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Posts posted by Rooxon

  1. @@Psyk0Sith you're also still around? Remember me from the old days, back in 2004/05? I was quite active on JK3files but under different names. My last one, which I had for 3 years, was master_rookus

    But it's true, I'm already playing with the Luke model, that looks exactly like him from the movies. Kyle is in a big need of a remake. And right after him, ROSH everybody. Is there any Rosh remodeling going on? Else I could take a try at it.

  2. @@Archangel35757 Hm, you're right! You remember when I told you I'm gonna keep this as a second option if need ever arises? Now it's happened and I totaly forgot I have max7... 


    But no matter, one more thing I noticed was that this hilt had it's vertcount quite high, the single model was out of 7 parts and the staff 16, the first two hilts were about a third lower in both aspects. Could this be the cause? I just want to resolve this somehow, It's depressing it started making problems now, when it worked already fine for the first two... I will also try to uninstall 3dsmax2012 and installing it again, equiping it with the same plugins and do another run at the exporting. It's just funny that in 3dsmax2012 everything seems fine, as does in md3view. The problem appears in ModView and crashes the game if I try to load the model.


    EDIT: Now I'm really confused. I didn't go to the staff counterpart of the Vindicator because of the problems, but I just tried to export it. NO ERRORS. And it was made FROM the single hilt, so now I'm lost even more. Happy it worked this time, though... I'll try to do the routine backwards, delete parts of the staff to make it a single hilt, then try to export it, hopefully it works also.

  3. Well I sure hope so, I know him from my old days or... well I've come across Chalk at some point in the past, I'm sure of that. And if nothing else, I'd love to see an Unleashed TC for JKA, I remember many tried and noone came through with it, mostly because of the force power restrictions. Or well first hand actually finishing at least the storyline or something. Yes, motivation was the main issue before, which I'm sure is not the case with Chalk.

  4. Guys I'm losing my nerves, I NEED HELP! @@Circa @@eezstreet @@Archangel35757

    So the thing is, something is either really messed up with the exporter or I don't know what else. It happened to me when I exported the Vindicator Single hilt, and here's the deal; the UV Map of two parts of the saber get totally messed up, even though they're TOTALY FINE IN MD3 VIEW and 3DS MAX! I repeat, the textures show TOTALY FINE! But there's more, as soon as I open the GLM file, ModView states some surfaces aren't there, which aren't defined in the skin file at all! I tripple-checked the skin file for any spelling errors or such, but I didn't do them. I checked small/big letters for parts of the model, also, they're correct. For your information, the additional "surfaces" that appear in the error messages are basically parts of the saber with a 01 or 02 at the end.

    Here's the list of things I tried to do up until now:
    - Tried with another model, the problem persists even in those, which were previously exported just fine!
    - Tried reworking a simple hilt and exported, the problem persists. But it did not when I tried porting the model to gmax, smooth and UVmap it there and than exported it as an MD3, allthough the game crashes with this model
    - Tried the problematic model in-game with one result each time the model would need to load up: CRASH
    - Asked others for help, they had totaly no clue as to why this is happening.

    So I'm thinking, the problem could lie in the model itself, which I doubt very much as the problems continue even with previously fine exported models, or either in the MD3 exporter and maybe some of my other softwares causing it to do that. I don't know. I'm totally in the dark, I could've finished the last pack by now if this wasn't happening... If it matters, I'm using Windows 8.1 Pro build 9600 student version. 

    In the mean time, I'm gonna try recreating the hilt a third time, this time trying to port it to gmax for smoothing and UVW Mapping before exporting it.

  5. Looks stunning, to me at least. And from the looks of it it's gonna be a hell of a revolutionary model. :D there's only one thing that bugs me a little bit when I looked at the pic on the previous site. Isn't the face just a little bit too small in comparison to the whole head? I know you've already fixed it, it's just.. well in the real world, i'd be half a centimeter or a whole one stretched to each side. I'm comparing him to the original model from JKA, in my head.

    And a bit of an off-topic question, is there any chance facial expressions could be incorporated into JKA? The face animations always seemed kinda dead to me in-game.

