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Posts posted by Rooxon

  1. @@Dark_Cuillere I welcome you also! I hope you'll transform those thoughts into motivation and share your knowledge and experience with our many projects! We'd love all the help we can get! Take a look at the JK:Enhanced project, I'm advertising it because I'm being a big part of it, but it's one hell of a mod that'll just make you wanna play through the whole JKA campaign once again!

  2. I've sent you a PM, though I think what counts is the in-game look, and I think this time it looks a lot better.. Though I'm awaiting your response and see what else I can do, maybe I can quickly fix it before the update is approved.
    This is the quality you can look forward to in the updated saber packs!

  3. @@Circa Ugh I deleted the post by mistake. Anyway, "I don't have any such obligatory things to do for now, so I've mostly got time in the evenings everyday, so I'll have a lot of time for modding" is what it said. :D You just do it when you find the time, I don't mean to rush anything.

    One more thing, released Vs. fixed tex:





    I'm still doing some final touch-ups to the green parts, also I'm thinking about making it seem metal a little bit. After that I'll upload the update.

    Bek and Circa like this
  4. No worries @@Circa, I left it like that on purpose. I'm still learning how to create custom metal textures from scratch with brushes and mask use in photoshop, it's a two and a half hour long tutorial, A LOT of info. I was just using the basic shading rules, a little bit of dirt and a routine, which makes the edges fall together a bit nicer. As of right now, I haven't even gone to make it metallic or something like that, that's why it's version 0.8. I need to figure those things out, like I stated in the comment section of the readme in the file, than I'll work on it a tad more to perfect it, also add a bit of enviromental shader to the back metallic silver "shield", and than it'll look 20 times better than it does now. It's imperitive that I learn how to texture from this tutorial very good, because with this knowledge, I'll be able to create much better textures than I do now. Also, I used 512x512 and just resized it later to 1024x1024 resolution before I've started doing the dirt overlays, this is also partly the reason why it looks a bit dull. What's more, try taking a look at the uploaded mod, the textures are even further modified there than in this picture you quoted.

    I just need a few more days to learn and later create a few hilts to perfect my teqhnique.

    One more thing, do you still remember when we were talking about custom saber sounds? Might be a good thing we'd talk about that sometime soon, as I'll be working probably every day on my sabers, I'll have all the packs finished in the near future and I'd love to include them then.

    I'd need to change the green to another tone, though, you're right. It does look too... I dunno, it kinda hurts my eyes. :D And the tag placement is a bit off as usual, it's true I don't think enough about that. It's allright though, that's the whole point of me doing it like that, because others see faults that I don't. That's why none of my mods are final the moment I release them, except the Aegis recreation.. It was just a request for someone who liked my stile of modeling and texturing, wanted to see it done, that's what I did so, book closed.

    @ sure, besides those, I can give you the big job right now, if you want, but I ask you to really think those next sabers through a bit before you start designing them. There's a few rules I want you to follow.
    I mentioned already before, I'll hit the limit of sabers availible to the player, which means 15 single sabers and 15 staffs. Currently in the game, there's 9 single sabers and 5 staffs, which means, I'd still need 6 single saber and 10 staff saber designs. What I want you to take into account is the style from those in the original game, if you get what I mean. 

    @@therfiles I don't mean to rush things, I just forgot to comment to your post. Did you look into it? Just post here when you do, realistically, I'll have all my packs updated probably in a month or even more, so there's still plenty of time.

    Circa likes this
  5. Again, it's awesome! :D It has all the parts it needs and it seems like a working saber. Nicely done! Anyway, the Zefilus is uploaded, awaiting approval! ;) There's one problem though, I think. Maybe it's just a little bit too big, but there will be issues with the model when we actually try to holster it, so I'll leave it like that for now at version 0.8 and fix it when I know specifically what parts and to which extent. I gotta move on with the dual pack today at least a bit, I'll get back to those new STUNNING saber designs after I finish the dual sabers and updated the first two packs.

  6. Nice idea! Yeah she always seemed kinda hopelessly in love with him, a saber resembling his would be great, one thing though. Try changing the lower spiky part to something else if you can, it just doesn't seem right. The wielder would what, pierce himself pretty much whenever the hilt's anywhere near the body. :D Maybe for Desann it was okay, he did seem like some sort of big lizard, which do have great regenerative capabilities, but not Tavion. :D

    @@Circa, I'll throw in a staff saber, if they wanna try holstering a longer saber also, though I do think I'll need to move the ring upwards when we get that far. Well it can be done in half a minute so no problems there, really.




