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Posts posted by Rooxon

  1. @@scp_chaos1 @ @@mrwonko correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we've got a little somewhat capable dreamer here. I don't think he tried to search for a mod with his description, but rather explained what he's doing. Yes, his english is very poor, but still understandable.

    Basically, he's telling us about his work. Advances mod, some kind of FPS total conversion mod, as I understand it. Then he speaks about 15 features he wants to bring us, see those parts where he says "... if you put in the bar tricks and put npc spawn..."? With "If you put in the bar tricks and put" he probably meant "If you open up the console and type". Then everything is quite understandable now that we know he's telling us his plan, but then we come to point number 8. "Renplasa is first weapon but second is semi automatic" made me a bit confused at first, but renplasa was probably meant to be written as "Replacement" and an uzi gun is full automatic as far as I know, so it'll probably replace the blaster rifle. After that I understand pretty much everything left, I'm just totaly in the dark concerning the last point. He probably wanted to tell us that the final boss will be himself made specially for the mod or something like that.

    I deducted also this is a bit messed up mod, combined with too many unrelated things (like the Flutter horse "easter egg") and is probably Advanced Warfare inspired. But to be perfectly honest, I actually like the idea around this somewhat. He does seem capable, I think he's working alone and to do that for such a big scaled TC, you GOTTA be capable. Very capable, but we'll see how it's going to turn out! I like the sound of 7 different campaigns and 5 secret levels per campaign!  :)

    I'll be checking this thread from now on. If you need me again, just tag me to the issue like you did now and I'll try to deduce whatever I can as many times as you need. :D

    Bek, scp_chaos1 and z3filus like this
  2. Yes, of course I did not have much of an idea where I schould place it. Or how. Did you fix it yourself or schould I do it? Because I'll try to place the very same tag for other hilts in the same position too. And once I have this position figured out, I can go equip my packs with holster rings.

  3. I think I asked this before, though I can't find the conversation/topic. Where can I download a rend2 beta to test out? I remember I was playing with it once already, I think. Also I'm interested in what shader options I have as a mod maker regarding weapons and how to utilize them in rend2, but I can talk about this with people on Skype.

  4. In JKA Shader files, it's pretty easy to wrap a texture around any other texture and make it animated and stuff like that (especially with ShaderEd), but I'm not really sure what exactly you wish to do (probably one of those bad moments where I don't understand everything, not being an english native speaker). And I'm also not sure that all shader options would work with HUD elements, I have never yet tried it out. But it'd be cool to make the life/force/ammo bars glow or something :P

    Angel Soul likes this
  5. @@therfiles well why would it be too late? Most of the time, things get done "too late" because people think it's so, not because it actually is. Where there's will, there's also possibility. ;) I also think new hud elements or more options would be great! Just think about how cool a lifebar would look like, that would drain part by part, like, for each and every point of health a single bit. Not this 4-part bar that's the only possibility now. Hand on my heart, it looks awfull and one of the biggest flaws in JKA is the HUD.

    Angel Soul and therfiles like this
  6. Doesn't help me at all.  I will probably have to wait for Ubisoft to fix this  (for next summer???))

    No no, let me help you get it running, because it's possible already now. Tell me what EXACTLY is the problem.


    Look, for example, my specs:


    Gigabyte 980 GTX 4gb Overclocked

    I7 4790K 4.2 GHz Overclocked

    RAM DDR3 16GB PC1600 Kingston HyperX

    SSD HyperX 3K 120GB 



    My old, 11-year old computer got burned down in a thunderstorm, so I had a perfect chance to upgrade from a mid-end comp to a very high-end one. I run AC:U everything on MAX with the 1.4 patch without a single problem. A lot of things got already fixed! Before, unpatched, I also had a bit less then 20fps and a lot of crashing/save problems. But I learned a bunch of tricks you can try, so let me just help you. If it's the fps you're worrying about, just try what I told you. Reloaded, all patches from them, and apply patch after patch in the correct order.