    Bek likes this
  6. Quite a nice event, I hope that many people join in! Could end up being epic and make me play through the whole SP campaing, if someone manages to do most of the things on my wishlist :D

  7. I see, so to sum it up, it's good that we all started talking about this, let's see what DT85, eezstreet and the others have to say first, maybe they see some possibilities of their own. 

    @ I meant more like a constant animation rolling alongside the _humanoid.gla animations. So that no matter if you run, walk, stand still, the players chest moves a little bit up and down, just enough to make it seem like the character breathes. If I'm not mistaken the breathing graphics (hot air from mouth) are already built in, it'd need to be synced with that. Just tell me if that would be possible, I know that you'd need to change each and every animation frame by hand if we'd use the _humanoid.gla

  8. @@McGroose Yes, that was the mod I've played. Now I remember it a bit better! So this is also quite a nice idea, that players could make collections of picked-up sabers and than before each level choose which they want to use. For this, we could also use the standard saber selection screen, we'd just need to make the list of the sabers variable or better explained, the list would need to consist out of the 1 saber the player has chosen to play with and EVERY saber the player has picked up at least once. It would also be nice to add if a saber has been picked up 2 times, it would appear in the dual-wielding menu twice, else only once. As for the Commando, I've seen them during the SP, cultists using guns. If you meant that they schould appear more, well in that case your wish gets a much bigger picture. Maybe we could work on it for JK:Enhanced, though let's not forget this is still @ 's topic so you'll need to wait for his answer.

    But maybe I'm a bit quick to think ahead like that, let's stay at the saber-catch mechanism. I like what @@Archangel35757 proposed, though we gotta take into account the real time in-game. We can't make such tug-of-wars too time consuming, it all needs to happen in like a second or two. Two is already a bit long, actually, because well, think. If two jedis really would mash the buttons longer, realistically speaking, anyone could shoot them to the forhead or in the case of another jedi enemy, cut them down where they stand WITH EASE.

    @ I have another question. Would it be possible to add breathing animations for a standing player? I saw them being used in the cutscene before Rosh and Jaden fight, Jaden is clearly breathing there and I've been thinking about this because the game as it is feels a bit dead. Liveless. Just like a game from it's time, which is now quite old already, 11 years if I'm not mistaken. And on another account, a nicer, more realitic walking animation would be nice too, now from time to time it seems like the player does move his feet but is partially floating around. Kinda anoying for videos and such things.

  9. How's it going? I could do some things also. Regarding weapons and such. You must know I've already given my word to help with Dark Pastime team doing their weapons, but I'm a huge Castlevania fan also, I've played through both LoS games, not to mention all the previous classics, GBA games, DS and so on. I could work on things for you guys after I finish at least my own Sabers project which I'm working on right now.

    Angel Soul likes this
  10. What's more, I've seen you do animation changes. If I take a good look at the saber throw animation, the player just kinda straightens it's arm, I don't see any throw really, yet the saber launches from you at quite the speed. A bit anoying I think, could you do something concerning that? Other than this, I plan on including a few script addons for JKA regarding sabers on my own for my WeaponsHD, concerning the saber throws also. We could talk a bit and work out our plans so that we don't both work on the same things! Also, I'm availible for help if you ever need something.

  11. I'm crafting all of my textures from scratch - a new file in Photoshop. You're free to ask anything you want, I'm doing this for about 10 years now and I'm quite confident I'm able to texture pretty much anything and what's more, I've learned it all BY MYSELF, not with tutorials. Just PM me or something if you get the need! But basically, I can give you a good advice that really helped me; Always just think about how the thing you want to texture would look like in the real world. Imagine it being in front of you and think about what you see, the lines, the shadows, the reflections, the dirt, damage and so on and so on. Later you just draw all this layer after layer and voila. At least, that's how I'm working.

  12. Well yes, a great deal of effort is needed. Though I do seem to recall playing a mod once in the old days, where you could pick up sabers from defeated opponents and use them, though after you ended the level, you were back to using your own one. Now with the source code I think pretty much everything is possible IN THEORY. 

