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Posts posted by Rooxon

  1. Well I'd like to ask the administrators to leave this topic open, as I still don't have a clue about how I could play TFU.

    The guy from the local computer shop couldn't help me. I'm not surprised that Win 8 isn't stated as spec requirement, as it didn't exist at the time when the game was released but still I'm thinking as hard as I'm able and can't find any other explanation. It HAS to be a Windows fault. If I can find another version of TFU besides the RELOADED one, I'm gonna try that. I really hope there's something I could still do, though.

  2. What i meant was if i take my graphics card out of my pc... and plug my monitor in the onboard video that came with the motherboard, it runs fine as well... maybe try that if u think its a problem with your specific card

    Aha so you did mean the integrated graphics, I was right.

    But no, it's logical the problem has to lie somewhere else, probably a register error. Maybe the installer didn't register the game into my pc, because it's the Reloaded release. Maybe it really is an issue with Win 8.1 causing problems with it, so I can either hope someone here can help me come around this problem or the guy from the local shop comes up with a good idea.


    Downloaded and tried TFU2; works perfectly. So now I've confirmed two things: First, TFU lags because of the initial version, it'll sure run better once I manage to update it somehow. Second, the game is installed correctly, non-cracked (the comp still at least recognizes my DVD of the game so I can run it) and the possibility of being a Win 8.1 problem combined with a register error stays possible. The graphics card has probably nothing to do with it.

  3. @@ChalklYne what do you mean with that? Pardon me, but I'm not a native english speaker, I'm Slovenian. I do speak english for probably 15-16 years now, I just can't translate this enough to understand what exactly you mean. Possibly the integrated graphics?

    Actually I also consulted with my local computer repairing shop buddy; It could very possibly be a problem with Win 8.1, as he said that from win 8 onwards, the code was again changed drastically enough to cause problems for various console-ported games. Taking this into account, I'm not really surprised that the updater doesn't find the RELOADED release of the game as the game itself was quite buggy to begin with. I gotta send him the process manager printscreen and he'll answer probably tomorrow if he's got any idea about what I could do... still, I doubt that he's gonna be able to help. If only there was another release of TFU I could try out, besides the RELOADED one... I don't really wanna go buy the game once more, in our contry an original game like that costs between 40-60€ in shops and around 10€ less over the net.

  4. Hmm... i run both 1 and 2 at 60fps with no lags and my pc is sub par

    Welcome back Chalk! I get some stupid lag, which was supposed to happen only on certain nvidia cards and at the game version 1.0. Though, I can't patch it to 1.2 anyway so it's not playable for me. The game plays at like under 30fps, whereas Crysis 3, AC:Unity and every other next-gen game, at a minimum of 60fps. I literary haven't yet come across ANY lag in those games at all, everything on ultra. I can post you the specs, I've got a completely new high-end PC, though I doubt it's got something to do with my game not wanting to patch.


    I've been thinking; could it be that Win 8.1 is the problem?

  5. Well, try to download Star Wars the Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition and apply the patch for this one.



    Well you need to know that this is the pretty much only version of TFU for PC, the Ultimate Sith Edition one. It's a shame, really... I won't play the game because of this stupid lag, unless I can patch it to 1.2 somehow..

  6. Allright, let me see them once they're finished, please. You can post them here, so others can also see them and give their opinions, after all it's a mod for everyone.


    Final tex for the Vindicator, onwards I go texturing the Champion and later only the Vanquisher remains.

  7. Hm okay I'll try this out right now @@Sentra.

    EDIT: Nope, no luck. Still none of the updaters finds the game, not the european one and neither does the US version.

    I'm starting to think something else, could it be there's another patch version for the RELOADED version of the game?


    Just wait for SW games to go on steam sale and get em cheap.