  7. Wow. Dude, I couldn't see this as good as I do now but you've got real talent for saber designing! To me it looks more or less epic. Now if you could do another hilt for her to dual wield, ONE STRONGLY RESEMBLING THIS ONE AND YET BE A DIFFERENT HILT. That'd be awesome and the name plate looks quite good, a nice addition and something I haven't yet seen. I'm working today on touching up the last bits of the texture for the Z3F, I'll just upload the hilt when finished to JKhub as a mod, because now it's also equiped with the tag_holster for the saber holstering script, and because it already has a ring, it's perfect to work on that with it. The tag is at the exact tip of the ring, but you can look up that position in ModView anyway. After this I think I'll manage to finish my pack by today's evening, at least roughly.

    So, now I've finished working on the tex, the comparison from yesterday and today:




    Bek likes this
  8. Yes I agree, such a thing is too complicated to do. I'd rather go with two different hilt designs, and also that we change her dual wielding npc to the alora2 model. The one with less clothing, I'll need to edit the .npc filea anyway.

    The only possible way I can think of would be creating some custom animations, where the player seemingly puts two dual-wielding sabers together, and than with the help of a simple script to change the saber the player is wielding (or NPC, if possible, probably not) to a model of the staff variation of those two sabers. I believe this COULD be possible, but it's a ton of work and trying to get it right. Not worth the effort for a single saber, except if this could be used with my dual sabers pack... so that even if the saber was broken and the player wields the two brokensaber single counterparts, he could put them back together into a staff. @@therfiles would this be possible to add?

    @@Circa @ here, it's finished, though I went with 512x512 textures for this one. The tag_holster is at the tip of the holster ring:




    @@AshuraDX, how's the texturing?

    @ proper testing of this hilt is needed as soon as I finish!

  9. Nice, I can try leaving it there right now, upload the hilt as a mod and those who need the saber can easily download it whenever they have time to work on this. If there's fixing in the placement needed, it can be done anytime easily. I'll name it tag_holster

  10. I was thinking about the same thing, this saber really does look like some sort of training saber or some saber that was mass produced. It's simple, it's compact, and it gets the job done, that's all that would matter... except... The Stinger yes, it could go to the Reborn twins, I never understood why they used Desann's saber anyway. So, to make a quick list:

    The Z3F / Zefilus - Cultist/Reborns
    Stinger - Reborn twins
    Tavion - *saberless at the moment*
    Alora - *kinda saberless*

    Are there any more npcs who are in SP and don't have their own sabers yet? I'm also thinking about doing an additional simple recolor of the Stinger and giving a blue one to blue-colored npcs (blue reborns) and a slightly red one to the red reborns and all cultists.

    Now, there's something else. An Evil staff! There are many reborns who are staff users, so wouldn't it be nice if they'd have their own one? I will do all I could to bring a bit of fresh hilts and diversity with the final mod. Which, of course, will be an additional download for my sabers pack, which is going to include various things I've already mentioned in this topic.

  11. To me, it's quite likeable, it's just... You know, under the Aegis hilt, what was stated? I could quote, but oh well basically, the author wanted to take a step away from thinking that evil meant spiky black and red. Now look at your colors and you'll get what I mean. :)

    Sith are calculative, strong, evil persons. I doubt they'd give a damn about coloring their sabers, YOURS IS GREAT, make no mistake! It's just... it's black and red. Hm... Well, no matter, I guess it's good enough for the cultists, even though I'd like a saber that resembles them a bit. This one could be Tavion's as she later turns into a ghost-possessed sith with red glowing eyes. And she's a woman, all women like to .. have red, pinky, painted things :D

    @ look at what I had time to do ;) 




    I've already ported it to gmax, starting to UV map it as of now. Later, I'll import kyle's saber and if this hilt still comes around too small, I'll stretch it a little bit vertically. You like it?

    I'm also thinking about releasing this hilt as soon as I finish it, I can still later pack it into my final WeaponsHD Sabers pack with the menu integration, custom sounds (which I hope @@Circa hasn't forgotten about yet), the scripts for the sabers and a few immersive addons I'm thinking about every day. I still have to find out which are actually possible.

    Bek likes this
  12. Don't worry, it really is a simple saber, modeling wise. I'll have it done and textured in a whiff. ;) Well but it doesn't need to be the only saber you designed. Try coming up with more ideas, for one, Tavion needs her own saber and the Cultists. Try making them look evil or rather, design the sabers to be weapons a sith would wield! The Z3f is already on my to-do list ;) I've got only one wish, try making the Cultists saber look something like my redone stinger out of the misc pack. It don't need to be totaly the same or something like that, just let your imagination flow with a small touch of the look of the Stinger. You've got a great idea and design already, so I think you'll do the job just fine ;)

    @ you know that thing I mentioned in our private conversation? This is what I meant by adding a fourth grip part:

    sabersp2.jpg  So my reference would look like that: sabersp3.jpg

  13. I was thinking the exactly same thing. And which of the NPCs schould wield it?

    Oh, and @ your saber needs a name, probably :P

    Now, I like to keep my posts on the topic, so here's a little pic on my sketches I've done so far. The paper is bend, that's why the drawings seem a bit funny, also, it's just a little sneak-peak. I'll post all my sketches in the first post after I finish my sabers:


    If you take a good look at the models and the sketches, you can see that the models are simply THE SAME as the sketches, with a little bit of extra thought on how to make them the most realistic. Just so you can imagine a bit what you're gonna see from me in the future days. After the last pack is released, I'll start on recreating the single sabers once more. As you can see, the sketches are pretty much the original looks of the sabers, which means so will be my recreations.

