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Posts posted by Rooxon

  1. Haha now that you mention it yes, if I'd work only on your hilts up until now, I'd be done in... a week, maybe. :D Given the pack and everything, huh. I'm doing what I can when I'm free.

    @@MagSul, once again, here you go: LINK (wait for the approval)

    I hope you're satisfied! 

    A message to everyone; If I spend a whole day on one hilt, the outcome is like the last two hilts I've created. somewhat everything is okay... i'll try to take my time, which means I'll probably do a hilt a day. But It'll be just as i mean them to be; HD. The main goal of all my mods is to bring you graphics fit for year 2015.

  2. @@Nikomaru14 thank you for your input! I see the force pike is made well, though maybe I could do my own mid-poly version. All of my mods are HD if you noticed, and this one looks just like it was taken straight out of kotor. :P Don't like it.

    @@Darth Reborn, I think I've decided. I'll make sure you see the KOTOR weapons done in the future, but as MagSul's second hilt, Nikomaru14 and Langred have priority because they wrote before you, I ask you to wait for a week or so before that happens. Good?

    Darth Reborn likes this
  3. @@Nikomaru14 We've had contact already in my requests thread, but nevertheless, WELCOME! :D I also made a release on JK3files, when someone recommended me this site there under the comments, saying everyone moved here. So without any extra thought, I visited the Hub, registered and started being creative here. That's my story, in short :P And I plan on staying as long as the community will live, I kinda feel I owe this to the one game that changed everything for me. If it wasn't for JKA, I would never be anything more than a simple player.

  4. Hello SiLink! :D I'm glad I see people returning here, there was a time when I thought the community is dying. Now thanks to you and many others that are joining, I don't feel like that anymore. :P I'm one of the new faces around, but I was very active around the years of 2003-2006 on JK3files under various different names... but oh well. :P

  5. No worries, I'm speaking english since I was 8 years old. I'm 21 now and still need a bit more of an explanation sometimes.. Anyway, we're happy to have you here, especially me! I look forward to your translations, I've learned french for 4 years in middle school, might be interesting to go through your mods. :)



    I had in mind not lightsabers, but vibroswords(short, dualbladed and singlebladed) Gammorean axe, Wookee dobleblade, and simple swords,(short, single and doblebladed) Force pike and other meele wearpoons that can be appropriate for JA saberfighting.


    Oh! Well just a second, I'm quite sure I've seen all of these done for JKA before! Even played SP with stormtroopers having vibroswords or other simple weapons from the KOTOR bundle, I'm SURE of it! Though I don't remember how the mod was called or where I downloaded it, it was back in the days of JKA's max popularity. Try to search for it or maybe someone else that watches over this topic can help out.. if we won't find it, I'll make sure to add this weapon bundle to my to-do list. Allright? :)

    Darth Reborn likes this
  7. @@Darth Reborn you mean the vanilla saber model that was in KOTOR? It's a really simple hilt with practically no details on it. I might create it, but surely not a copy, I'd remaster the design which means concept it realistically and from scratch, but keeping it's original shape. You know, I'd add a holster, buttons and maybe some control boxes with light buttons and so on. Other than that, if you were kind enough to provide some pictures so I can know what exactly you want to see done, I'll get to it but in a few days. I am very happy that you all want me to do so many sabers, I didn't think you'll like my idea this much, on the other hand, quite a list came together already.

    For now I'm devoted to draw concepts for The Dark Pastime and at the same time, I'll be creating all the hilts you request here AND my own hilts for my packs... But I very much like the Idea that I don't need to think anymore about what I schould create :) I'd much rather make your wishes come true instead, but as I said, I ask only of you to understand that It'll be done all in due time.

  8. @@MagSul here you go, first one finished, gladius soon to come:

    LINK Though it needs to be approved before it's availible. I had no clue about what to name the hilt, so I simply used the name from the website, I hope you don't mind. If you want to change these things, I can send you the md3 and skin files, just say the word! If you want anything drastically changed, make a small list and I'll get to it once I find the time, then update it once I finish. What's more, I added a small holstering button and tag at the bottom on the ring so it schould be compatible with redsaurus's SP customization mod!

    Here's a picture of the Gladius, I need to ask you something; is it okay if I don't model in the spiral at the bottom, where the leather is? It just seems pointless, but oh well. I can do it, no problems regarding that. Also, for the sake of funcionality, I've placed the holster button at the back of the saber instead of 30° to the left, hope you don't mind.




    @@Nikomaru14 don't worry, I'll do all of them. DT85 sure did a fantastic job, I gotta say! And the textures he did look great, too. Though I'm going to the max regarding cylinder sides (I use 16 or 12) and high-res textures (at least 1024x1024), not to mention I've got my very own style and create everything from scratch with mouse and keyboard, no texture baking or whatnot. It'll look quite different and it might suit you better.

  9. The middle bulge looks too fat. Should be the same width as the next widest part.


    It's the same width as the bottom part is, (I've modeled this AROUND the original model, so the proportions are also the same... it's wierd it looks wierd, but I'll fix it if you want me to).


