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Everything posted by JAWSFreelao

  1. Poop. I can't help then, lol.
  2. Using the NPCTool you can change the dismemberment likelihood by section; Arms, legs, wrists (I think?) and head.
  3. Use a free trial of Imageshack. Lasts 30days.
  4. Interesting way to do it.
  5. Looking gawgeous.
  6. If anybody ever wants to make a human male character, I can provide face textures. They may look like NBA players, but still it'll be awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JAWSFreelao


      Name an NBA player and I can post it.

    3. IrocJeff


      Any, doesn't matter. I may need new faces for Imperials and rebels in a future project and I'd like to see how good they are is all :)

    4. JAWSFreelao


      Well you'll have to do UV mapping, but there's hundreds- maybe thousands- of face textures I can send you if you want. I'll PM them if you're interested.

  7. The world must be ending since Eez just admitted he may be wrong. All joking aside, I think it may be wise to heed his word.
  8. True enough. My bad then.
  9. So.. I'm kind of new to this, honestly. How do I fix the weights?
  10. Shoot. So I'm probably screwed?
  11. I like the handle, good start.
  12. Pretty rad man. Good job!
  13. Got it. Happens with every model unfortunately- but thanks anyway Arch.
  14. Shidddd. Any guesses on how to fix?
  15. So let's say I did that, but all of a sudden when I move the parent hierarchy to root_0 that certain pieces of the model become giant and float above the new model. What am I supposed to do then?
  16. If you're using a JK2 model, what should you do?
  17. Age has not been kind to Mark.
  18. Or @@Kualan could frankenstein his Mace Windu poncho from his comics onto her after this is released. One step at a time yall.
  19. This. Is. Amazing. It's funny I don't think I've ever seen one of these before. This Jeff > Any other Jeff. #swaswag
  20. That's fine man! Real fine. Great job/
  21. Yeah dude. I think @@Cerez could model literally anything he (she?) wanted to at this point. Very crafty, considering he/she figured out how to use the shaders to their advantage. Obviously pretty good with textures as well.
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