    But you said it doesn't help you? Well how come, what's still the issue?


    EDIT: allright, I've got an idea. I think your computer is still just too weak to run the game. Look at the minimum requirements:


    CPU: Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz/Phenom II X4 940

    GPU: GeForce GTX 680/Radeon HD 7970

    RAM: 6 GB


    Now take a look at the recommended specs:


    CPU:Core i7-3770 4-Core 3.4GHz/FX-8350

    GPU:GeForce GTX 780/Radeon R9 290X

    RAM:8 GB


    You're running on 750, which is A LOT weaker than the minimum requirement. I'd expect to run it smoothly with everything on low or medium, looking at the way the graphics are made..

    Needless to say, this is the first game in long years to really challenges all these new computer parts out there. It's like when Crysis came out as the first DX10 game and all possible parts to buy at the time were too weak to run it perfectly smoothly. I've upgraded to the best possible parts I could get at this time and still Unity brings a bit of lag for a moment here and there. So in theory, possibly it's not just badly optimized but most people probably don't realize that it's a really next-gen made game and so must the computers running it be.

  7. Zefilus, I just told you a bunch of usefull stuff that comes in handy, concerning running the game and to run it smoothly... That's pretty much all you can do at this point, anyway. Download another version and patch it to the latest patch!

  8. Moving on, the work has just about started to be fun. Now that I've released the first versions of my saber packs, it's time to change my priorities a little bit - I'll start working on the weapons for The Dark Pastime mod, which will require a lot of concept working and talk with the team, so I'm practicing a little bit drawing the weapons. First off, I'll show you two hilts (to the left) which are somewhat my own hilts, if I were a jedi and use any. To the right, it's a concept of The Laser Sword from Castlevania, which is a mod request by Angel Soul.


    I will be updating these released packs more as side-work now for a brief amount of time. There's tons of work I promised to do for others and it's time I live up to my word.

    @@Circa, I was thinking about adding holster rings to all my weapons, equiped with the tag_holsterorigin. I'll be working on new models for the first two packs and I've got the finished Dual pack already in max, so it's not a lot of additional work. I just need to hear that I schould go on and do it.

    z3filus likes this
  9. The Vanquisher finished more or less, just some dust layers remain and a few light levels touch-ups:


    I schould have the whole pack up and working in a few hours and I'll upload it then. I just need to make sure I didn't leave anything important out on the previous models.

    And I simply love PNG files. I mean, look at the texture! CRISPY AS POSSIBLE! :D Why I did not use it before, I don't know. :D

    I'm quite proud of myself, actually. I created the last hilts, making my pack now somewhat complete at last. Here's a group picture of them:

    The Guardian, The Avenger, The Vindicator, The Champion, The Vanquisher staff hilts and their single hilt counterparts:


    The Guardian and the Avenger have .jpg textures, while the other three have .png, just for your information. The difference is incredible!

    Circa and Bek like this
  10. @@AshuraDX haha I had it without these lips and went through the extra trouble to make them :D well but you're right I suppose. Give me your oppinion on the png thing please; schould I use pngs to get nicer textures and have big filesizes or rather the highest quality jpegs like before? Oh and I'm thinking I'm gonna remodel the center part of the Vanquisher, I don't like it being a cylinder like before. I think I could actually make a model out of the thing that's supposed to be underneath.

  11. Well I'll share my part of experience with AC:Unity, if nothing else, to bring this topic back on.. well, topic.

    I'm a huge fan of the series and I agree with eezstreet and zefilus actually. AC 1 and 2 were great, revelations and brotherhood were allright but basically AC2 nevertheless, even most of the user interface. I still played and loved the story of all it's followers and needless to say, it's the same with Unity, though I miss sailing and some other things previously availible, but hey, it's not my decision how to create the game. I criticize it like it is, not as what I'd want it to be and in light of that, it's a great game, concerning the story and graphics. Possibly it could be longer, but I've done mostly just the main story quests. If I went for 100% save, I'd need 2 months to do everything, probably. Dunno right now, will do once the game is finished patching.

