I approve this message! o.-
  7. Can totaly see all the potential it has. Its a really good initial setting for RP that noone has done before (to my knowledge). Looking forward to it when the mod eventually gets released!
  8. Well, i put reptilian wings on a model as my first frankenstien project... But I dunno about angel wings. Maybe someone skilled enough can do a retexture? https://jkhub.org/files/file/2368-varion-sith-skytri/
  9. pretty much shut it down several months ago, might boot up a new rendition when OJP: Roleplay edition comes out, who knows o.-
  10. Nuhallis

    DFA Damage

    I wanted to see if there were any adjustments I could make to the configs to get dfa damage a bit more... potent. By default a direct hit from a red dfa is like a light smack to the face, For a yellow dfa, it only does damage and the peak of the jump, even if idle saber damage is on it. For instance if I do a ydfa and I catch someone, it does not do damage if I still have my blade on/in them when im about to land. Is that intended to be like that, or is it a bug? (comming from ja+, so I'm used to that, just looking to see if I can make it a bit more smooth and such.)
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