    What's more, I read topics about JK:Enhanced practically every day, there's a lot of things I still need to go through. So without any comments from others, I decided I will go up to the limit of chooseable sabers in the menu for the SP Campaign, which is 15 single sabers and 15 dual sabers. Some of the dual sabers will be forged from the most appropriate single sabers, the rest will be added through YOUR ideas, so if anyone has any good saber ideas like @ posted here on a bit earlier today, out with the idea. It's no problem to make them, we just need to think this through very good. Yes, that can still be changed, but why do work 10 times over when you can think about it good once and than forge a plan.

  14. Yes, it's true, though I do remember to have seen a saber like that already made. It's no problem, I could even make it with glass covers, transparent ones with an enviroment shader or something like that, the only problem would be the vert count. But I'll see what I can do! First off, I'd like others to help me decide for your saber, so...

    @@Circa, @@eezstreet I call upon your great opinions again, look a few posts up this page and you'll find the concept that zefilus posted. Is it acceptable to be included in JK: Enhanced? It could be Tavion's saber. Small but practical :D haha

    Ooh yes, with the last sentence I remembered myself something I forgot to tell you, I'll also add an additional file to each of my mods, a few fixes for NPCs. I won't really change anything else, except the sabers each enemy wields. Might be a cool thing seeing reborns with a Stinger Dual saber, Tavion with her very own saber and the Cultists wielding... well, also some other sabers, but as Luke's isn't really bound to any npc except Luke himself, I might put that into the Cultist's hands. But this could seem weird... well, it's still a long way to go, so I'll think about this a bit better in the future.

  15. @ Alright buddy, I'll be online on Skype from now on, for about 3-4hours as I finally learned enough to give the hilts a try.

    @ Haha a nice Yoda alternative! No no, I'm just joking, actually I always wondered why there aren't any shorter hilts in JKA. It would be a good addition and I'm sure that others will love it!


    Now, as I already mentioned, I'm working on the last pack and today I managed to do 2 hilts already! I hope I can manage to do all of them today, or at least two more, here's the momentary look of the Guardian and the Avenger:






    This time around, my sabers were given a lot more attention to detail, I've thought about how they would look in the real world and textured/shadered up the hilts accordingly. Also I've done what I could for each of them to have a certain "air" around them. I hope it looks better than previous hilts I had done. Also many many thanks to @@AshuraDX for showing me an interesting tutorial that I learn from, it's still not perfect as it schould be, but I think I'm on a good path.

    Bek likes this
  16. I know it's a little off-topic, but @@Caelum, I was offline for a few months and when I came back, I couldn't sign in with my old account. I had to make another and ask for help (thanks again @@Circa), what could have been the cause of this? I'm sure I got the password right, because there's only 2 different passwords I use for Star Wars or Modeling related sites, so I'm 100% sure something must have gone wrong here on the site. 

  17. Hm yeah allright. I found the screenshots, even though the game said they weren't created, they're there. Funny and weird once again, but allright. Well I just hope that the widescreen patch won't mess up the game... I'll apply it this afternoon and post here if any more problems come up. After that I think the problem is solved, no matter if it's the graphics card or something else. OpenJK seems to work now fine and that's that.

  18. Yes, but... you all seem to not read the fact, that I uninstalled the game with the no-cd patch. :D Don't worry, I took dvd decrypter and quickly made an .iso file, because I'm worried about my CD disk. Actually I'm kinda impressed I was even able to install the game. Also, I'm not one of those everyday gamers who download all possible games and play them cracked, exactly because of this matter; all downloaded games seem to have problems here and there, crashes, things not working properly, really.... I can spare the money to go and buy games. Well, even though I rarely do, I support only the Star Wars, GTA, Elder Scrools and some shooting games franchises.

    I think @@Circa is right, thou... because, there's really no other explanation. A totaly clean, ORIGINAL copy of JKA, WITHOUT THE NO-CD PATCH, playermodels not showing.

    Now, onto the reason why I don't like openJK as of right now; I can't do screenshots in-game! They're simply not showing up in the screenshots folder. I need to put the game in window mode, hit print screen, exit the game and paste it for example in photoshop. Even with CamSP some error is shown, stating that it's not able to create a file, though it schould be. I'm running it as administrator..

    And this, my friends, brings me to a HUGE wall actually. I reckon printscreen doesn't work with full screen, at least that's how it always was, may be that OpenJK fixed this. Does anyone know?

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