    I'm not a steam user, as I don't have an international bank account and I couldn't buy any games from there, at least not yet. Maybe this will change in the future sometime but I doubt it, as I rather buy a game I really like for one reason: Bought games NEVER have as many problems as the cracked, piratized ones. I bought most of the SW franchise games, GTA and Assassin's Creed and some others I really liked, but that's it. I'm not throwing money through the window now to get another new copy of TFU, as the DVD can still be used to run the game without any need to crack it. I'm a bit grown up, kinda, and it just seems pointless to me now. I can use the money for more clever reasons/things.

  8. So, I've owned a copy of TFU, but the DVDs got destroyed, well, they're unreadable. So, I downloaded reloaded's version, installed it, didn't crack it, wanted to update and it just won't do it. I tried the american 1.2 and europe 1.2 version of the patch, both show a message "Can't find the game on your system". Can someone help me explain this? The game is so badly ported it lags even on my computer, which is quite high-end. The patches supposedly fix this, but I've got these problems now. 

    Do I need to install 1.1 first or what could be the cause of this? I remember patching it around the time it was released, and it did work! Now it doesn't, but it's true before I used Win7 I think, now I'm using Win 8.1 pro build 9600

  9. Moving on. I'm satisfied for the time being with my skills, I've got the programs to work correctly, here's the Vindicator (dual 3) hilt, or rather, it's single counterpart in the very first stages of giving it texture, particularly the base:


    The Vindicator dual/single counterpart hilt:




    The Champion single counterpart hilt:



    I've also solved the problem I had with porting to gmax - I use milkshape3D now :D

    But I actually did solve the gmax problem; MD3View seemed to use another old .skin file WITH the new one for some reason, which caused my strange errors. Keep in mind that the .skin file was modified into a new one so I don't really get where the program could even read the data from the old one from... anyhow, I used saber_w.md3 as the name for the md3 before and after I exported the new model I overwrote it, which I schould not have done. This problem wouldn't surface if I'd have DELETED the old .md3 file and the old .skin file beforehand from the directory. I did that, created a new skin file, exported once again and the problem didn't occur, for anyone who would get the same error as me.

    @, any progress on the concepts? I've got 2 more hilts to finish texturing, one more to create and I'm done with this pack.

    I'll keep you posted on the progress!

    Vindicator's finished more or less, just some details missing on the emitter:




    I have to ask - do you like the fact that I've made certain parts darker on the hilt? I just thought it could use a little change, so I haven't done anything too big. Also, don't worry about the details, I've gotta fix one face in the UV Mapping that got messed up, to correctly draw on the missing details later.

  10. @@Angel Soul Thank you very much! 7 years of self-sufficient work is slowly paying out. I've been working for my own money since I was 16 and now I'm finally at a point, where I'm seeing faults in leading it on my own and many other things, that's the main reason why I decided we need a makeover. I'll do that and I'll also take your idea into account and add a small bag of flour up above the words. :) I'll post the pic when I finish it.

    Angel Soul likes this
  11. @ No, of course she wouldn't put feathers onto the hilt :P I don't like putting "soft" things on them at all, as JKA just doesn't offer any way to make it seem real. It'd be nice if I could, say, animate the hilt to have a bit weaving feathers or a piece of cloth, make it seem like there's a light breeze. But it's not possible, that's why I tend to go around such things when creating hilts. Well then I'll probably go with the posted designs on the previous sites, but listen out what I'm going to write below.


    Still, @@Omicron is right; Teachings in SW Universe are passed to others, but people tend to then transform the knowledge to fit their own personal fighting style best. At least that's how it seemed to me while watching the movies, so let's take that into account. Every selfconscious, strong willed Jedi / Sith who's been traditionally taught alone by his Master will probably have it's own Lightsaber. With regards to that, we've made a good list of people needing them; Alora, Tavion and Rosh. I believe Rosh wasn't much more than a pawn to Tavion, but he's been an important student for Kyle, so... I would like to do it like this: Rosh needs 2 different saber hilt designs with little visual difference between them; I imagine a hilt with a small square glass window, which presents the inside of a small "room" in the hilt, the color focusing crystal and one hilt will simply be equipped with a blue one, one with a red one. Alora's designs are somewhat allright and cool, I guess. 


