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Posts posted by Rooxon

  1. @@NumberWan

    not good at drawing, so I made a simple lowpoly model of the hilt I've drawn a concept of. Just imagine lots of things that are realistic to the saber - in my head, the brown is leather, the white is actually brushed silver metal and the black is something like rubber. Also a holster ring and some additional buttons/lights are missing on the control box... or actually something that would give it meaning at all :P anyway, here's the concept, I call it the Handy:


    Here it is. I imagine this being a simple-put-together hilt, which would mean that some primitive alien species would use it... or a newbie in the Jedi ways. Also, let's start talking about the Evil Genius and how to redraw him - or I could even recreate it if you wish, I work differently now then I did before. Last but not least, I would like to decide which of the characters get which hilt so that I know on which ones I need to focus on.

    Or say that you don't like them and I'll do other ones :P just don't think that you have to like it because I already made a model - to be honest, this was 5 minutes of work, so... no problem there. :P look at the Darkness or Vigilante hilt, for example; those were around 2 days of work and they look like all my finished products will from now on. The model up there on the picture is a simple extrude bevel work and then material colors, that's all. :)

    Bek likes this
  2. Thanks @@Langerd :) Been working hard on this one. It wasn't that complicated really, it's just I'm learning a completely new way of modeling. Wait actually the whole process is completely different and what I'm doing... now I'm just coming to terms with all this new stuff and with each hilt I make, I'll get quicker and better, I hope. Anyway, hilt uploaded. The next one is for @@Torki / @






    And after this one, @@Kualan 's Lightsaber Pike. ;)

    Torki, Delmi, Kualan and 1 other like this
  3. haha yeah, true :D Zefilus's designs stepped up their game and so have I decided to go through hell for each saber, do high poly and low poly versions, bake the textures and the result is the Vigilante. It takes me around a day or two to finish one hilt like that, but it sure is worth it I think. :) Thanks for the feedback! More from other people are, of course, welcome!

    Bek likes this
  4. Can I say just one thing? Honestly @ we're working together regarding the concepts, you know about my saber request thread and you still post a completely new topic? :D Dude, just add a request there and since it's you, I could make a priority jump and do yours first. :P

    Other than that, just say if you wanna see the one you posted in the first post or your concept. Either one is okay with me. ;)

    Daedra likes this
  5. @@Bishwhe I'll leave that saber at the top of the third page out for now; one reason is because I recently did a request for you. The other, well, it's complicated to model in high-poly and AshuraDX has yet to help me out at that.
    @@Veosar, that black orange-glowing hilt is in the making:


    Keep in mind that it's going to change yet drastically. REALLY drastically, until it looks like on the reference picture! I also gotta delete those upper side parts, they're totaly faulty. Need to re-do them, but that's just what I've done in the past hour and a half.

    z3filus, Bishwhe and Torki like this
  6. when I read "hail", I was already thinking about a certain uncle, already dead actually, but he had this funny moustache and lost pretty much everytime to Vader in the epic rap battles of history on youtube :P 

    Anyhow, hello there! Glad to still see new faces around.

  7. @ I'm learning the same process AshuraDX uses; first a highpoly model, then baking the textures for the lowpoly one, this is the current result but this lowpoly model is still too high poly for JKA, so I'll make another one with around 1000 faces. But I managed to get the bakes together without any horrible artifacts this time, which is progress in itself since I'm doing this by myself for the first time. If I manage to master this somewhat soon, I'll do all my models like this from now on - just imagine the base hilts looking as good as this. :P

    Also, since the previous hilt was Evil Genius, I decided to call this one the Good Vigilante :P It was a saber used by some Turanis in some fan art, as AshuraDX found out... but there's no name, so I decided to give it this one. :P
    Bishwhe, Delmi and z3filus like this
  8. Force Storm - similiar to force lightning or could even be force lightning as lvl4 or 5 - the user holds his hand upwards and releases thunderbolts to all enemies that surround him at that given moment - level 5 would have max radius whereas lvl 4 would have the same radius as Force Lightning lvl3 but not just in front of the player - all around him!