    So, let's go to some facts about the game itself. The Skidrow release was nuked, Reloaded is until today the only working/patchable version you can download through torrent sites, I also haven't yet bought the game as I'm waiting for all the patches and DLCs to arrive first.
    I used the Reloaded, unpatched version. Got pretty low FPS on my new computer beast with a 980 GTX 4gb graphics card, around 15-20. With patch 1.2 this got a little bit fixed, but still there was lag at times and I was actually very surprised by that, as I'm able to run pretty much any other game at max fps (with a good port, of course) including all previous AC games, Crysis and so on, no need for a long list. 

    Now I'm about to install it once again and try out the new 1.4 patch, but this time around, you need to apply the patches in order. You can't apply 1.4 and hope you'll get all it's benefits, maybe the game won't even start at all. So after I've done that, I schould have max fps. We'll see but to be honest, I don't even try setting the graphic settings of games to anything lower than it's max possible settings since I got my new computer, everything except TFU and AC:U worked fine. But these two games bring my computer on it's knees like little....beaches. :P if you know what I mean :P

    So the main things I'd like to point out once more are:
    1. use the reloaded release, if you wish to play it since it's the most stable one and is getting patch updates.
    2. to make the game less buggy, make sure to apply all the patches for it but DON'T FORGET YOU NEED TO APPLY PATCH AFTER PATCH IN THE CORRECT ORDER! So, first patch 1.1, then 1.2, then 1.3 and last but not least, patch 1.4 which finally brings performance fixes.

    I've also had some saving trouble with the initial release from Reloaded. It saved just fine up to the part just before you jump from the roof at the start and then the Logo movie appears, at the moment when there's a riot in front of the prison. After that I played up to sequence 4 memory 2 I think and the game crashed, and even though the game seemed to save before, when I fired up the game once again, the game was saved at 2%, I was at the part at prison again just before you jump. Stupid, right? Luckily, not many people had this issue. Well, patched the game with 1.1 and 1.2 from RELOADED and it saved fine, the game was finally playable fully and I play everything on max graphics, even TXAA, vsynch and everything else you can use, with patch 1.2 at more than 20fps. I'll edit this post this evening or tomorrow, to report what experience changes the 1.4 patch brings!

  12. Allright, I'll throw it in my pack as an additional PK3 option, then :P I've been thinking about this myself too. This way I come around the problem for people who don't like the shape, as everyone can decide which one to use by themselves. Hm and maybe changing the bend modifier to 15 would be nice to see, right now It's at 25.

    At this point, I would like to ask if anyone knows how to put together an installer and could help me or either teach me how to do it myself. I plan on throwing in some extras for other mods too, using an installer where someone could choose their options and then only the selected PK3s get copied would be great. I might not use it for the releases on JKHub if there's a problem with it, but I sure would love to once I've finished the whole hilt weapons pack and uploaded it to ModDB.

  13. Well, or Yoda. There is some truth to that... And it's actually quite a grippy surface, so yeah, why not. Let's make it leather, then.

    A little showcase of my progress on the last, the Vanquisher hilt model:

    scrvanquisher.png 8 objects, 1126 vertices, quite low poly for my standard. But it'll do, it's got all the requiered details modeled in, only a few details remaining.

