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  • Gender
  • Location
    Uncharted Regions
  • Interests
    Skinning and Mapping, blendering and ROLEPLAY!
  • Modding Interests
    Jack of all Trades
  • Gaming Specialty
    Capture the Flag
    Moviebattles 2
    Full Force
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. Hello jkhub! Looking for a Female wookiee player model. I haven't been able to find anything so I wanted to check here on the forums before I go digging up photoshop, blender, and 3ds max to start Frankensteining again. A few variants and Jedi robes would be nice but I have no hopes something currently exists. I'll also take suggestions on what models would be easiest to body swap together. Thanks in advance!
  2. Female wookiee skins anyone?


  3. Nuhallis

    Zyk OpenJK Mod

    Been running this mod on the new (DAJ) roleplay server. Is pretty nifty and having quite a bit of fun with it. Would love to see more work done on it. Perhaps add RBG sabers >.>
  4. Old Roleplay clan reboot potentially in the works, anyone interested? Looking for experienced people for Council, Master and Knight positions as well as people who are interested in growing characters from the ground up, hit me up if you are interested.

  5. Has not been on in some time. Wonders how JK Galaxies is doing.

  6. I would but im not quite sure how, lol. Though if someone else does and feels like it, by all means.
  7. Just wondering... Yall know that orbital bombardment feature in that Taris Map? Would it be possible to make a weather effect to use in game that's essentially the same thing? A rain effect that uses random bombardment and explosions w/damage?

    1. Lancelot


      Personally, I was also thinking about if something like that is possible, at least as a weapon just like EA's Battlefront.


      Maybe you should post it in the request forum.

  8. Very sexy map, nuff said.
  9. I'm just going to shamelessly bump this post. Shattered Worlds is still going strong and actively looking for new people to join the community! http://shattered-worlds.org Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/2M7PyPF
  10. So we over at Shattered Worlds are tossing the idea around for a World of Darkness themed roleplay using jka, putting together some maps and retextures and stuff, along with a bunch of skins and what not... Who around here would be interested in that sort of thing?

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