    I agree with the first part, though, now that I think about it. It would really be foolish to throw your saber against someone who can wield the force. Why haven't we thought about this sooner? I say something HAS to be done regarding this! It would also solve the pesky problem I'm coming to terms with my WeaponsHD, I've given return damage to some of my sabers and you're able to kill pretty much anyone in SP even on Master level because of this. It is clever, though there just has to be a way to counter this, otherwise, it's unfair. A saber-catching mechanism you proposed would solve it perfectly!

  13. Well do take a bit more time and do some nice designs, I'm afraid I don't want to see those created while taking a dump. :D hahaha laughing my butt off on this side haha. And don't make Tavion's and Rosh's sabers too extreeme - like your last post. :D

    The third dual hilt is finished, I hope to finish with the last two today. I'll keep you posted here, afterwards it goes into testing (@)  and I'll make a first release, so I can finally start on doing updates for the first two packs. I've talked with people lately, offering my help for their own projects and I'm gonna try to take a more active role here in our community, as I do find the time to do so, at least lately, currently if you will.

    Also, I'm not sure anyone noticed, but I updated my HD Saber Blades yesterday, I took a bit more time and thought the graphics out a bit. I've given it the same "parts" in the texture as the vanilla graphics did, worked on remaking the exact same position of the graphics and I've played with the color around a bit, I noticed that the color of the floor glow and the saber graphics isn't the same for some of the colors, so this is now also fixed. Also, I didn't like the clashing of colors for the fallen hilt graphic, I've now made it blue/dark blue, which goes perfectly with the yellow glowing reflection on the hilt itself when it's on the ground. Updated the first post here with the pic also!

    Bek likes this
  14. @@Circa, you've just given me a great idea for @! THE MASS PRODUCED STINGER! Alora, Tavion and Rosh could use each their own MODIFIED versions of the stinger, if you get my meaning. Giving their sabers somewhere the same look but each changed to their wishes a bit. For example, Tavion's would be the Stinger but maybe the top and bottom changed to Desann's parts or something similliar, as she was obssessed with him. Alora's two hilts could be what Zefilus has already designed, as it kinda reminds of the stinger. Rosh's would be something totaly for itself, with a feature that reminds of Rosh himself. This way, it'd be more believable to look at such sabers.

    Though I still like the black design you posted for Tavion, you could either do a few modifications to it OR do an entirely new design and I'll use that hilt for the expansion hilts, you know, as I plan on giving the players 15 single and 15 staff sabers for choice in the final stages of my sabers WeaponsHD mod.

  15. I doubt it but that's somewhere the same thing I proposed in the last post, if it could be given to Jaden from the start until the end of the second stage, after this before you start the first chooseable mission, switching to the one you've chosen at the start. I also said it'd be worth doing it if it had more stagelight - if it appeared more in the game. The Jedi Trainer could have it in the final mission, Rosh could wield it in the second and let's say a few of the weaker reborns could be candidates also, why not. It would bring a bit of diversity to the game, as right now in the vanilla game, you see the stinger practically everywhere, which is a bit nerve-taking for me, I confess. And who sais that some of the cultists couldn't be former jedi trainees? they've just decided to use the training saber they've built, that's all. :D

  16. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's kinda impossible, is it not? I think you couldn't make a thrown saber, spinning towards you, get caught in your hand. Well first off for obvious reasons, an all-cutting blade flying towards you, and you'd miraculously be ably to catch the hilt each time? Don't think so. Maybe this would be nice if JKA was a duel-fighting game. The other thing I thought about are the restrictions in the game itself, it would look either childish or unappealing anyway. Not to mention the mountain of bugs that could come with such an addon.

  17. I thought about this too, they wouldn't get too much stagelight. So it's really debateable if it's worth creating or not, but we could still discuss this. After all, we could add more npcs to the game, whom could be potential users of such a saber. Or maybe give the training saber to Jaden at the start and make it change into her saber after some point in-game, maybe before you choose the first mission. Again, it's a question of possibility and such... all together it's complicated, in short. Well I vote for dropping the training saber idea.

  18. I certainly do like the hilt design, but I doubt this would make much of a "training" saber, it needs to be a bit simpler or more casual if you want. Just the basic parts put together that make the blade work, at least that's the look I have in mind for the training one. Today I hope I'll find some time to work on my mods.

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