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Everything posted by KyleKatarn1995

  1. I know, but I gotta love that original design of Jan Ors. She would look great in the Single Player mission of Jedi Outcast.
  2. Wow, she looks totally like her from the Dark Forces game!! And I'm loving it! I hope it would be cool to release her as a download once it's finished, Jeff.
  3. This is just some thought on what people on here would think about Vile from Mega Man X. Even though I was only asking anyone if that would be cool for a model of him, I'm not actually requesting for Vile at this moment.
  4. Vile or VAVA in Japan is surprisingly based on Boba Fett. You can see that he's got the T shaped visored helmet as well as his name in Japan VAVA can be like the word BABA as in Boba. But Capcom quickly changed his name to Vile because they were afraid that Lucasfilm would sue them for the character's resemblance of a bounty hunter. What do you guys think about Vile?
  5. This song "Bushes of Love" is sung by none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, and a couple of other singers. Please enjoy this music playing at your locals Homesteads and Landspeeders right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RySHDUU2juM
  6. Good find, now I know why Mara Jade's Lightsaber is included with the Mara Jade model. lol
  7. Hm, maybe it's this model of Mara Jade's Hilt you're referring to right?
  8. I actually found Mara Jade's Lightsaber along with the Heir to the Empire Jumpsuit mod. https://jkhub.org/files/file/924-mara-jade-in-heir-to-the-empire-jumpsuit/
  9. I would've thought that NeoMarz' Darth Vader model should be in the game's cutscenes.
  10. Let me see if I can help with an analysis of what Moff Rebus' model would be like in this photo.
  11. Oh cool!!! It looks amazing, Jeff! And yes, you should totally make Jan Ors in her Dark Forces outfit. I'll actually love it!
  12. Is it just me, or do those two guys dancing in their spacesuits look more like Finn and Rey from The Force Awakens? This was a vinyl record cover of a Star Wars disco by Meco. I can't believe Finn and Rey used to look like this long before they were in Episode VII! This is awesome and totally groovy! What do you guys think?
  13. I was hoping if you're still working on Darth Maul's Concept Outfit, @@Seven? I really love the reskin of his robes you did, but it also needs another part on his clothing. Have you got the collar on him?
  14. That Jetpack looked more like the wings of a Moth. lol
  15. I've been thinking about this Human Female Expansion Pack and Tavion Extreme Makeover by Admin Amidala should be reuploaded onto here now. http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Skins/Others/26787/ http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Skins/Others/25074/
  16. Hey guys, I think I've recognized what are the parts on the Dark Forces Jan Ors model once made by IB. I'll show you guys an analysis between the Dark Forces Jan Ors model and the regular Jan Ors model.
  17. Found something else that's quite interesting, @@Seven. You can see in this photo that the horns on his collar is downwards.
  18. It actually does make sense for Darth Vader to sound more like a Power Ranger or Kamen Rider villain even if he's spoken in Japanese.
  19. This is amazing!!! I am so loving this Phase 3 Dark Trooper and using him in Jedi Academy!
  20. Somebody should totally make a model of Matt the Radar Technician for JKA. It would be so funny to use him while fighting Finn and Rey in Jedi Academy. XD
  21. Well since Darth Vader's costume is truly based on a Samurai, what if Darth Vader actually spoken Japanese? I love James Earl Jones' iconic English voice as Darth Vader, but the Japanese voice actually makes me feel like I'm watching Anime or Tokusatsu which is why I think it would be cool to add in Japanese voices for NeoMars' Darth Vader model. I wonder if you guys actually love the Japanese anime style voice made for Darth Vader?
  22. This one should've belonged in the Mod Request and Suggestions for Disguised Clone Troopers (lol). Anyways I actually found the deleted scene where Obi-Wan and Yoda fight off clones troopers disguised as Jedi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-hFh35U3go&t=12m37s
  23. Oh no it's gotta have more parts on his outfit such as the collar with feathers on the side and also that oval thing on his chest too. I think I'll actually wait until it's got everything on his outfit.
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