    This time, I started modelling the other way around. First the dual saber and out of this one, I'm gonna make 2 different single sabers. Why? Just for fun and because the dual hilt isn't symetrical like the others in original in the first place. So this calls to create single_15 and single_16 saber hilts. Possibly I'm gonna have to rename these hilts to single_15-single_21, as I'm gonna add 6 additional single hilts to the updated Single Saber pack. I thought I might share also some progress on the concepts with you, as I was simply stunned when I looked at zefilus's designs yesterday:

    Alora's Saber hilts (unchanged):


    Tavion's hilt (quite a daring design, but it's something I did not yet see before, that's why it's interesting to me):


    Stinger (unchanged, zefilus version):


    And now, the first two hilts I've decided to use as additional options featured in my packs (I'll come up with some names myself also):
    Rooxon's Dual_6, The Fighter:


    Rooxon's Single_10, The Veteran (classically designed hilt with handguards):


    Now, I need to state just one thing. I believe @ has the most talent designing saber hilts I've ever seen. Honestly, I haven't met anyone who could come up with such great original Ideas! I was stunned when he sent me his pictures yesterday and I can't wait to start creating these! I'm honored that I can model these concepts into real weapons. There's no other way of saying it, really.

    Stoiss, DarthStiv and GPChannel like this
  14. @@Circa, you're great at reviewing my hilts, wanna take a shot with these 3 made until now? I might go around fixing them before the release or keep things in mind for these two I'm doing right now. :P

    About the vindicator, I could go with leather actually. I'll make something similiar I used on the Retaliator for the Single sabers pack, fitted onto the hilt with some metal circular parts. Might look great, actually. Ooh I can't wait to finish this and fix the previous packs with better quality models and textures :D

    Actually there's only the top of the emitter and bottom of the hilt left to finish on the Champion, also I decided to make a bit of a modification to the original model. Perhaps it will be nice to bring a bit of change:

    Champion new design change:


    Some might notice, the texture is a lot crispier than it is on previous sabers. Well, it's a shame I don't have all the previous .psd files... the crispness comes from the fact I simply used .png format and a 1024res map. Now, this results in two things, first the look really is 10 times better, but secondly, so does the file size get bigger also. Before I went with around 200kb for the textures, this png has a little more than 4mb. 4MB just one texture file! So I need help deciding whether I schould go with these big files or the standard .jpeg ones. @@AshuraDX  you said you use png files, right? isn't filesize a bit of a problem?

  15. It's quite hard to tell what it is meant to be on the base hilt. Perhaps varnished wood that has got dirty?

    indeed it seems that's what it is. Hm let's just imagine it's wood, okay? And now, let's imagine I'm gonna change it into something else, something that actually gives a good grip. :P but I still have to make it resemble the original, so... schould I texture some straps or something like that onto it? And make the bottom/top of this grip part metal, would look a bit more realistic I think.

    Omicron likes this
  16. @@Omicron, what does the material in question on the original look like? I had no clue, I tried to create something that resembles wood, yes, but I think that's not it. Maybe it's wood underneath and with a coat of... I dunno, straps? something like that. In that case, there's various things I could model into it. If it's wood, than I could just leave like that and meddle with the textures some more to make it look better.

    Just please don't give critics about the screws on the Vindicator not being modeled into, I need to consider that I double the saber to make dual sabers out of it, so if I hit more than half of the elements/verts, I need to delete various things for the dual sabers. Though I was thinking about modeling them anyway, with small 6-sided cylinders or something like that. I have such problems with the champion right now... but I guess it's okay to leave it like that, as I am probably the only one doing close-ups on these hilts and maybe some player here and there, just out of curiosity.

  17. The Avenger (dual_2) and the Champion (dual_1):




    The Vindicator:





    Folowing the Vindicator, I'm texturing the Champion, later off I'm starting the last model, just want to finish the base texture for the Dual 4 saber hilt, which looks about now something like this: (don't mind the hideous screws at the bottom, gotta fix the UV mapping that's why it looks funny. This didn't show until I had a texture to lay on it)

    The Champion (base texture WIP):


    So what do you think? I got practically none oppinions about these from you guys, well to be exact, except from @@AshuraDX who's been teaching me a lot of usefull stuff and helping me get the models into the right shape and UV maps! I hope that at least it can be seen I'm trying much harder than I did before and that's also how I want to make the other 2 packs look like.

    z3filus likes this
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