    I'll be using Sketchfab instead of screenshots from now on:

  10. I'm making the staffs throwable in my packs and in addition to that, giving all sabers return damage. In all Star Wars games I've had the chance to witness saber throws, the saber was also spinning when returning, that's why I decided to do so for JKA too.

    Regarding the switch to the saber when you want to throw it, i wouldn't really change it. It's logical and it's realistic like that... but that's just my 5 cents worth of oppinion. :P @@redsaurus, I know how to make the noghri staff useable and I could do the gun in theory too. Schould I do it for you?

  11. Allright, I've got only two opinions, but the ring really does look better. I think I'll go with the ring version, then.

    This is where I left off earlier today, I've finished working and now it's time to get back to modding. I'm just starting to do the color map, later only realism filters/brush work remain.
    The Outcast:



    I'm trying really hard to stay realistic, not to do any mistakes and so on. This is one of my favorite hilts from the game and JKA's trademark, kind off so the work has to be befitting of that.

    Bek likes this
  12. yay! Thanks for making them! Ok so there's not really a cannon picture of his hilt up close yet, but these are some pictures that show how others have interpreted it. The top picture is my favorite. You would probably have to incorporate a little of your own design on parts of it, though. 







    Only the top picture won't load for me...if it does for you, could you help me out?

  13. I partly understand exactly what you mean. I'm in the process of building my own house, though for now there's just the walls and the asphalt to the house done. :D Might take two or three more years before I save up enough money to complete it. I'm gonna have a recording studio in my own house, too as I'm a singer and guitarist. Probably merged with the computer room. :P Also, I'm playing the accordion and a little bit of the piano. Just love making music that can be played and sung real-time. :D

    dark_apprentice likes this
  14. @@Circa, what was wrong with JKHub earlier today, giving an error instead of loading the website?  Oh and other than that, I tried out both the button mechanism and the ring... I couldn't decide at first which to use on the outcast (kyle's hilt) but I decided to go with the ring rather then the button. I can post both pictures if you want, in one I replaced one of the bottom boxes on the hilt with the holster button, in the other I installed the holstering ring I created for use with all my hilts (I'm sure you know which I mean, it's on alora's and tavion's hilts, also the updated zayne carrick's hilt).

    And one other thing, buddy... I downloaded your fix for the hilts and I want to apply the same for all of my models. Regarding just the dual sabers and the upcoming finalized misc. sabers pack, would you mind helping me position and resize all of the hilts right? Either with positioning/resizing them yourself if I send you the max files or just telling me for how much I schould move the hilt and where. Either would work for me.

  15. Like, as a SP choice? Well... it wouldn't hurt, even though I wanted to keep all of the new hilts originals, your designs. I guess I could, yes. Also what's more, I need to play around with the hilt sizes a bit as I noticed I did some of them too big and some too small.

  16. I'll join in here, guys. @@dark_apprentice Most of all, I agree with zefilus and Xycaleth; both stated very good points. But whether a mod gets completed or not depends only on the team members themselves and their devotion. For example, we all know ourselves as computer geeks very good; we'd lie if we said, we're not at least an hour in front of the computer each day. Some do this, others that, I use most of my time in front of the comp for modding. Getting the RIGHT team members together, who share your view, your ambitions and goals is a must above all, so that they devote themselves to the project just as much as you do. Believe me, I've worked in teams before too and I noticed that these are the requirements for getting a mod completed, hard working and devoted people.

    Other than that, creating the first stage schouldn't be too hard. I mean, I've learned to map back in the day and done a small scripted 3 room map in a few hours. Cutscenes and all. That would be a perfect start to attract people to helping you out.. but if it's too much for you,
    do something a bit smaller but still in range of the presentation of your project, like I don't know... characters, concepts, more detailed ideas and so on. For example, you told us the point of the project, the story... Do you have any more detailed ideas about that ready to share?

    dark_apprentice likes this

    Hello! I know for some time now that not too many people bring new hilts to the community. Which is why I thought of making this topic; In here, anyone can post any possible wishes for such weapons and I'll create them. I love creating sword/saber weapons, because I finish quickly both the textures and model, I can do about 2-3 in an evenings time (given I've got enough time, which I usually don't but I'm active every day, so the end result schould get to you pretty fast nevertheless). I actually thought about starting doing very diverse things myself, but it's easier to fulfill your wishes than me picking random weapons out and creating them. So, in short, that's it! I look forward to your wishes!

    P.S. I know some of my hilts have some major flaws in them, some because I had problems with photoshop opening psd files saying they're not compatible with the version (even though they were made with the very same version of photoshop to begin with :P) and some other things, but I'm sorting these things and all other faults out all the time with my buddies, that are helping me get better at this, especially @@AshuraDX. So no worries, I'll make sure to deliver only top-notch quality weapons!

    Fullfilled requests (so you won't request the same thing twice):

    Daedra, Nikomaru14, Smoo and 5 others like this
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