    But now we come to Tavion. The design you posted @ze[/size][/font]ƒilus is quite allright, it's just that I can't see Tavion use it for some reason; You know how she uses a saber and the scepter, right? At some point I thought, she's probably best at dual-wielding and it would be logical why Alora chose to switch to dual-wielding. What's more, she must have learnt more about saber fighting herself, too in the time between JKO and JKA. So I thought about giving her a saber, which she would use WITH the Sith sword at the end of the game, if the light path was chosen. At least the final battle would be a bit more of a challenge then, but nevermind that; Just ask yourself, can you see her using a hilt like that? I think she needs something that looks more customized. I know I said I loved the design before, I still do, it's just this thoughts are going through my head a lot. I can try to come up with some more detailed explanations, if you need, but in short, I mean to further evolve her design to make it seem a little bit more complex and WAY MORE customized. To me it just looks like a silver tube, equipped with black-tube like parts to cover it's insides and voila.. here we go... :D


    Don't worry about the stinger, though; It's the one hilt I'm gonna keep the model for the finalized version of my packs, it just needs a major retexturing. Or maybe even a completely new texture, as I've been kinda toying around before, giving it some red/white specular reflection and things bwahah :D also that hideous overlay metal picture, right now I'm doing the scratches and dirt completely on my own, I'm not using other pictures as reference or for tricks like that anymore.

    Bek likes this
  12. @@Angel Soul Well, first off thank you! Partly my goal is to create a more or less simple, but unique logo. That's why I went ahead and drawn the letters myself and the wheat up above.. You really think something's missing up there in the other corner? I thought it was allright with just the wheat in the upper left... hmm I need to make good decisions, as this is quite a serious task I've taken up.

    Angel Soul likes this
  13. Take a look at your last post on the 3rd site @@Archangel35757 and read this list, you may forever wish me damnation if I'm not right:

    1. Make the eyes 10% bigger (not eyebrows, they'd need 5% scaling at the most to be perfect to the reference)
    2. Make the nose bridge 10-15% wider
    3. Change the center lip line to a more horizontal one (imagine with animations, she'll look sad all the time if you don't)
    4. Shorten the lowest ear area by about 30%... I can make a quick photoshop pic if you want
    5. Also, if I wanted to make it look like the reference, I'd slim the upper part of the ear a little bit down. This one is completely unimportant

    Just those little things to make it look more like the reference pic. I know what you said about scaling it, but still I hope you'll take my advice. I don't mean to criticize, like saying it's not good. Gosh, you're a really good model maker, it's just my own opinion, but it's based on my knowledge/experience from the art of drawing things and the 12 years I've been doing mods for various games.

    NumberWan likes this
  14. Well the topic title says it pretty much in short, I've got lots of computer work at home to do right now, going from completely remaking an order-receipt system in Office Excel, a bit of refreshing new graphics on the stickers and our signs and all, so I've gone ahead and drawn something like this for our new Logotype picture: (mouse and keyboard work only)


    Uhm, don't mind what these words written above mean, basically it's "Bakery Petovar". I'm interested in what you think, professionals and from everybody else too! I've made it through brush and shape tool work, a bit of text I used just for the borders and drawn the letters on my own over them (4 hours of correcting, duhh) and a little bit of overlay gradient, for now. I mean to color it, but this might need some additional drawing corrections, and it's gonna take a bit more work. For now, it's allright because I need a B&W version separately for use on the new receipt sheets, anyway.

    FYI I have to work on this rather than mods right now. It's depressing, even though I haven't got much free time for the computer most times.

    Bek and Angel Soul like this
  15. Her front picture was proportionally scaled so that her eyeballs dimensionally match the location of the skeleton eye bones... so they are anatomically correct.

    Sure, but I'd still move them just a LITTLE bit lower, it's allright, because we can't see yet how it will actually look with modeled hair. Maybe you'll do that at the end when you do the final touches to the model, or maybe you really won't need to and it will look splendid! Still, zefilus has given me some thought, there's some truth in what he said, also.

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