    Force Impaler - one way to throw the saber is in JKA, KOTOR and partly TFU seen as throwing a rotating saber. So what if the saber could actually be thrown at a super fast speed and instead of rotating, flying straight forwards, into your enemies? :D Like in TFU charged saber throw, could be a nasty unblockable idea :P but it would also take up a few seconds of charging up and in those seconds, the user is completely vulnerable from all sides. 

    Force Explosion - the jedi/dark jedi uses his powers to move particles of varius fluids inside living beings (or certain objects too), coliding and causing lots of pressure to build up, causing them to explode. Level 1 would only let like some steam out of the victim and hurt him. Level 2 would already explode the target in like 5 seconds, level 3 in 3 seconds and it would also work on multiple targets. The blast on this level also does some minor damage. :D

    Force Slow - darkside power, slows the target down. Each level slows the targets down more, lvl 2 and 3 each work on multiple targets, level 3 on a lot, lvl2 on 2 or 3. If the target can block the force power attack, the user is slowed down instead. In double-use with Force Speed, this force power would allow a pseudo bullet time - the player being super fast and the enemies slowed down.

    These are my ideas which I'd really love to see made :D at least Force Impaler or Slow! Those two are realistic and possibly if we could add more levels to the existing force powers, they could be tweaked too like Force Lightning becomes Force Storm for level 4 and 5. Saber Throw becomes Force Impaler at level 4 or 5 and so on. :) This could lead to another idea - Force Mastering. Like, for one chosen power per SP campaign, it'd be possible to MASTER it, evolve it into another, stronger force power. BUT ONLY ONE!

  9. Thank you! Once I finish 4 more request sabers, I'm gonna start creating these and hopefully I will have the rest of the concepts from my very personal designer Zefilus to share with you!

    BUT I'M INTERESTED IN OPINIONS ABOUT THESE HILTS! Personally, I picked the best ones but honestly I think that out of those I shared, all of them are great already. The only thing I missed was a bit of colors, so Zefilus is working on fixing that.

    @@Circa @@eezstreet above all, I'm interested to hear your opinions. Are they good enough for JK:E, schould they really have a bit more color, schould any be changed or whatnot.. the more I'll get, the merrier it'll be. :P

    z3filus and Bek like this
  10. You're exceptional too Langerd and actually I see that many follow in my footsteps, one way or another. Well I don't wanna offend anyone, it might also be that people simply share my view. But thank you for your kind words, such things really do mean a lot more to me then I'm usually letting people know... that's the reason I always return here, check at least once a day what's new. Because I love JKA, JKHub, lots of people here and last but not least, creating mods for everyone's joy. But to be perfectly fair, there's lots of people that changed my view on things here and are exceptionall people, going from AngelSoul, AshuraDX, Bek (who's hidden the Hidden :D), Zefilus, Circa and many many others, I think you all know who you are for sure! 

    Your ideas + my work = Very good training, win-win situation. :D I think the only difference between me and most people is that I don't like unneeded, offensive behaviour. Actually I like what's completely contrary, colaboration, friendships, doing favors and asking for NOTHING in return, and so on. That's it, in short. :)

    Langerd likes this
  11. Ahh, now it's just a few I think. But enough to keep me busy, still.. 

    EDIT: I counted them, it's 8 more requests, the last being the Dragonfly Katana for @@Artorias and the one I'm working on right now is the beautiful hilt for @ , also Dusty22 will get the stinger/guardian colab staff since I offered to him to create one a long time ago but forgot haha, so I'll make the stinger staff a priority! Also I could mention that I'll probably do 4 of those requests, then tackle my Single Sabers pack and finalize it also. Which is hopefully going to be after the work rush I have in real life right now and I'll be making 15 completely remade single hilts, 9 of them being the original ones. If you look at the quality of my mods when I joined and compare it to right now, you're gonna understand why I'm gonna recreate them all once more. :D

    Bishwhe and Bek like this
  12. xD They're nice? Well, thank you, when I look at them, I see tons of flaws. :D Yes I'll get right to it, since this was issued a long time ago. But oh well, AshuraDX's hilts are even far more beautiful than mine and I think that noone else bothers to do things as good as me. What's more, I create everything from nothing, completely from scratch - that's where the crispness comes from in the textures. Every single thing you see on the saber is drawn mainly with brushes and the dodge/burn tool. 

    So just to get things straight; which stinger version schould I take as reference? Vanilla JKA/ Mine/ Zefilus's design?

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